Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 7 Merula Snyder

Early in the morning, Stephen felt something pecked his face, and he struggled to open his eyes.

"Holmes" he sat up and looked at the time, "wc, you're going to be late."

As a must-have, being late on the first day is basically a skill that every traveler knows. However, generally speaking, they are late for Transfiguration class, and at most for Potions class, and of course, Potions class ten years later.

But compared to the lesson that Stephen will be late for later, it is obviously not good news, because he is not sure whether he can still communicate normally with the current Professor Snape. If Snape wants to deduct a lesson from Stephen because he is late, 100%, it won’t be surprising.

"If possible, I will definitely rearrange my get out of class schedule in the future. Freshmen will have to face the extremely depressing atmosphere of Potions class on their first day, which is not a good thing for them." Stephen tried to calm himself down, "Oh , Luo Wen, wake up, don’t sleep.”

"Oh." Rowan said in a daze, "Sorry, I was too excited last night, so I slept a little late."

"We should go, otherwise Professor Snape will kill us later."

"Oh shit, Stephen, wait until I get dressed."

The two hurried out of the common room, but found they couldn't find their way.

"Rowan, haven't you ever seen a map of Hogwarts or something?"

"It's useless even if you look at it, the stairs in Hogwarts will all change." Rowan complained, "What should we do now?"

"Meow" Watson sprang out from behind them.

"I think we can follow Watson." Stephen could only treat the horse as a doctor, "You said it was very smart, didn't you?"

Fortunately, Watson did not persecute them, and Stephen and Rowan were not late after following Watson. A minute after they entered the classroom, Snape, dressed in black, walked in quickly and pointed at the curtains with his wand. The whole classroom was soon filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

Snape picked up the roster and began to call names. After calling the names, he looked up at the whole class. His eyes were as black as Hagrid's, but they didn't have the warmth of Hagrid's. His eyes were cold, hollow, even with a hint of anger and unwillingness.

"You are here to learn the precise science and art of potion-making," he began, his voice barely above a whisper, but everyone caught his every word.

As soon as he spoke, the chill in the classroom seemed to get heavier in line with the gloomy atmosphere, "Since there is no silly waving of wands here, many of you will not believe that this is magic. I don't expect you to truly understand it. The beauty of the slowly simmering cauldron emitting white smoke and bursts of fragrance. You don’t really understand the liquid that flows into people’s blood vessels. The wonderful magic that makes people’s hearts and minds blurred. I can teach you how to improve your reputation. , brew glory, and even prevent death, but there must be one thing, that is, you are not the stupid fools I often encounter."

"What will you get if you add narcissus root powder to mugwort infusion? If you want to find a piece of bezoar, where should you look for it? What is the difference between Aconitum scapularis and Aconitum wolfsbane?" Hogwarts review summary of the little things you must know By Rowen Kenner, Part One, Potions.

Rumor has it that the book was inspired by his friends: Stephen Toney, Ben Copper and Penny Heywood. But first on the list of creative credits goes to Snape Severus.

After this book was published in 1989, it quickly became a must-have book recommended by Flourish and Blott Books for students. This book has been welcomed by students because the knowledge is really useful and not as long as the textbook.

Also, "it makes some people look less stupid" said Snape Severus

Snape suddenly asked these questions to Stephen, but Stephen was obviously prepared.

"Professor, narcissus root powder and mugwort can be mixed together to prepare a very powerful sleeping potion, the water of life and death."

"Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a cow and has a strong detoxifying effect."

"Aconitum scapulae and Aconitum wolfsbane are the same plant, collectively called Aconitum."

"Sit down." Snape snorted coldly, "Mr. Kenner, you will deduct five points from Ravenclaw for whatever you draw on the paper. Why don't the others write these down?"

Well, deducting points is a necessary part of Potions class. Snape has to go to any house that he doesn't like, or in other words, except Slytherin, all other houses have to go.

After Snape finished talking about the main points, he divided them into pairs and instructed them to mix the scabies treatment potion.

For some unknown reason, Snape did not put Stephen and Rowan in a group, but put him in a group with a Slytherin girl with short red hair.

Stephen glanced at his partner's face and found that his partner looked pretty good, mainly because of the thick dark circles under his eyes, which brought down the overall rating.

"You are Stephen. Tony looks as stupid as your brother." The girl started with a sarcastic sentence, but it was still far behind the Zaun people. Stephen was unfazed by this.

"Do you know my brother?" Stephen asked without looking up as he was immersed in his materials.

"He is a famous person. He was looking for some kind of cursed treasure house like crazy in school, and he even took refuge with a mysterious person for this purpose. The result is hum, I'm afraid he is not on the run now, but is dead." The girl sneered, "You'd better not Just do something stupid like your brother did. How could a mudblood find a cursed hoard?"

"Oh" Stephen raised his eyelids and suddenly looked up, "Professor Snape, my partner told me that my brother is a mudblood. I think, according to her tone, this is not a very good word."

Snape walked over and glared at the girl: "Miss Snyder, you'd better give me an explanation, otherwise I don't mind letting you go home and have a good rest for a few days."

"Professor, how could I say this word? We all know it is not a good word." The girl's eyes were a little evasive.

"Ms. Snyder, come to my office after class." Snape snorted coldly and emphasized the tone of "after class." "Mr. Tony, I think you'd better focus on your potion. We will handle this matter well.”

"Thank you, Professor Snape, I believe you will handle it impartially." Stephen specifically emphasized "justice".

"I know how to deal with it. You don't need to remind me, Mr. Tony." Snape left and continued to inspect the situation of other groups.

The girl glared at Stephen, but thinking that she couldn't say the word "mudblood", she couldn't hold back a curse word for a long time.

It seems that the magic world does not have a rich vocabulary for swearing. Stephen looked at her appearance and shook his head, and continued to prepare his potion. Stephen watched his scabies treatment potion boil, and when the preparation time was up, he removed the cauldron from the fire and put the porcupine quills in.

Suddenly, the girl sprinkled a handful of something into his cauldron. Stephen screamed secretly, and hurriedly waved his wand to pull off two pieces of cloth from the curtains by the window, and turned the cloth into a large wooden shield. Stand in front of himself and the girl respectively.

"Bang" the crucible in front of him exploded, and a large amount of liquid splashed onto the shield. Fortunately, he was sitting very close to the window, and the others were far away, so no innocent people were hurt.

Miss Snyder was stunned. She had no idea that what she just threw would cause such a big reaction.

"Stephen, you are as stupid as your brother" Snape was about to explode, "Twenty points from Ravenclaw"

"I believe you will become an explosives expert in the future. Look what you put in it."

"Professor Snape, I think you should ask Miss Snyder. I am also curious about what she sprinkled into my crucible." Stephen looked at the girl and found that she seemed to have no intention of taking responsibility. Just be good and do it to the end and send her to the west.

"It's not my responsibility and you want me to take the blame and dream." Stephen thought to himself.

"Very well, Stephen, I will investigate. I warn you, if it is proved that you are framing Miss Snyder, it will not be as simple as deducting points." Snape suppressed his anger, "As for you, Merula, I think maybe going to my office isn’t enough, I’m afraid you have to go to the principal’s office to talk.”

Due to the explosion of the cauldron, Stephen had all the time left to wait for Potions class to end. After class, Snape gave him extra homework to brew a scabies treatment potion and give it to him within a week.

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