A day at Hogwarts.

Chapter 1142 The Ring of Ouroboros

After leaving Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albert did not directly return to England by boat, but took Isobel back to the house left by the LeMay couple, and began to search every corner of the house carefully.

Isobel looked at Albert who was rummaging through boxes and boxes, and asked puzzledly, "What are you looking for?"

"Find what Mr. Nicole left for us."

Albert searched Nicole's study, but unfortunately he didn't find what he wanted.Although there are still many valuable books in the study room, the most valuable notes and letters are already in his place.

"You mean...Mr. Nico doesn't want Dumbledore to know?" Isobel was very surprised by this, and then shook his head: "If Mr. Nico really wants to leave something to you, it is estimated that he gave you something earlier. The thing is given to you, it is impossible to keep it for you until now."

"Who knows? Maybe they don't want Dumbledore to know, even if they are best friends, they won't tell each other all the secrets." Albert ran to the dormitory to search again, but still couldn't find what he wanted. looking for something.

Isobel leaned against the door frame of the bedroom, looked at the busy Albert inside and asked, "Are you so sure that Mr. Nico will leave something for you?"

"Well, if I live for hundreds of years..." Albert waved his magic wand and restored the messy room to its original state, "I will do that too..."

"Don't make me guess riddles."

"In short, Mr. Nico left the knowledge to me, because he knew that I was not short of money and that I wanted knowledge." Albert thought for a while and said, "If you have to say it, just take it as intuition."


Isobel walked over, reached out and rubbed Albert's cheek in protest.

"Are you still looking for it?"

"Of course I continued. I felt like I had overlooked something."

"Is it because Nico left this house to us alone that made you suspect that there might be something hidden here?" Isobel said his guess.

"Yes, this is indeed one of the reasons." Albert returned to the study, his eyes fell on the crystal ball on the table, "However, this place has been protected by the Fidelity Curse, even if it is donated, it is actually of little value. You can't keep bothering Dumbledore."

All wizards who want to enter here need Dumbledore to "leak the secret", which is obviously a troublesome thing.

"Of course, leaving this place to us actually means to serve as a safe house for us."

"It's really puzzling. How do you plan to find that thing, through divination?"

Seeing Albert staring at the crystal ball, Isobel suddenly figured out something.

"Hmm!" Albert said a little depressed, "When I first thought of divination with a crystal ball, I felt that what I did just now was a bit stupid."

"Okay, don't be depressed." Isobel touched Albert's head and comforted him, "You just didn't react for a while."

"No, actually I already guessed where it is."

As he said that, Albert took out the photo frame he had just taken away, looked at the LeMay couple smiling at him in the photo frame, opened the photo frame from behind, and found what the LeMay couple left for him.

A hand-painted parchment map and a gold Ouroboros ring.

Isobel opened his mouth slightly, unexpectedly being guessed by Albert.

There is a passage behind the sheepskin map:

Dear Albert, when you want to make the Sorcerer's Stone, you will probably need it.

I saw in the prophecy ball that you took the frame, so we decided to put it in the frame.

The location on the map is an alchemy workshop, we leave it to you, where are all the materials and manufacturing tools of the Sorcerer's Stone, and there are many ideas that we have not been able to realize, maybe you will be interested in this, It will be a joy if you can perfect them one by one someday.

Don't tell Dumbledore he doesn't like the Philosopher's Stone.

— Nicole Flamel

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Isobel took the rough gold ring, which was the symbol of ouroboros that symbolized alchemy.

"Actually, I don't know what I will find." Albert re-read the contents of the letter.

"Don't they already have a Sorcerer's Stone? Why do they want to make more Sorcerer's Stones?" Isobel couldn't understand Nicole's approach.

"They probably need the Philosopher's Stone to make gold." Albert looked at the information on the parchment and frowned slightly, "The Philosopher's Stone will be gradually consumed in the process of making this magical gold, so they just Try to make more Philosopher's Stones in order to obtain this more precious gold, the gold ring in your hand is probably worth a lot, by the way, that ring should be the key to open the alchemy workshop."

"Actually, I'm more curious about how you know." Isobel handed back the Ouroboros ring to Albert.

"Guess, sometimes you don't need evidence." Albert put the ring and map back into the photo frame, and left with Isobel.

"I thought you would rush to find the alchemy workshop in the letter." Isobel was a little surprised at Albert's calmness, as if the person who rummaged through boxes just now was not him.

"Let's talk about it when we have time. That thing is useless to us now, and even if we want to recreate the Philosopher's Stone, I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Albert knew exactly what the point was now.

"Why do you think Dumbledore doesn't like the Sorcerer's Stone?" After returning to the boat, Isobel asked his doubts.

"Because immortality and money are not what Dumbledore desires." Albert said lightly, "I think in Dumbledore's eyes, the Philosopher's Stone is probably the source of disaster."

"People will crazily compete for the Philosopher's Stone?" Isobel thought of the reason.

"Yes, many people spend their whole lives chasing longevity and money." Albert said softly, "If we let them know of the existence of the Philosopher's Stone, they will probably scramble for it. In fact, there have been similar cases in history, but What is fighting for is not the Sorcerer's Stone, but a powerful magic wand that is said to be invincible."

"What about you?" Isobel asked back.

"I never desire immortality, it is a terrible curse." Albert said to Isobel calmly, "The greatest meaning of the Philosopher's Stone to me is that it allows us to die when we want to die, just like Nicol took death as calmly as Perenal."

"Actually, it's not bad to grow old together and face death together like Nicole and Perenal."

Isobel sat next to Albert, leaned his head lightly on his shoulder, and looked at the distant sea level together.

"Let's go back!"

"Well, go home!"

Under the control of Albert, the sailboat left the waters of France and headed for England.

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