Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 82 New Issue of Daily Prophet

Time flies to the beginning of December. This year's winter has been extremely cold. Even in the common room where it is not so cold, the sneezing sounds of the eaglets can be heard from time to time.

"I would say they are really stupid. As wizards, they don't know how to use wizards." Rowan's clothes were basically the same as in the autumn. He picked up a piece of bread as if nothing had happened and looked at it, curled up in a ball. Stephen, "Stephen, is it so cold?"

Stephen held up the hot tea in front of him, took a sip, and then said: "Rowan, I am not like you. You have worked in the forest farm for several years, and this weather is not a big problem for you."

"Actually, this is just one of the reasons."

Rowan took out his magic wand, waved it towards Stephen, and said: "Sunflowers, black tea and sunshine make people feel warm."

After Rowan finished casting the spell, Stephen seemed to feel a little warm. After a while, he even started to sweat. It wasn't until he took off all the warm clothes he was wearing that he felt cooler.

"Why didn't you take it out before? I was frozen for two weeks." Stephen complained to Rowan.

"You didn't ask me, did you?"

While they were chatting, a public owl flew in through a partially closed window and dropped a newspaper on the table in front of them.

"Today's newspaper seems to have arrived a little late." Rowan picked up the newspaper and took a look. "Oh, the headline, Wizengamot trial of Death Eaters."

"What does it say?" Stephen didn't rush over to look, because he knew very well what the "punishment" most Death Eaters would receive.

"Let me see..." Rowan glanced through it quickly, his expression was very wonderful, and then he turned to the next page, his expression became even more ugly.

"Pa" Rowan threw the newspaper on the table and leaned his head on the sofa in frustration, "Stephen, what you said before is right. Those who are the cruelest and most loyal to the mysterious person will be sentenced to death." A life sentence in Azkaban."

Stephen picked up the newspaper and glanced at it. He was looking for old Malfoy's name.

"But there is still something that can be considered a good thing. Malfoy was sentenced to compensate Martin three thousand gold galleons, and he also had to enjoy several years of close observation by the Ministry of Magic." Stephen looked at the contents of the newspaper. This time Malfoy was still guilty of taking the He escaped with such a poor excuse as the soul curse.

"I'm afraid this is one of the rare good things in this report." Rowan mocked, "It's still one of the best in a hundred."

Stephen shrugged, put the newspaper on the table, then picked up the teacup and stared blankly. Rowan took out his notes and started reading. He recently had some new ideas on werewolf research and has been busy with this matter for the past few weeks.

"By the way, Stephen." Rowan suddenly raised his head and interrupted Stephen's daze, "Are you going home for Christmas?"

Stephen thought for a moment, "Forget it, my parents are very busy recently, and they suggested in the letter that I'd better stay at school for Christmas. What about you, Rowan?"

"I have to go back. The last time the Death Eaters attacked other forest farms, I almost thought I would never see them again, so I have to go back and see them."

Stephen nodded, "So I guess I'll have to stay in school alone."

"Martin should stay at school." Rowan felt something was wrong as soon as he said it. "Oh, sorry, I forgot that he is elusive, and he must not be in a good mood recently."

"Actually, it's not bad." Martin appeared behind Rowan, "But I also need to go outside the school to buy something for Christmas."

"Hey you didn't remind me." Rowan turned around and punched Martin.

"Sorry, I forgot again." Martin smiled, and Stephen felt that his smile seemed a bit lonely, "I will pay attention to it next time."

He looked at Stephen, "But I heard that Ben Copper doesn't seem to be home for Christmas. You should be able to stay with him."

"I think it's better to forget it." Stephen directly rejected the proposal without thinking. "I always feel that he is weird, so it's better to stay away from him."

Martin looked at him with a smile and nodded slightly.

"Stephen, where is the blame?" Rowan was a little confused, "I think he is quite normal, well, except for being a little timid."

"I think Mr. Nerd should pay attention to things other than books." Martin sat down. "Mr. Copper is much more interesting than your books."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Rowan looked at the two of them. He still didn't understand what the situation was. "What you mean is, in short, just stay away from him."

"Yes and no." Stephen felt that his tea would get cold if he didn't drink it. He picked up the cup and took a sip, "But it's always good to keep a distance."

"That's right," echoed Martin, who pulled out a copy of The Quibbler from somewhere and read it.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Rowan still didn't understand, but he didn't want to think about it. After all, it had nothing to do with him. "I'll just listen to you."

"By the way, Rowan, where is Watson?" Stephen thought of something and looked at Rowan, "I seem to have not seen it for a few days."

"Well." Rowan hesitated for a while. He seemed to have made up a lot of determination before telling Watson's whereabouts. "It seems to like going to the Forbidden Forest recently, but I don't know what's wrong with it."

"Why is it going to the Forbidden Forest?" Stephen thought this was a bit unusual. "Aren't there many dangerous animals there?"

"But every time he comes back, he is not injured, and he always brings back a fish for me to get for him." Rowan told him everything he knew, "But"

"but what"

"Every time he comes back his fur is always a mess."

Martin revealed his eyes, then turned the Quibbler in his hand to the inner page and placed it on the table, "Maybe that's the case."

"Let me take a look." Rowan looked at it and said, "No, no, this is too incredible. How could Watson be such a cat."

"What is that?" Stephen leaned over and took a look. It contained various signs of cats in estrus, as well as various treatment methods.

"So this magazine also writes about this..." Stephen felt a little funny, "I think Watson is not that age yet, and he is not an ordinary cat."

"Yeah, that's why I said it's incredible." Rowan felt that this was impossible. He shook his head firmly and said, "Maybe Watson is catching something."

"Like the rats in the Forbidden Forest," Stephen mentioned casually.

"I'm not Watson, how do I know." Rowan shook his head, "If it could talk, we wouldn't have to go to such trouble."

"All in all, it's good that nothing happened to it. I think it knew the risks."

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