Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 84 Locked Corridor

After lunch, Stephen did not plan to go to the common room. Since the beginning of school, he has basically been in the dining room, classroom, common room or library. The life of three o'clock and one line for too long will inevitably become boring.

He planned to visit Hogwarts, and there were many places he had never been to.

On a certain staircase, Holmes found him and brought a letter. Stephen accepted the letter thrown by Holmes, tore open the envelope and glanced at it.

"Warning, do not approach locked corridors." The content of the letter was very brief, and it did not clearly indicate which corridor it was.

"No, maybe I know which one it is." Stephen recalled that he and Rowan found a locked door last time, and it was a secret passage shown on the Marauder's Map.

Stephen took out the Marauder's Map and looked for it, "It should be here last time, the corridor on the second floor."

"But should I go?" Stephen thought for a moment. It would be dangerous to make a hasty decision when the identity of the letter writer is unclear. "There was nothing there last time. Maybe I still have to go and take a look."

"Holmes, did you bring me this letter from the common room?" Stephen touched Holmes, who had been on his shoulder since just now, and it nodded.

"I think there should be no danger." In Stephen's memory, Hogwarts has been relatively peaceful in the past ten years. If there is any big event, it should be recorded in the school history, and Miss Know-It-All will of course tell others what she knows. , "But maybe some things have changed."

Stephen put away the Marauder's Map and prepared to go upstairs to take a look at the corridor.

Interestingly, the lock on the door was missing, and by extension, the door was missing. Stephen looked across the doorway. The bare walls he saw last time had all been repainted, and at the end of the corridor, there was a stone statue.

"Is this really a secret passage? It's too fair." Stephen frowned. He took out the Marauder's Map and compared it. Indeed, this is the entrance to the secret passage shown on the map.

Stephen took out a piece of paper, crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the corridor in front of him. The ball disappeared.

Stephen looked at the corridor. It seemed that the scene in front of him was just a cover-up. This doorway led to other places. He took a piece of chalk from his pocket and began to draw something he would use later.

"I don't know if it can be used." After a while, a crudely painted monitor with a joystick was placed on the ground. Next to it is a chalk-painted car with a camera on it.

Stephen held the joystick and controlled the car to drive into the doorway. After the car disappeared, he looked at the display screen, which showed an extremely blurry scene. Stephen tried hard to distinguish. The camera's sight was pointed into the distance. He could tell that it was a large hall based on the blurry outline.

"Is there such a big place in the school?" He was a little puzzled, and controlled the car to get it back, but when it was about to come back, the car completely lost control and the display screen changed back to its original state.

After a few more seconds, the display screen in front of Stephen turned into a puddle of chalk dust, and then disappeared completely.

"Is it a one-way passage?" Stephen thought about the situation just now, "But it looks more like the magic of the chalk drawing has completely lost its effect."

"Then, if you haven't gone in, how do you know if there is any danger?" Stephen took out the letter he received before and looked at it. "The person who wrote the letter may have already gone in, so he knows if there is any danger."

"But if he is not familiar with me, why should he warn me?" Stephen looked up at the doorway in front of him. Everything he looked at looked like a real scene.

Stephen hesitated. He felt that he should not take this risk. After all, his life was at stake. But if he doesn't figure out what's inside, if it's a threat to the entire school, then he won't be doing well.

"Maybe I should try something else." Stephen was a little wavering. He took out his wand, then took out a very long popsicle and tentatively stuffed it in.

When he pulled it out again, the part that had just been inserted was gone.

"It does seem dangerous." Stephen rubbed his hands. The feeling of holding the popsicle was really uncomfortable, especially in winter.

"I've kindly reminded you, why are you still here?" A boy's voice suddenly came from behind Stephen.

"Who?" Before Stephen could turn his head, he was pushed in by the boy behind him.

"Bang" Stephen fell heavily in the hall, and Holmes followed him in. At this time, he was standing on his head and observing the surroundings curiously.

"It seems that the people who are threatening are not just two-hole sockets." Stephen climbed up from the ground unsteadily. He patted his clothes and took off all the dust on his body. "But what he did is undoubtedly After exposing myself, it was easy to find the list of people who were at the school during the holidays.”

He looked around, and there seemed to be no place to get out from here. "But the most important thing right now is how do I get out?"

The previous chalk drawing monitor only allowed him to see a rough outline, but now, he could observe the environment here himself.

The hall is very bright, and the sunlight shines in from nowhere. Stephen looked at the surrounding decorations, which can be called magnificent. In the middle of the innermost part of the hall, there was a statue. Stephen felt that it seemed very similar to the statue he saw outside the doorway.

"So where is this?" Stephen took out the Marauder's Map and looked at his location, but his name disappeared on the map. "Is it a magic similar to the Room of Requirement?"

He looked at the statue in the hall. It seemed that this was the only large object here. Perhaps the key to getting out was on this statue.

He moved closer to the statue. The statue seemed to be old, and the carving marks on it were a little blurry. There was a circular groove on it, and a string of words was written on the base, but it was really impossible to tell what was written.

He walked around to the back of the statue. It was very smooth, as if it had been polished many times.

"Why do I feel that the front and back look like two works?" Stephen returned to the front of the statue and looked at the circular groove on it, "Is this what you want to put in it?"

Stephen thought for a while, added some water to it with a wand, and then froze the water. He repeated this several times, filling the grooves, but nothing happened.

"It seems that not everything can be used." Stephen turned his head and looked elsewhere, but there seemed to be no items similar to this groove.

"Maybe I should try this." Stephen thought of the pocket watch he was wearing. He took it out and looked at it, "Holmes."

Holmes was still dozing when he heard Stephen's call flying from the ground to his shoulder. Stephen looked at the groove and slowly stretched out the pocket watch in his hand.

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