Champion of the Elves

Chapter 1 My unicorn has the appearance of a king ( ̄︶ ̄)


The sound of rustling leaves was heard, and the dark green leaves blocked the scorching sun, bringing a different kind of coolness to the forest.

However, those crooked wooden signs at the entrance of the forest broke the tranquility of the forest.

"Needle Forest"

"This is a AAA level national elf habitat"

"Stop comers. There are a large number of giant needle bees living in the forest. The giant needle bees have a strong sense of territory and will attack all outsiders. Please evacuate quickly."

"Trespassers face consequences"

These wooden signs with warnings written in bright red letters were placed at various entrances to the forest.

This is the famous Styli bee forest outside Jinling City. It is home to a large number of Styli bee groups and can be called a forbidden land for humans.

But this afternoon, Ratha, who was playing at the entrance to the forest, saw a strange human being.

Wearing a flat sunhat and a green military coat, even his face was covered by a black hood.

Such a guy who seemed very suspicious at first sight arrived at the entrance of the forest at some point.

He stood outside the forest and stared blankly at the warning sign for a while.After hesitating for a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, muttering something, and walked towards the forest.

After he walked away, Little Ratta tilted his head, thinking of the words spoken by this strange human being.

"If your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be surprised when the sky falls; if your heart is as clear as ice, you won't be surprised when the sky falls... Arceus comes up again, and the giant needle bee can't see me, can't see me..."

Although I don't know what he is talking about, this human being is really brave if he dares to walk into the forest.

Little Lada thought.


"Well, this should still be on the outskirts of the forest, and we need to go a little further inside."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Ming looked at the appearance of the trees and the number of elves in the forest and made this judgment.

Yes, the person who entered the forest wearing strange clothes was Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming, 17 years old, is a senior student at Jiang'an High School.

This time, the reason why he entered the Great Needle Bee Forest fully armed was for one purpose.

That was the first elf that he conquered.

This was something he had planned for a summer vacation.

Purchasing elf insect repellent spray, obtaining the right to use the elf ball, secretly wearing his father's military coat for protection, snatching away his friend Fang Yun's bandit hood, etc., were all preparations for conquering his first elf.

In today's China, although every individual can receive an initial elf on the day he or she reaches adulthood.But if you don’t pay the sky-high “Rare Elf Custody Fee” every year or have elves inherited from your family, then you can only receive initial elves such as a Rattata or a Green Caterpillar.

And more importantly, these already popular elves have been screened.Therefore, the qualifications of these selected elves are generally weak.

If you want to join the "Jinling University Elf Battle Club" in Jinling University that you are admitted to with such an initial elf, it is really as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Not to mention the "College Student Elf Battle Competition", which will be one of the major events in China. I want to join the school team and represent the school.

Maybe it would be more realistic to reincarnate now.

Of course, nothing is guaranteed. If we can capture elves with good qualifications in the future and train them well, it is possible to join the school team.

But those people who have good elves qualifications from the beginning, those who can participate in the elves battle club and get training, why should they lose to you?

This may be cruel, but it is reality.

After all, not everyone is the protagonist, ordinary is the norm.

Therefore, there is only one way to get elves with good qualifications without spending money, and that is to go and look for them in the wild.

Although you don't have the protection of elves, it will be very difficult and tiring to go to the wild by yourself, and you may even be attacked by elves and cause injury or death, but after all, you haven't paid that much money, right?Effort and reward are always equal.

Otherwise, how can you rely on the conscience of the elf management center to find out whether to send you a rare elf or inherit your own family partner, and play with you until you grow up with a green onion duck that is great at cooking?

So this summer vacation, Jiang Ming decided to go out alone to find his original elf.

Of course, this kind of thing would definitely not be approved by the parents, so I had to do it secretly.

Jiang Ming pulled his black hood, took two smooth breaths, and then moved towards the center of the Needle Bee Forest.

The closer you are to the center, the more likely you are to find better qualified unicorns.

As for why Jiang Ming chose the unicorn insect as the initial elf, the reason is also very simple.

