Champion of the Elves

Chapter 22 Senior sister, senior sister, can you be my girlfriend?

The quiet night passed quickly. At six o'clock in the morning, Jiang Ming still got up and washed up.After using an elf toothbrush and a small towel to help Mu Shou Gong brush his teeth and wash his face, they went to the artificial lake together.

"Mushou Gong, we still made a lot of mistakes in yesterday's battle. We did not use our own advantages, but were led by the opponent. Today I will make a report on your characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. Then we will make specific plans for the battle based on the report. Let’s first take a look at the skill learning goals for the next stage.”

As Jiang Ming spoke, he sat cross-legged next to Mu Shou Gong and took out his computer: "We have learned Lightning Flash and Flying Leaf Knife in the past half month, which can be considered as a perfect achievement of the expected goal. In the next stage, we The goal of learning is to absorb and chase. If you can complete it, you will probably initially reach the elite level."

The difficulty from normal to elite level is not comparable to the difficulty from novice to normal level.It is very simple to go from novice to ordinary. You only need to learn the skills of your own department and have a certain amount of combat experience.This is also a level that most elves can easily reach.

But going from ordinary to elite is different. It not only requires the attack, defense, speed, physical strength of the elf, but two or more of them must be higher than those of the ordinary level elf.At the same time, the use of one's own moves must also be very flexible, and one must be able to use skills skillfully and consistently.

As long as one of these fails to be achieved, it cannot be considered a true elite level elf.

For example, Su Muyue's Dream Demon has reached the elite level in terms of attack, and Jiang Ming's Mu Shou Gong has reached the elite level in terms of consistent use of physical strength and skills, and its speed has reached the elite level threshold, as well as in other aspects. What is lacking.

So for Mu Shou Gong, you only need to increase the intensity of the attack to the elite level, or then increase the speed, and after a period of training, you can successfully become an elite level elf.

As for the training direction Mu Shou Gong chose, Jiang Ming actually asked Mu Shou Gong to go in the direction of speed attack, which was also the direction that most Mu Shou Gong took.As for the super physical strength, Jiang Ming wanted to use it as a backing to launch continuous attacks, rather than letting Mu Shou Gong give up the attack route and take the path of defensive physical strength just because of his super physical strength.

After all, Mu Shou Gong's ability value is here, and he can't give up his attack characteristics just because he has super long physical strength.

It’s exciting to think about a wooden gecko with super powerful attack power that can continuously use grass-type ultimate moves like hardened plants, or a wooden gecko that uses leaf blades to attack with lightning flashes.

From the above division of elf levels, it is not difficult to find that going from novice to ordinary level elf can be said to just allow the elf to grow naturally, while going from ordinary to elite level already requires training and elf to find its own characteristics and learn from its strengths. Come to practice.

This is the transition from amateur to professional, and it is also a reflection of the training and the spirit being on the right track.

"Okay, we won't practice this morning's exercise. We'll watch the video first, and then we'll try it after we learn the movements and other basic things."

Jiang Ming held Mu Shou Gong in his arms, and Mu Shou Gong didn't resist at all. He adjusted his body and found a comfortable position, and quietly started learning new skills with Jiang Ming.


Although it is already mid-September, the scorching afternoon sun in Jinling still makes people feel uncomfortable.After the morning training time passed, the three people in Jiang Ming's dormitory each took a bottle of ice water and appeared in the central gymnasium on time.

Feeling the sufficient air conditioning in the stadium, Jin Xing, who was slightly fat and afraid of heat, breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, there is air conditioning in the stadium, otherwise I don't know how to spend the afternoon. I thought Jinling was better than Zhejiang If you go further north, it will be just as hot, which is really a scam.”

Jiang Ming nodded in agreement when he heard Jin Xing's complaints, but his eyes kept wandering around unconsciously, as if he was looking for someone.

Fang Yun, who had been staring at Jiang Ming, noticed this keenly, leaned over and said with a smile: "Tsk, who else are you looking for?"

"Go away."

Jiang Ming blushed slightly and looked away. It happened that Su Muyue and Yan Lingling walked into the gymnasium. When they saw Jiang Ming, they smiled at him as a greeting and then walked to the corner of the gymnasium.

After Jiang Ming looked at Su Muyue, his head suddenly went blank, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

Then he was a little afraid to look at Fang Yun's playful eyes. After explaining, he quickly pulled Jin Xing to sit on the other side of the stadium, facing Su Muyue and the others from a distance.

The atmosphere in the stadium today is much more cheerful than the tense one yesterday.Presumably because everyone is already a member of the club, everyone is less wary and hostile as opponents, and more friendly and proud of being a member of the club.

"Good afternoon everyone, you all came on time."

Today Su Mingguang changed into a white shirt. Compared to the serious and serious black shirt yesterday, he looked much kinder today.

"First of all, congratulations to everyone for joining our Elf Battle Club. This is also an affirmation of everyone's previous efforts and Elf talents. Of course, joining our Battle Club does not mean that you can give a sigh of relief. By the next semester, there will be more There will be a round of selection, and it will be decided at that time whether you can continue to stay in the fighting club, and whether you are qualified to join the core members of the fighting club, and whether you can join the school team as a member or substitute. Of course, the latter may be difficult for you, but I believe that by the time you reach your sophomore and junior years, many of you will still be able to join the school team."

Su Mingguang poured cold water on everyone first, and then continued: "But this is also something that will happen later. I believe that with your talents, it will not be too difficult as long as you work hard. What we called you here today is very simple, that is, let everyone Get to know each other and carry out some simple activities. Now, Tang Shan, the vice-captain of the school team, will tell you something."

After saying that, he took a step back and motioned for Tang Shan to step forward.

"Hmph~" Tang Shan rolled her eyes at Su Mingguang, walked forward with small steps, cleared her throat twice, and then said in a sweet voice, "Hello fellow students, I am Tang Shan, the vice captain of the school team. Of course, he is also the vice-president of the Battle Club. Everyone can usually call him Tang Shan. First of all, I would like to welcome all the juniors and sisters, and I am happy to see you all. After that, I will tell you, don’t always listen to the captain. He is usually in I'm scaring you. In fact, as long as you are serious and don't be too lax, most people will not be asked to quit. It is just a question of whether they can become core members. Don't be too nervous. Since everyone has joined our battle club, then everyone We are members of a community. If you have any difficulties or needs in the future, you can ask us."

"Then is it okay if I want my senior sister to be my girlfriend?"

Compared to Su Mingguang, Tang Shan did seem to be more approachable. As soon as she finished speaking, someone started shouting.

"It's not impossible to consider." Tang Shan glanced at the boy with wavering eyes, "As long as you can beat me like the captain."

"Then senior sister, just wait, I will try to rescue you from the senior's hands."

The boy was gearing up and seemed really ready to challenge the captain.

"Okay, don't talk too much. Next, I will introduce our school team and core club members to you. Some of them are not very good at talking."

Tang Shan ended the topic with a smile and prepared to introduce the current school team and core members of the fighting club to everyone.

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