Champion of the Elves

Chapter 13 Combination of Skills

"Jiang Ming, we already know each other. How did you come up with the idea of ​​using combined skills?"

Su Muyue turned around, lightly flipped her hair, and asked curiously.

"It's mainly based on the elves we have now." When it came to the fields he was good at, Jiang Ming immediately talked about it, "Most freshmen have only been exposed to elves for one or two months. Even if they are very talented, they can master it. The skill moves are also relatively limited, and should be just the same low-level skills. If they all use collision and other skills, they can only be reflected in terms of speed and power, which will not attract the attention of seniors. Then it is better to let the elves use some more skilled combos, from which It can also be seen how well the elf has been trained and how well he understands the trainer."

"Indeed, this way I can show more of myself to the seniors."

Su Muyue nodded slightly.

"Look at the current classmates."

Jiang Ming motioned to Su Muyue to look in the middle. At this time, the third classmate had arrived. He was not as rigid as the first and second students. He first used his small fist stone to harden it, and then used it against the ground. hit.Although the skills used seemed quite simple, the combined power was still quite powerful, and a "thud" sound left a mark on the ground.

The rugged senior nodded in agreement for the first time and agreed that it would enter the next round.

"In fact, everyone is not stupid, they just didn't notice it at first, but they should have understood it by now."

Jiang Ming sighed.

"Then are you ready? You and your wooden guard?"

Su Muyue looked at Jiang Ming's wooden guard palace with some curiosity.


Jiang Ming and Mu Shougong looked at each other, their eyes extremely firm.

"Then let's work together later."

Su Muyue smiled and encouraged both parties, and then turned her attention to the classmates who were demonstrating.Jiang Ming also calmed down and watched intently.

Time passed quickly, and twenty people in front had already finished their presentation.Among the twenty people, only four passed.The elimination rate of four-fifths is enough to prove the harshness of this round of selection.

"It's my turn."

Seeing that the classmates in front of her were once again eliminated and left the field gloomily, Su Muyue whispered to herself, cheered, then tied her loose hair into a refreshing single ponytail with a rubber band, then held the Poké Ball and left go out.

Jiang Ming originally wanted to say "Come on", but he hesitated at the last moment. Seeing Su Muyue walking away, he could only swallow his words hard.

"Elf combat type Su Muyue, this is my elf. Go, Mengmeng."

Su Muyue's clear voice sounded, and a dark green elf appeared from the white light.

It is a rare ghost-type elf, a dream demon.

Su Muyue is also from the combat system, and she seems to have never seen her before.

Hearing Su Muyue declare her major, Jiang Ming suddenly discovered that the two of them seemed to be in the same department.

It's a pity that there are too many people in the Elf Battle Department. Jiang Ming has been training elves early in the morning and back late in the past half month. He only knows half of the people in the class, let alone the entire department.

With the appearance of Su Muyue and the appearance of the Dream Demon, there were a lot of discussions around.I don’t know whether they are discussing the scarcity of dream monsters or Su Muyue’s appearance.

"It's a dream demon. It's rare for girls to choose ghost-type elves. Come on, let's show it off."

The senior didn't seem to expect that a dream demon would appear, and he motioned for Su Muyue to start with some interest.

"Okay senior. Mengmeng, use telekinesis."


After Su Muyue gave the order, the dream demon's eyes suddenly turned blue, an invisible wave appeared around the dream demon, and some gravel on the ground slowly floated under the influence of this power of thought.

"The dream monster with enhanced super powers is really a good talent, a very good seedling."

Seeing a few pieces of controlled gravel, the senior nodded secretly.


Su Muyue gave another order, and the gravel controlled by the dream demon suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the ground. Several heavy sounds rang out, and bursts of dust were kicked out of the stone floor.

So strong.

Jiang Ming, who had been observing carefully, shrank his pupils when he saw this scene, and unconsciously thought about the strength of this dream monster in his heart.

I didn't expect her spirit to be so strong, and her attack intensity was almost at the elite level. If it were Mu Shou Gong and I, we could only rely on Mu Shou Gong's speed.But I don’t know if Mu Shou Gong can break through this powerful telekinesis.

At this time, Su Muyue on the field also finished her display and used the elf ball to take back the dream demon.

"Yes, being able to use telekinesis to this extent is comparable to some simple skill combinations. If you pass the test, go directly to the next venue, which is the competition venue in the Central Gymnasium."

The Society also nodded in approval and announced the continuation of the display.

"Okay, Mu Shou Palace, let's go."

Seeing Su Muyue's retreating back, Jiang Ming also took a long breath and walked up with Mu Shougong.

"Elves vs.

"Mu Shou Gong, nice elf, let's get started."

After taking a look at Jiang Ming's elf, the senior nodded and announced the start.

"Mu Shou Gong, lightning flashes and slaps."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Jiang Ming gave the order directly, and Mu Shougong disappeared in a swish, approaching a tree next to the venue at an extremely fast speed.

The moment he came into contact with the tree, Mu Shou Gong turned around and slammed down his right hand, hitting the tree until it shook and several leaves fell.

"Yeah, it's interesting." The senior's eyes lit up when he saw this scene. He took a serious look at Jiang Ming and his Mu Shou Palace for the first time, and then commented, "The skills are released very coherently. It seems that he understands some battle skills. , boy, has anyone in your family ever paid you a favor?"

"No." Jiang Ming said honestly, "I trained with Mu Shou Gong in the past half month."

"You trained yourself, okay. I feel like your kid has the talent I had back then." The senior looked at Jiang Ming carefully and patted his shoulder with satisfaction, "And he looks a bit similar, not bad. Okay, let's go. One round of venue.”

Jiang Ming held back his excitement, thanked the senior, and strode towards the central gymnasium facing the envious eyes of those who were still waiting.

At the same time, he was also complaining to Mu Shou Gong in a low voice: "Mu Shou Gong, you performed well, let's continue to work hard in the next round. This senior looks very fierce, but he is still a nice person, but his eyes may not be very good, I think even if he enters It’s better for us to have less contact with the War Club.”

"Just touch." I think so too

It was rare that Mu Shou Gong didn't object, but nodded in agreement.

There are some differences between the Leave King and humans, Mu Shou Gong thought seriously.

ps: Correction here, the grass field in Chapter 12 has been replaced by a stadium-style stone field.

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