A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1418 Voldemort Enlightened Again

The team building activity to clean up the corpses had ended hastily in early February, and the members of the Defense Association felt very sorry for this.Now they already like the activities of team building and fighting ghosts, which is much more interesting than practicing magic in a shelter all day long, especially after everyone acts together, the tacit understanding between each other is getting better and better, and it has become more and more interesting. Initially master the tricks of how to cooperate with each other in battle.

But after the news of Voldemort's return to England, such a high-profile team-building event was inappropriate.

After all, Voldemort's deterrence is still very strong, and more importantly, they really can't defeat Voldemort.

Otherwise, they really wouldn't mind using Voldemort's name to catch dark wizards.

As for the group of guys who have recently become proud and complacent, as long as they go to Albert to feel the gap between the two sides, they can clearly feel the gap between themselves and Albert and Voldemort, and no one will be so stupid as to shout Silly talk like defeating Voldemort.

"It's very easy to shatter their confidence when you do that."

"Those guys really need to be suppressed, so as not to be too impetuous. Especially when the mysterious person returns to the UK, don't let them cause trouble." Albert is very confident in the level of people's troubles, so Only then did I call them over to remind them, lest they really drift away.

"You destroyed the Infernal Corpse that the Death Eaters spent a lot of effort on, and they probably wanted to kill you, especially during the period when the mysterious man returned to England, the group of Death Eaters would be particularly active, even the dark wizards Don’t dare to bargain in front of the mysterious person.”

"We're not fools, we know what we can't do." Lee Jordan felt that Albert's worries were completely unnecessary.

"When do you think Harry will be able to kill the You-Know-Who?" Fred said suddenly, "As long as the You-Know-Who can be killed, the remaining Death Eaters will have nothing to fear."

"Everyone knows this, but it's not easy. God knows what Dumbledore left Harry with."

Everyone looked at Albert, they knew very well that Albert must know what Harry was doing.

"It's not easy to completely defeat the mysterious man." Albert didn't intend to talk about this matter, and it's not suitable for them to know too much, so he found another matter to divert the topic, "Mundungus should Cut off contact."

"Since that guy was arrested, we have cut off contact with him, so as not to suffer innocent disasters." George wondered why Albert would suddenly bring up this matter, "Are you worried that someone will touch our side?"

"I made a prophecy some time ago. I saw that the mysterious man found us and saw the Dark Mark, so I think we should be more vigilant."

Albert didn't hide this matter anymore, and told him directly that he had to be prepared no matter what.

After all, they can't afford to lose.

"So, I've already started preparing another shelter."

"You are suspecting..."

"It's hard to say, but I hope this prophecy won't come true, or I deliberately lured them here." Albert tapped his finger on the table to keep the others quiet before continuing, "In a few days Today, I will conduct a drill to let them know what to do after the camp is invaded, at least with experience, and they will not panic if they encounter it.”

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that what Albert said made sense.

It is indeed safe here, but no matter how safe it is, it is not protected by the Fidelity Curse, and Voldemort and Death Eaters can still invade by force.

They were not afraid of Death Eaters, but they were weak against Voldemort.

Everyone quickly quieted down, listening to Albert's key points, and figuring out what to do in any situation, so as to avoid being caught off guard by the enemy.

"So, Albert thinks that this place is likely to be attacked by mysterious people and Death Eaters?"

After listening to Fred's explanation of the reason why Albert called him to the meeting, Angelina couldn't help being taken aback, and even the spell failed, failing to hit the paper airplane floating in mid-air.

"is this real?"

"Unbelievable, how did they break through the surrounding defensive magic and find this place?"

In fact, even the members of the association don't know where they are?

"It's not yet certain, but Albert thinks there is a need for a pre-drill."

"What if we do encounter this situation."

Everyone chattered about this matter, and it quickly spread throughout the Defense Association.

Everyone felt that it was necessary to rehearse in advance. No one thought that Albert would joke with them. His divinations basically came true, and he obviously sounded the alarm because he felt threatened.

Strange to say, no one showed fear, and most of the members were very excited, as if what was coming was not the famous Voldemort, but a horror game called Voldemort's Invasion.

Anyway, with Albert here, they don't need to worry at all, not to mention that this is their headquarters, and many defensive measures have been prepared for Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Of course, they also wanted to meet Voldemort and the Death Eaters to see the gap between the two sides.

Anyway, those trash Death Eaters would definitely not be able to beat them.

Voldemort, who had just returned to England, didn't know that he was being missed by others. He was being annoyed by the gradually worsening situation in the country, and he finally figured out the strange phenomenon between his wand and Harry Potter's wand that day. What happened? The good mood disappeared in an instant.

"You all think that Mudblood is weakening us by cutting off our people." Voldemort narrowed his eyes and stared at Yaxley and Snape lying on the ground.

"Yes master." Yaxley said bravely.

In fact, he didn't want to mention it, but if he didn't mention it, he might have to take the blame. Yaxley couldn't bear the blame, so he directly dragged Snape to mention it .

"Our people suffered heavy casualties, and we don't have enough reliable people." Yaxley gritted his teeth and said, "The newly joined Death Eaters are not as reliable as imagined, they are all a bunch of scumbags."

"I even suspect that there are spies from the Order of the Phoenix in that group," Snape added.


"Every time you leave the UK, people from the Defense Association will become active, but as soon as the master comes back, they will hide like mice." Yaxley Barabara said about the current situation, saying that it has become like this. their questions, and tactfully persuaded Voldemort to stay in England to deter the hiding rats.

Voldemort didn't really care much about his servant, but as Yaxley said, he was aware of the problem at hand.

The original consideration of whether to kill Snape was also shelved. After all, he still couldn't confirm whether Dumbledore's wand was the legendary death stick, and killing Snape now would probably lead to bad results.

Death Eaters really don't have anyone to trust these days.

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