Champion of the Elves

Chapter 6 Elf Center

"Just touch" get up quickly

Just after dawn, Jiang Ming was awakened by a crisp cry from his sleep.

"What...oh, it's Mu Shou Gong."

After being confused for a while, Jiang Ming realized that it was Mu Shougong who woke him up.

That's right, I have my first elf since yesterday.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ming felt a huge sense of happiness in his heart. He hugged Mu Shou Gong and rubbed his little head vigorously.

"Just touch"

Mu Shougong broke away from Jiang Ming's clutches in dissatisfaction and shook his head in discomfort.

It seems that I still haven’t gotten used to it, and I will have to get closer and closer in the future.

Jiang Ming touched his chin and thought about his future plan.

After a conversation with his parents yesterday, Mu Shou Gong was successfully integrated into Jiang Ming's family.As long as you successfully register at the Huaguo Elf Center today, Mu Shougong will officially become Jiang Ming's elf.

A registered elf with legal effect.

In other words, once the registration is successful, the elf will become the partner of an officially certified trainer.Without the consent of the trainer and the elf, any attempt to rob is illegal.

This is a rule that applies in most parts of the world.Of course, this law can only be applied in countries with a legal system. Those war-torn areas follow the law of the weak and the strong.

"Just touch it." Hurry up

Mu Shou Gong, who was a little impatient at the side, called out, drawing Jiang Ming's attention back and stretching. Jiang Ming quickly got up and dressed, and began to welcome the new day.

After a simple wash, Jiang Ming sat at the dining table and happily enjoyed breakfast with Mu Shougong. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of his best friend Fang Yun.

"Beep, beep, beep... beep, hey"

After a few rings, an extremely tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Fang Yun, wake up quickly"

Jiang Ming said excitedly.

"What are you doing? What time is it? Ah~" Fang Yun yawned, and then his tone became very angry. "Do you know what time I paid for the tokens for the Live Pokémon battle last night? Look at what day it is today, August 31st, August 31st. Do you know it’s still summer vacation? You called me before eight o’clock in the morning. Are you going to rebel?”

"Eat this, this is delicious."

Jiang Ming first asked Dachong to bring a piece of food to Mu Shou Gong, and then continued on the phone: "Okay, okay, it's okay. Get up quickly and accompany me out today."

"What are you going to do? You are going to the Elf Breeding Base to see the elves. You haven't chosen yet. School is about to start, and it will be too late by then. And it's only what time it is. If you go to the Elf Breeding Base later, the elves won't run away. Ah. ~Let me sleep a little longer.”

Fang Yun's tone was confused and he yawned hard.

"It's not to see the elves, but to register the elves at the elf center."

Jiang Ming's tone revealed the slightest bit of pride.

"Registration Elf" Fang Yun was stunned for a moment, and his originally sleepy face gradually became weird.

Immediately afterwards, he persuaded in a sincere tone: "I didn't expect, Xiao Ming, that you still chose this path. Well, I know that the elf qualifications distributed by the elf cultivation base are not very good, but, well, but you also You can't give up on yourself. Not to mention that your Erqiong is only an ordinary-level elf, and its potential has basically reached its peak. Moreover, if you register your elf, you will not be allowed to use it in any elf competitions and societies. You must be careful You can’t make a mistake about yourself.”

"What are you thinking? Who would choose two green onions?"

Glancing at Er Cong, who was happily cooking, Jiang Ming shook his head: "It's the elf I went to the suburbs to conquer."

"You went to the suburbs to conquer the elves yourself." Fang Yun was stunned at first, and then immediately became excited after thinking about the meaning of this sentence, "Really, when did you go to conquer it? I said you went to my house last time and walked away from me. Why did you wear the hood in the winter in junior high school? I thought you had the second grade disease again."

"It was just yesterday. I've been preparing for a summer vacation." Jiang Ming's words clearly showed uncontrollable excitement, "By the way, I seem to have lost that hood of yours in the Needle Bee Forest. Forget it, I guess you can use it too. Not."

"You went to the Needle Bee Forest?" Fang Yun's tone was obviously rising. "Then how did you come out intact? Or you actually called me from the hospital bed now."

Fang Yun's mind flashed to the tragic scene of Jiang Ming lying on the bed wrapped in bandages, with one leg still in a plaster, and then calling himself pitifully.

"What are you thinking about?" Several black lines appeared on Jiang Ming's forehead. "I wish I could call you from the hospital bed. Don't be shy. Get up quickly. We will meet at the entrance of the Elf Center at 09:30. Yes. Come on, don’t forget to bring your Jiu’er with you.”

Fang Yun's family is well-off, and Jiu'er is the name of the initial elf Vulpix prepared for him by his family.

"Hey, wait, you haven't said what elves you have conquered yet. In the Giant Needle Forest, it can't be unicorns. But there are more grass types in the forest. Could it be walking grass or something? Don't hang up...beep..."


Fang Yun looked at the phone that had been hung up, muttered, then stood up and touched the fiery red Vulpix next to him, and his tone softened: "Jiu'er, get up quickly, I will take you to meet a partner today."

"Meow tail~"

A soft, small voice came from the side.


After breakfast, Jiang Ming put on a handsome shirt and took Mu Shou Gong to the entrance of the Elf Center early to wait.

The Elf Center is a product that came into being after the emergence of elves in the world. It can be found in cities of all sizes around the world.

Its appearance is a striking red color, which stands out among the surrounding dull tones.

In today's society where elf trainers are the mainstream, the elf center can be said to be the place where every trainer goes most often.

A normal elf center has functions such as registering elves, rescuing elves, restoring elves' physical strength, and taking care of elves for a short period of time. Depending on the city and the region, it may also have other different functions.

The elf center where Jiang Ming is located is located next to the Hexi Sports Center. It is also one of the largest elf centers in Jinling.Because it is close to both Jiang Ming and Fang Yun's families, it is often used as a gathering place by the two of them.

"Xiao Ming"

Jiang Ming and Mu Shougong didn't wait long when Fang Yun's voice came from afar.

"Come on, let me see your elf. It must be a unicorn beetle. No, it could also be a walking grass. After all, it is collected, conquered, conquered in the forest..."

As Fang Yun approached, Mu Shou Gong's figure gradually became clearer in his eyes, and his expression changed from casual, to rubbing his eyes in disbelief, to looking like he had seen an alien.

"Come on."

Although Jiang Ming spoke very ordinary words, there was uncontrollable pride and joy in his tone.

"Let me go, this is Mu Shou Palace, right? This is Mu Shou Palace, where did you get it from?"

Fang Yun looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Of course it's because of my invincible character and passion for elves. I just met him while walking around."

Jiang Ming crossed his arms and looked proud.

"It's really comparable to winning 500 million in shit luck."

Fang Yun looked at Mu Shou Gong in admiration, which made Mu Shou Gong wag his tail uneasily.

"Okay, you still have to envy me and your Jiu'er?"

Jiang Ming interrupted Fang Yun's glance.

"Hey, here it is."

Fang Yun chuckled, took out the elf ball from his waist, and threw it into the sky.

"Come out, Jiu'er."

"Meow tail" I'm coming out

A clear cry sounded, and the reddish-brown Vulpix appeared in front of several people.

"Just touching" is dangerous

Mu Shou Gong's eyes widened and he immediately stood in front of Jiang Ming and made a defensive move.

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