Chapter 1481 Implicated

"So, you just let them slip away from you?"

In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, Yaxley was staring at Snape expressionlessly, seemingly dissatisfied that his old friend wasted this good opportunity.

"Maybe you shouldn't have set up that bullshit trap and just left them to me to deal with."

"They have tried their best. Even if some things were done by the Ministry of Magic, the results would probably be the same, or even worse." Snape remained calm, as if everything had nothing to do with him.


McNeil was so angry that his face twitched, but he could not continue to delve deeper. It would not make any sense except making the relationship between the two parties more tense.

They should unite.

"It's not without gain."

Alecto took out a notebook from his pocket and slapped it on the table.

"We used Veritaserum to pry open the mouths of those little bastards and got a lot of useful information. We even found out how to enter the Room of Requirement."

"Then why don't you go and kill all the remaining brats now?" McNeil couldn't understand why this group of people could still stay here and chat.

Snape glanced at the people present, and his meaning was already obvious.

He originally planned to do that, but the arrival of Yaxley and McNeill not only delayed his pace, but also interrupted his plan.

Both of them were a little embarrassed because that was exactly what happened.

When they arrived, Snape seemed intent on doing something.

"The dementors and others haven't evacuated yet. I'll call them back." McNeil turned around and ran away.

"Once we catch those nasty rats, no one in Hogwarts will dare to defy us anymore."

Alecto seemed to be in a good mood. Using those annoying brats to scare the monkeys would undoubtedly deter the students at Hogwarts from wanting to cause trouble all day long.

"By the way, when are you going to attack the professors in the school?" she asked suddenly.

"I don't plan to attack them before the time is right. Some things need to be done slowly." Snape said noncommittally, "If several professors are missing at once, it will be difficult for Hogwarts to continue to maintain. The Dark Lord certainly doesn't want to see this happen."

"Our plan failed." Snape looked at Alecto and said, "I thought that if I tortured those students, someone would jump out, but now it seems that I underestimated them too much."

Of course, these are all lies, but Snape still has to say this, otherwise how can he give an explanation to other Death Eaters.

There is a price to pay for failure, especially among Death Eaters.

"By the way, according to the news, the food for those brats was provided by the owner of the Pig Head Bar. That traitor is also an accomplice of the Mudblood."

Alecto gave the second bombshell news, "There should be an entrance to Hogwarts in that bar."

"It seems that the harvest this time is not small!"

Yaxley took the notebook in Alecto's hand, quickly read the useful information they obtained after torturing the students, and immediately asked the Death Eaters to lead people to the Pig's Head Bar in Hogsmeade to capture Aberforth, and prepare to arrest Aberforth from there. More useful information was pried out of the old man's mouth.


Now, Yaxley felt even more embarrassed. He directly stated that he was responsible for the matter and left in a hurry.

"I really don't know what they are here for." Alecto looked at Yaxley's leaving back and sneered.

"The one who took the credit is gone."

Snape didn't care. He didn't need that kind of thing at all, and Yaxley didn't need it either, but there were a group of people under his command who did.

After they gathered helpers to force their way into the Room of Requirement, they found that the guy who had been hiding inside had disappeared. This disappointed the dark wizard who originally thought he could gain something.

This is all merit and galleons!

It actually slipped away from under my nose.

Especially now that Voldemort has begun to select Death Eaters, only by showing his ability can he be absorbed into the Death Eater team.

McNeil, who was the first to lead people into the house, looked very unhappy.

On the contrary, Snape acted quite calmly when facing the empty Room of Requirement, as if he had guessed this outcome from the beginning.

"Go to the Hog's Head Bar and tell Yaxley that after he captures Aberforth, remember to torture him about where the secret passage is. Maybe he can block it."

However, Yaxley failed to catch Aberforth. After being reminded by Albert, the old guy ran away without hesitation, without giving the Death Eaters any chance.

For this reason, the angry Yaxley directly set fire to the historic old house and burned it to ashes.

Compared with the bad mood of the dark wizards, the members of Dumbledore's Army who had just left Hogwarts Castle and reunited with other companions in the shelter were in a much better mood.

As for those unlucky ones who suffered so much, they obviously couldn't enjoy this joy, and they are still lying unconscious in the hospital bed.

Although Kingsley gave them emergency treatment, the situation was still not optimistic.

The dark magic used by the Death Eaters headed by Alecto caused them a lot of harm.

At the moment, it was impossible to send the person to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries for formal treatment. He could only wait until nightfall before going to Hogwarts and seek help from Madam Pomfrey.

The Order of the Phoenix has not never thought of recruiting therapists, but the results are not optimistic. Everyone is worried that their family will be retaliated by the dark wizard.

There is no problem for many wizards to support the Order of the Phoenix in private against Voldemort, but if they directly support the Order of the Phoenix, they need to consider the safety of their own families first.

No one wants to take risks.

"I'm very worried about the safety of Professor McGonagall and the others. If Michael and the others are caught, they will definitely reveal a lot of information."

After the joy of reuniting with his former companions faded, Neville suddenly thought of something and told Kingsley about his worries.

"And Aberforth, he has been helping us provide food. I guess his identity has been exposed."

Neville didn't want Aberforth to be implicated by them and caught.

"Don't worry, Aberforth should have received the news and ran away. After all, he has a good relationship with Albert and will definitely not be caught easily." Kingsley is not too worried about Aberforth's safety. .

It turned out that Kingsley was right, it didn't take long for them to see the cursing Aberforth.The owner of the Hog's Head bar was obviously furious that he had been implicated and had lost the Hog's Head bar.

However, those unfortunate people who should have been angered by him are still lying in hospital beds.



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