Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 99 Conversation in the Room of Requirement

"We regret to inform you that due to the sudden resignation of Professor Mellen Keyes, the Defense Against the Dark Arts exams this semester cannot be held." Several students read the latest notice posted on the Hogwarts bulletin board. “Hasn’t the school considered alternatives?”

"Why, are we going to let Hanamus have a frank negotiation in the restaurant again?" A student mocked, "His solutions are quite thoughtful."

"At least he dares to do it, doesn't he?" Penny's voice appeared in the crowd in front of the bulletin board, "You shouldn't laugh at him like this, at least he has more courage than you."

Stephen, Rowan, and Martin passed by the crowd, one of the rare times recently that all three of them were in the same place at the same time. They were just curious about the quarrel in the crowd for a few seconds, then turned their heads and continued walking into the restaurant.

"Professor Case has really" asked Martin. He did not appear in the school all day yesterday, but he was already aware of the news circulating in the school.

"That's right." Stephen nodded, "Although it's a bit weird."

"Indeed." Martin agreed and then returned to silence, as if nothing could attract his attention again.

Rowan didn't speak from the beginning. He was thinking about some issues. He thought he had almost found the key point.

"Ah, that's right." Martin came back to his senses again, with a curious look on his face that was rarely seen before, "How is Merula? She seems to have changed since Christmas, and she doesn't seem to be bothered anymore. Pass you."

Stephen yawned. There were so many things before the end of the term, and what happened yesterday, he didn't get a good rest at all. "She's too silent. It's probably because her parents were captured by the Ministry of Magic and sent to Azkaban." .”

"Yes, after all, if you did something like that, you should be tried and punished." Martin's tone was very calm.

The three of them fell into complete silence, each thinking about different things.

After finishing the last class in the morning, which was also their last class of the semester, Stephen walked to the door of the Room of Requirement alone. He stopped in front of the tapestry, as if waiting for something.

"It should be there soon." After a few minutes, he suddenly said to himself, and Holmes happened to fly in from the window and "hand" a letter to Stephen.

"I hope there's something I need in there." He walked back and forth in front of the tapestry three times, and then pulled the handle of the Room of Requirement. It was very empty, without anything.

He nodded, satisfied. After closing the door, he walked to the middle of the room and sat down, then took out the notes that Professor Keith gave him and looked through them.

After nearly half an hour passed, Stephen stretched and said casually, "Come in."

"It seems that Mr. Tony is very comfortable here, which makes me, an old man, feel a little unbalanced." Dumbledore said in a voice that was not very loud but that Stephen could hear clearly.

"Professor, you can also choose to put down your work and enjoy life by yourself." Stephen put the book aside, stood up and patted his butt.

"I think this may take a long time." Dumbledore squinted his eyes and slowly leaned into Stephen. "I think you don't mind if the old man conjures up a chair to sit down. It is indeed difficult for an old man to sit on the floor. That’s harsh.”

"Then can you trouble the professor to change another one?" Stephen said with a smile, "I'm not good enough to change it."

"As long as you think about it, it will appear here." Dumbledore exposed Stephen's words, "It's just that you don't want to."

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, two chairs appeared behind each of them, and he sat down without looking back. Stephen looked back and then sat down with confidence.

"I think you can still trust me, old man." A table appeared between the two of them, with two cups placed on it. Dumbledore waved his hand, cleaned the cups and filled them with lemon soda.

"Professor, I don't dare to trust you in this regard." Stephen picked up the cup and poured out all the lemonade in the cup without caring about Dumbledore's face.

"Why not consider lemonade?" Dumbledore picked up the cup and took a sip. "Although its taste may not satisfy some people, it cannot be denied that it can satisfy some people's needs."

"But if it's unacceptable to most people, I think we should consider changing to a different drink. What do you think of Coke?" Stephen put the cup back on the table. He leaned down to pick up the notes he had placed on the ground. Then hold it in your hand.

"As far as I know, Coke also scores points. So Stephen, which one do you think we should choose? If the two draw, which side should we choose to support?" Dumbledore's cup was already empty, and he put the cup on the On the table, he smiled at Stephen.

"But I think it's better to choose between different Cokes than to choose between Coke and lemonade."

"Maybe I should try Pepsi." Dumbledore's thoughts seemed to drift to a distant place. After he finished saying this, he was in a trance for a long time, while Stephen was lost in thought.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Dumbledore came back to his senses. He looked kindly at Stephen, who was still thinking, "It's impossible for one person to complete it, and it's not necessary to choose only one Coke."

The two of them sat quietly in the Room of Requirement until nearly an hour passed before they came out.

"I still need to thank you, Stephen." Dumbledore turned to Stephen and smiled, "It is rare for me to rest continuously for such a long time."

"I have to thank you too, Professor, I think I have some ideas." Stephen thanked him. He already had some ideas in his mind and was waiting for the opportunity to try it in the future.

When he returned to the Ravenclaw common room, Rowan was already in their usual seat, looking at his notes. Rowan looked up at Stephen who was sitting down, just nodded, and continued to be immersed in review.

Without saying a word, Stephen took out the history of magic textbook and flipped through the pages.

"I said, why are you so silent today? This is not like your previous style." Chester threw a can of Coca-Cola at Stephen. Although Stephen didn't realize what was going on, he immediately reacted and threw the Coke Caught it.

"Senior Chester, don't you need to review?" Stephen moved his neck, which had been motionless for a long time, to make himself more comfortable.

"Reviewing 12 o's is just a very simple matter for me." There was no worry in Chester's tone. "This level of magic exam is still a little easier for me."

"Since senior is so powerful, can you please not disturb my review?" Stephen put the Coke on the table and waved his hand to signal Chester to leave.

"I understand, I understand. If I don't take it seriously, I can only be like you." Chester said a word and left.

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