Early the next morning, the genius was bright and most people were still in their sweet dreams. Jiang Ming had already resisted the sleepiness and got up. He walked in the early morning and came to the lake in the school.

There is an artificial lake dug by oneself inside the school. Usually many people come here to take a walk, but today it is still early and there is no one around, only the mist of water vapor permeates the lake.

"Alright Mu Shou Palace, we should be training here for a while."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Ming turned to Mu Shougong and said.

"Just touching" is no problem

Mu Shou Gong stood up straight with sharp eyes.

"Okay, then let's start by practicing the Flying Leaf Knife. Our first goal is to master this skill proficiently and be able to truly reach the level of ordinary level."

Jiang Ming looked at his watch and then said, "It's still half a month from now until the club recruits new members. We do skill training every morning during this time, and tacit understanding and physical training in the evening. Now let's look at the leaves of that tree. Let’s practice the leaf-flying knife. I hope to be able to knock down branches within three days. Okay, let’s get started.”

"Just touch"

Following Jiang Ming's order, Mu Shougong came to the tree and started practicing.Jiang Ming, on the other hand, first jogged around the lake twice, then sat down cross-legged next to Mu Shou Palace, took out his computer and started studying the video on elf cultivation.

Elf breeders may know nothing about battles, but trainers must know more or less about cultivation.Elf battles are not just about on-field tactics and adaptability, but off-field training and daily accumulation are also crucial.

For example, Wang Yan, the Earth Heavenly King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of China today, has the title of top trainer and top breeder.

As the training time gradually passed, there were gradually more and more people at the lake.People jogging around the lake in the morning, and those who chose to exercise the elves like Jiang Ming, made the originally quiet lakeside lively.

Looking around at the Eevee who was practicing chopping trees, running around the lake, and the walking grass who was practicing flying leaves and sharp swords like Jiang Ming's Wood Guard, Jiang Ming also nodded secretly in his heart: Sure enough, he can be admitted to Jinling University The students are not fuel-efficient, and they must be preparing for the recruitment in half a month.

Sure enough, we should work harder.

By coincidence, Mu Shou Gong seemed to be aware of the increase in the number of people around him. Mu Shou Gong also looked back at Jiang Ming. One of them and the other elf exchanged glances, and they both saw perseverance and unwillingness to admit defeat in each other's eyes.

After looking at each other, neither party spoke. They were still completing their own tasks, but their expressions became more focused.


Jinling University Elf Battle Club Exclusive Training Ground

Charizards, monsters, Nidoking, and other rare elves can be found everywhere here.They are currently training in the field with their owners with focused expressions.

"Captain, the freshmen were admitted yesterday. Will the recruitment of new members to the club in half a month be the same as in previous years?"

In a corner of the field, a young man with yellow hair was asking questions to a young man with short black hair who was sitting on the crossbar doing pull-ups.


The young man with short black hair did not answer immediately, but after doing more than 20 pull-ups in a row, he let go, took a deep breath, and said, "Just the same as in previous years."

"Well, I hope there are some good prospects this year. We will graduate next year. The current junior and sophomore club members cannot support our school team."

The yellow-haired young man sighed.

"One person takes charge of another. I have tried my best. All I can do is hope that the younger students can give me a say."

The black-haired young man had a serious face.

"You ask, can we win the championship this year? Last year it was just a little bit close. If we don't win the championship... I won't be reconciled."

The yellow-haired young man was silent for a long time and asked the doubts in his heart.

The black-haired young man was silent for a while, and then he said, "I'm not willing to do it either."

Then he turned his back and continued: "But there is nothing that can only be done by unwillingness. We are not willing to give in, and Ninghai and Fudan are not willing to give in either. The two schools in Qinghua and Yanjing have ruled for five years. As time goes by, there are more and more people who are unwilling to give in."

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while, the black-haired young man continued: "The qualifying competition in the first half of the year has passed, and only the provincial finals and national competition in the second half of the year are left. This time... we will not lose again. "

"Yeah, we won't lose again."

After listening to the black-haired young man's words, the yellow-haired young man's eyes became firm again.

"Okay, Charizard, let's go."

The black-haired young man turned to the court and shouted, and walked towards the door. But halfway through, he suddenly seemed to remember something, and turned to the yellow-haired young man and said: "By the way, my sister will do the same this year." Come. I told her that when the time comes, Naxin will let her play for the first time to give those young guys some encouragement."

"Your sister has also been admitted to our school." The yellow-haired young man's eyes widened, "And you have only shown us photos of her as a child in so many years. What does she look like now, and why did you let her be the first?" "Come on"

The black-haired young man didn't say a word until he reached the door of the training ground: "Because she is beautiful."

"Ha...wait a minute, I seem to understand something, Su Mingguang, boy, stop right here."


Time flies, especially the days in college. In the blink of an eye, it has been more than half a month since school started, and it is the day when the club recruits new students.

"There are so many people today."

Jin Xing looked at the dark crowd in front of him and touched the fine sweat on his forehead.

"Of course, the clubs recruit new students, and basically all freshmen will come. By the way, which clubs are you planning to apply for?"

Fang Yun and Jiu'er stood nearby and asked with some interest.

"I want to report to the Elf Battle Club."

Jin Xing touched the back of his head and smiled naively.

"The data analysis and mining team and the panoramic elf battle simulation team."

Lu Qixing pushed up his black-framed eyes and said seriously.

Fang Yun and the others had already gotten used to Lu Qixing's character after half a month of getting along, so they were not surprised at all. On the contrary, they were a little surprised by Jin Xing.

"Aren't you a professional in elf cultivation?"

Fang Yun was a little dumbfounded.

"Yes." Jin Xing nodded vigorously, "Even though I am a professional in elf cultivation, I really like elf battles. I often watch those professional games, and don't underestimate me and Jigglypuff. "

"Uh, okay." Fang Yun muttered in his heart and muttered silently: It seems that watching the game and playing by himself are completely different things.

Then he turned to look at Jiang Ming: "How have you been training in the past half month? Except for the weekends when you train with me, you train by yourself at other times. You don't see anyone at all."

Jiang Ming had been standing behind them and looking at the new direction of the Elf Battle Society. He turned around after hearing these words, with a smile on his lips: "I should be able to beat you."

"Tch, who doesn't know how to lie, right Jiu'er?"

Fang Yun curled his lips and asked Jiu'er on his shoulder. He took Jiu'er and didn't respond to him at all.Instead, a pair of big round eyes kept staring in the direction of Mu Shou Palace, and he wrapped himself with his tail.

After waiting for a long time for Jiu'er to respond, Fang Yun touched Jiu'er speechlessly: "Jiu'er, what are you doing? I feel like you've been distracted recently."

"Okay." Jiang Ming interrupted Fang Yun's inquiry, "It seems to have started."

Sure enough, several people looked forward and saw a huge eagle flying into the sky. Someone on it shouted through a loudspeaker: "The new recruitment activities of the Elf Battle Club have begun. Please go to the training ground in an orderly manner for the new students who have completed the application."

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