First, the habitat of the giant needle bee is not far outside Jinling City. It is relatively close and can be used as an excuse to go out to play without being discovered by the parents.Otherwise, you really think you can go out for half a month to the Shennongjia Elf Reserve for an adventure between elves and savages.

And although the giant needle bees will attack humans who intrude into their territory, you can avoid being discovered by the giant needle bees as long as you purchase fairy protection agent in advance.At the same time, the elf repellent can also effectively repel giant needle wasps and protect yourself from harm.

At the same time, the most important thing is that these two medicines are relatively cheap, and Jiang Ming can still afford them with his pocket money.

Second, the unicorn bug is an insect-type elf with a short growth cycle, low cost, and no need for evolution stones. At the same time, it is still very powerful when fully evolved.You must know that the real cost is the training cost.If it were an elf like Kirby, it would really eat enough to circle the earth twice in a year.Jiang Ming's parents are just ordinary working-class people, and Jiang Ming doesn't want to increase their burden.

Therefore, after searching countless data and even writing an [-]-word action paper, Jiang Ming finalized his goal.

A strong and powerful unicorn beetle decides it’s you.

As he walked toward the center, Jiang Ming kept looking around, carefully observing the color, length, and personality of each unicorn beetle, and then began to compare what he saw with the previously collected data. .

This one looks like it's only 20 centimeters, which is too short. It's either still a baby or not well developed.

Well, the yellow color on this one is a bit strange. It can't be shiny. It must have eaten strange leaves. It's so pitiful.

This one, well, it's so fat. Did it stop moving after it was born? It has no enthusiasm for fighting. It's too lazy.

Just as Jiang Ming was calculating in his mind, a crisp insect chirp caught his attention.


On the thick tree trunk, two unicorn beetles are "fighting".The small, yellow bodies are entangled together, refusing to give way to each other.

But this battle didn't seem to last long. The larger one-horned insect had already gained a clear advantage, suppressing the thin one underneath it, and at the same time spitting out white threads from its mouth to stick it to the branch. .

"This unicorn looks pretty good."

Jiang Ming's eyes lit up and he looked up and down at the unicorn insect with satisfaction.

Although it is larger than the average unicorn beetle, it is not bloated. It has learned the skill of spinning silk and has an aggressive personality.

Perfect, an excellent elf.

After Jiang Ming thought carefully, there seemed to be a sound of  ̄ ̄ in his mind, and a light bulb was lit brightly.

Seeing the unicorn insect leisurely lying on the leaf and enjoying the delicious leaves after dealing with his opponent, Jiang Ming licked his lips, reached into his backpack and took out the delicious Elf Energy Cube that he had prepared, and prepared to approach quietly.

Now that the decision has been made, the next step is to conquer it. Now we just need to establish a good relationship with this unicorn insect and then lure it out.

In the absence of initial elves, apart from the un-"elven way" of directly knocking out and losing the ball to subdue them, establishing a good relationship and allowing the elves to follow voluntarily is the only and most effective method.

Come on, my first elf, look at the plump energy cubes, how delicious they are.

Jiang Ming couldn't help but feel excited. He conquered the first elf, successfully cultivated and evolved it, showed his prominence in the college league, attracted the attention of school girls, had a sweet girlfriend, became a professional trainer, and became the new Four Heavenly Kings. , towards the peak of life.

This glittering avenue is about to unfold in front of you, and you, the great one-horned insect, the first elf of King Jiang Ming will be conquered at this moment.

Looking at the one-horned bug staring at him with its big innocent eyes, Jiang Ming took off his black bandit hood, tried to make his smile become amiable, and smiled while holding out his hand. energy cube in .

"Xiao Chong, this is delicious, you can enjoy it..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of breeze suddenly blew up, and the cube in his hand suddenly disappeared. Even the one-horned insect he had originally set his sights on screamed and fell from the treetops.

What happened to me being such a big unicorn?

Jiang Ming looked at the branches in front of him blankly, but a green figure emerged and made his own voice.

"Just touch"

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