Champion of the Elves

Chapter 3 Hidden in the Forest

"Hiss, why are there so many? Is that giant needle bee really one of the leaders of the forest? They are here for revenge."

Jiang Ming looked at the giant sting wasp coming from the shop. He clenched the insect repellent spray tightly in his right hand, even pressing it until it deformed without realizing it. A feeling of despair surged into his heart.

I don’t know what my parents will do after I die. At this critical moment, I feel a surge of boundless regret in my heart.

No, we can’t wait to die. I also have insect repellent spray. As long as I deal with these few and then run out of the forest, as long as I can find a water source, there is still a possibility of rescue.

Jiang Ming clenched his upper and lower teeth, trying hard to suppress his panic. There was a fierceness in his eyes, and he decided to find a way out.

Staring at the giant sting wasps flying in front of him, looking at the sharp white needles on their wrists and the sharp tail needles, Jiang Ming raised the insect repellent spray in his hand.

At the moment when the two sides met, a few leaves flew out from nowhere and hit the giant needle wasps.Although it didn't cause much damage, it just staggered them.

It was this meal that allowed Jiang Ming to release the insect repellent spray on time.As the spray spread, these giant needle bees swayed left and right as if they were drunk, and fell from the sky.

Sure enough, the genuine Black Cat products purchased online are quite effective, much better than the previous bottle purchased from Pin Xixi.

No, where did these leaves come from? Could it be...

Jiang Ming turned his head with some joy, and sure enough, the wooden gecko from before appeared behind him at some unknown time.Seeing Jiang Ming turn his head, he raised his chin and said, "Just touch it." Come with me now.

Sure enough, the energy cube is still effective.Jiang Ming looked at the green scene in front of him, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Qia Mo" hurry up and keep up

Seeing that Jiang Ming was motionless behind him, Mu Shougong turned around and shouted dissatisfied.

"Oh, good, good."

Jiang Ming immediately agreed and ran to keep up with Mu Shou Gong.

Mu Shou Gong was agile and moved quickly on the branches when traveling through the forest. On the other hand, Jiang Ming could only run hard on the ground.One elf, one behind the other, walked through the forest for about 5 minutes, and stopped in front of an ordinary tree.

"Just touch it." Go in

Mu Shou Gong jumped down from the tree and pointed at the tree.

"You want me to climb up there"

Jiang Ming asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Not to mention why so many trees insist on climbing this one, and the fact that giant needle bees can fly, climbing trees is inherently suicidal.The trunk of this tree is only as big as the mouth of a bowl. If I climb it, it will collapse.

"Chamo..." Are all humans idiots?

Mu Shougong rolled his eyes, then stood behind Jiang Ming and pushed forward.

Jiang Ming:

"Just touch it, just touch it." Forget it, follow me

Shaking his head, Mu Shou Gong reluctantly stepped forward and walked straight towards the tree.

Then, it disappeared from sight.

Oh, disappearing feels like Station Nine and Three-Quarters in Harry Potter.

No, that's not right, I seem to have seen this happen on Tieba.

Jiang Ming was stunned at first, and then immediately recalled the video he had seen in the post bar before.

At that time, the protagonist in the video was standing in front of a boulder, and just like today, he disappeared while walking forward.

And the title of that post was shocking travel friends who accidentally discovered a new elven secret realm.

In other words, Jiang Ming took a slight breath of cold air. There is also a secret realm of elves here.

Since the elven world merged with the earth more than 200 years ago, the elves have joined the earth's big family.After nearly a hundred years of trials and wars between humans and elves, humans have finally reached an agreement with most of the mythical beasts to own the earth together.After nearly a hundred years of adaptation, humans and elves have now been almost perfectly integrated, living dependent on each other.

The so-called elven secret realm is the result of the fusion of the fragments of the elven world and the earth.At that time, when the Elf World and the Earth merged, only the largest part of the Elf World was perfectly integrated with the Earth. For example, the famous Yuejian Mountain in China was the result of the fusion.However, there are still some fragments of the elven world that are not well integrated with the earth.Some of them are still hidden without a trace, while others have only one or a few entrances connected to the earth, and are so hidden that they are difficult to detect.

Although many secret places have been discovered in the world today, compared to such a large base in the world, they are really very few.At least there are only five secret realms that have been announced in Su Province.

But this secret realm outside Jinling City does not belong to any of them.

Tell me what happened to me today.I met Mu Shou Gong, was chased by a giant needle bee, and also encountered a secret realm. How come he looks so like the male protagonist in those third-rate novels?

Jiang Ming smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, feeling that today might be the most exciting day in his life.

Shaking his head, Jiang Ming strode forward. As the light and shadow flowed, the person had disappeared.

A few minutes later, the giant stinging bees that followed started looking around angrily, but in the end they had no choice but to retreat.


The feeling of entering the secret realm was a bit strange. First, the vision went dark, and then there was a sense of dizziness. After about a second, the dizziness gradually disappeared, and the scene in front of him became clearer.

There are big and small secret realms. The big ones can even be as large as half of Jiangsu Province, but the small ones may be about the same as this giant needle bee forest.

And this secret realm is undoubtedly a super small secret realm.

Except for a tree in the center, this secret land is only filled with low grass and some unknown flowers.

Other than that, nothing else.

But it was this tree that made Jiang Ming's eyes widen.

Only the sky is above, and there are no mountains to align with it

Although this tree is not as tall as a mountain, even if Jiang Ming has the vision of wandering the Internet for many years, he has never seen such a tall tree.

Looking from the bottom up, I'm afraid it's not a hundred meters high.Moreover, the base of the tree is so thick that it takes a long time to walk around it.The top is leafy and the tree shade is as big as a football field.

There is no sun in the sky of the secret realm, and I don't know where the light comes from, but it reflects the blue of the sky, and against it, the lushness of the tree appears even more.

"Qiamo" come with me

Not far ahead was the Mu Shou Gong who came in first. It turned around and called Jiang Ming, and then walked towards the huge tree.

Following Mu Shou Gong to the bottom of the tree, Mu Shou Gong made a gesture to ask him to wait, then tapped his feet and quickly climbed up the tree.

Jiang Ming had no choice but to wait quietly at the bottom of the tree, and looked around to see what was going on here.Soon, I did find something strange, that is, it was too quiet here.There was no chirping of insects or birds around, not even the sound of the breeze blowing through the trees.

It seems that there is nothing else but this tree in this secret realm.

What is going on in this secret realm? Why is there not a single elf? When did it merge with the earth? And why does Mu Shugong know about this place?

Countless questions were intertwined in Jiang Ming's mind, like a ball of wool, with no clue at all.

It seems that I can only wait for Mu Shou Gong to come back. I don’t know why it called me here.

Looking up at the boundless shade of the trees, Jiang Ming's heart, which had been racing due to the crisis, gradually calmed down.

I don’t know if it has something to do with this secret realm. After such a thrilling incident, Jiang Ming actually felt a sense of tranquility in his heart, making people want to relax unconsciously.

Following this artistic conception, Jiang Ming sat down against the tree and quietly waited for Mu Shou Gong's return.

It didn't take long for Mu Shou Gong to return to the bottom of the tree.Compared with before it went up, there was a strange green thing on its hand.

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