A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1415 Trap

"The mysterious man is really restless for a moment, and he made such a big deal just after he came back."

"The current British magic world is really full of disasters!"

Sirius put down the boring newspaper from the Muggle world, looked up at Kingsley who had an ugly expression on the opposite side, and asked, "Are you okay!"

Kingsley didn't seem to hear what Sirius said, and stared straight at the news of the reservoir collapse on the headline of the newspaper, "They are simply crazy. Are they planning to start a war with Muggles?"

Kingsley had served as an assistant to the Muggle Prime Minister, so he knew more about the Muggle situation than most wizards. Muggles are not beasts to be slaughtered, let alone fools. Especially when accidents happen one after another, they will investigate clearly sooner or later.

Even if the Muggle Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been amnesiaced by him to temporarily forget the relevant memories of wizards, they will eventually find clues from this series of accidents.

Whether it's massacred village residents, destroyed important traffic bridges, or even destroyed reservoirs, traces of wizards can always be found.

You must know that this flood has submerged a large number of Muggle villages, leaving a large number of Muggle homeless.

How will this matter end then?

Kingsley could hardly imagine that Muggles would tolerate ridiculous excuses.

No regime or person will tolerate such provocations.

"I think your worry is a bit unnecessary. The Muggle Prime Minister has been sent for treatment due to overwork and mental problems, and the Muggle side has also been messed up."

Sirius took a newspaper from the side, tapped the content with his finger and said, "Also, I don't think it's time to worry about these things, at least until you take over as Minister of Magic... What's the matter, Remus, your His face doesn't look very good."

Looking at Lupine walking towards this side with a stern face, Sirius could easily see the strangeness in the other party.

"The Death Eaters seem to be targeting a certain village again."

Lupine and Bill sat down in the armchairs next to them, drank the butterbeer offered by Sirius in one gulp, and began to tell the news they had learned at the reopened Leaky Cauldron.

"This is probably a trap!" Sirius suddenly said.

"We also think it's a trap."

Bill felt that the Death Eaters simply regarded them as idiots, and how could they not see it if they were obviously trapping them.

But this is the reason why they are in a bad mood. This is a conspiracy. It is obviously telling the Order of the Phoenix clearly through the mouths of those dark wizards that we intend to turn the people in that village into corpses and want to stop let's come over.

"The mysterious people are still in the UK. I suspect they want to take this opportunity to lure us out." Lupine asked bitterly, "What should we do now?"

"We can't help them, and it's not the first time a trick like this has happened." Sirius shook his head and said, "Also, even if we can save that village from the mysterious man, will there be another one, next one? ?Once You-Know-Who and Death Eaters think they can easily take advantage of us with this point, do you think they will use Muggles as a bargaining chip to threaten us?"

They have discussed similar things more than once, but no one thought that the mysterious person would be so crazy.

It's just that once the matter recedes, the morale of the anti-Voldemort organization will suffer a severe blow.

"We can't save everyone." Kingsley said suddenly, "Unless Anderson is willing to help deal with the mysterious man, we have no chance of winning."

Although they fought hard against the Death Eaters and were not afraid when facing the mysterious man, the gap in strength was there. There was no need to try some things, and that was a completely meaningless sacrifice.

"Should I contact Anderson first and talk to him about this matter." Bill suggested, "Maybe, maybe he will have a solution there."

Bill will never forget Charlie's death, he cares about Albert's suggestion more than anyone else now, that guy really has nothing to say in some respects.

In fact, from so far, it can be seen that no one of them has an accident.

"Don't even think about it, Anderson can't agree, that guy is too sensible, he will definitely not risk stepping into the trap set by others." Moody, who pushed the door in, reminded, "It is even more impossible to allow yourself to be led by the mysterious person." Follow your nose."

"Is the training over there over?"

"It's over, they're making rapid progress." Moody stuffed the finished wine bottle back into his pocket, picked up the newspaper on the table, glanced at it, and then threw it back on the table.

"Let's get in touch with Albert first, maybe he has a better way." Bill suggested again.

"Don't count on him too much."

Sirius fetched the communication bookmark used to contact Albert in an emergency, and briefly informed the other party of what happened just now.

They didn't really expect to solve the problem either.

This is simply an unsolvable problem.

The atmosphere was subdued throughout the evening, and when the incident was discussed after dinner, to everyone's surprise, even Harry didn't think one should step into the enemy's trap.

"What did Albert say?" Hermione asked.

"He hasn't replied yet." Sirius shook his head and said, "Why don't you send him another message."

"I think he will probably suggest that we kill the Death Eaters directly and solve the problem from the root cause. This is the only solution at present."

Ron, who was eating dessert, suddenly interjected, "As long as the Death Eaters are dealt with, even the mysterious man might not be willing to do it himself."

"Shut up Ron."

"Some things have to be done sooner or later. Don't you count on our title and kneel at the feet of the mysterious man to pray for peace and forgiveness." Ron laughed at himself, "Think about Charlie."

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Charlie's death is undoubtedly a pain for the Weasley family.

In the end, under the intimidation of Mrs. Weasley's gaze, Ron continued to eat obediently.

Since Sirius' plan succeeded in catching Garen, everyone's food has obviously improved, and those who originally hated doing that have shut up one after another. Although they are eating something in their mouths, it is easy to provoke people if they continue to babble. bother.

Ron's words silenced many people, and people who thought it was too radical to directly kill Death Eaters also began to think about this issue.

They are no longer just bystanders watching the excitement. As people who have been affected, they have their own interests.

Many people are surprised to find that this is actually a good solution.

As for the pitiful guilt of killing the black wizard, they kicked him into the corner long ago.

"We can't save everyone."

Albert replied shortly after the dinner. His opinion was undoubtedly tactful, but his attitude was also very obvious. He obviously did not agree to step into the trap and fight the Death Eaters recklessly.

While they were discussing in low voices the feasibility of dispersing the villagers in advance, another piece of news came from over there.

"Don't let the mysterious people think that this is our trick, that will only harm more ordinary people."

"You said whether we can disperse the residents there in advance to reduce the casualties of Muggles as much as possible." Heska also put forward her own opinion.

"It's hard. We can't be sure if there are Death Eaters ambushing that village. Since they set up such a trap, they must be prepared, not to mention..." Harry calmly reminded them under the surprised eyes of everyone. Don't have any delusions, "Even if we do succeed in rescuing the residents of that village, the Death Eaters just need to find another place... If they really want to do that, we can't stop it at all, I think Albert That's what it should mean."

"I think after this incident, probably many wizards will start to question us." Tonks didn't look very happy, she didn't like those guys who only know how to talk nonsense.

"Maybe that's one of their purposes as well."

"Using this to suppress us?"

Everyone suddenly felt that it was really possible for this reason that the growth of anti-Voldemort forces threatened them, and Voldemort and the Death Eaters were trying to suppress them.

But, is it expected that they will not resist and all bow their heads to Voldemort in exchange for that humble peace?

is it possible?


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