Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 55 Exploration of the Magic Frontier (3)

"Stephen, do you know of any items that use name magic?" Stephen looked at the note handed over by Rowan. They were now in the library. In order to avoid attracting Mrs. Pince's attention as much as possible, they could only use this... ways to communicate.

In the library, Stephen could see the name magic research notebook that Rowan was reading, but after reading a few pages, he felt that he was reading a bible.

Stephen thought of the Marauder's Map, but it was not easy to get this map from Filch's office. Stephen thought about it and wrote on the note: "I know there is a drawer in Filch's office. A copy of the Marauder's Map with some name magic applied on it."

A joyful smile appeared on Rowan's face after reading the contents of the note. He had already seen half of the note. He discovered that the content after that was not purely theoretical, but some research on physical objects. Without physical reference, it would be very troublesome to interpret.

He closed the notebook, then opened a book on transfiguration and read it. Stephen continued to look at Jacob's notebook. He compared his notes on how to reduce magic power loss for so long, and found that he seemed to have reached the threshold.

"The source of magic is the soul. The stronger the soul, the stronger the magic." Stephen turned to the first page of his notebook. He had already rearranged his notes. "This is the basis of the entire theory. All research must be based on Soul power.”

"So, that is to say, magic power is innate." Stephen believes that the reason why Squibs appear is because of this, "No, there are also special circumstances, such as myself."

"What does soul power mean?" Stephen rummaged through Jacob's notes and found that Jacob did not mention this.

He remembered what Professor Flitwick had told him about the origin of magic, and then he remembered what the Boggart had become in front of him. Stephen seemed to have guessed something, but then he denied his guess because he thought of Neville's example.

"If the Boggart can reflect what is feared in the soul, how can we explain Neville's situation?" Stephen fell into deep thought, "Maybe this is not a single-choice question, but it can do everything."

Although Stephen thought this was somewhat unlikely, he still recorded his conjecture in his notebook and prepared to catch a Boggart and study it when he had the opportunity in the future.

Stephen returned his attention to the study of magic power loss. Based on the introduction to the use of magic in various regions that he found in the library, as well as his research in each history of magic class, he certainly did not only study trick magic spells. Found something interesting.

For the same magic, the power of magic cast by African magic tribes using hand gestures is low, and the use process is also very cumbersome. The regions where wands are used are generally Europe, North America and Oceania. The use of magic is very fast and more powerful than that of African wizards. .

In Asia, there are various methods. Japan uses magic wands and special ninjutsu. India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. prefer to use magical animals and various props, so the power is naturally difficult to evaluate.

"Perhaps it should be said that the function of the wand is to gather magic power in one place. Although the magic power is lost during the continuous transformation process, the power will be enhanced because it is used intensively." Stephen thinks he may have to study how to Making a wand made him feel a bit over the top.

"So how did Jacob reduce the loss of magic power?" He looked through the contents of the notes carefully, and after a while he showed an expression of realization.

The method Jacob adopted was simpler spell-casting movements and smooth instillation of emotions, but the most important thing was to be able to resonate with his wand.

"Is this why there is a saying that a wand chooses a wizard? But doesn't it all resonate?" Stephen felt a little strange. "If what happens when choosing a wand is not resonance, then under what circumstances will it be called resonance?"

Stephen took out his wand and tried to sense it, but other than the sound of books turning in the library, he felt nothing. He shook his head and continued his research.

On the other side, in a villa in Godric's Hollow.

"James, listen to me, we really have to think about changing the Secret Keeper." Sirius sat on the sofa, clasping his hands and leaning forward to look at James across from him.

"Sirius, I trust you. You will never betray me and my family, right? So I still think there is no need to change the secret keeper." James looked at Sirius calmly, he always trusted his best Good friend.

"Yes, I will never betray. But everyone will think that I am your secret keeper. James, Marlene is dead, died in front of me, and I also heard that the Death Eaters are trying every possible means to find me. ." Sirius' voice was filled with pain.

There was the sound of a cup breaking from the door of the living room. Sirius and James turned to look at the door. It was Lily. The cup on the tray she was holding was gone, and there were broken glass at her feet. There was also a large puddle of water on the blanket.

"Lily, are you okay?" James stood up quickly and checked Lily's leg. She seemed to have been scratched by broken glass. James took out his wand and healed Lily's wound, and also repaired the broken cup.

"Sirius, what did you just say that Marlene is dead?" Lily asked with a trembling voice.

Sirius closed his eyes, then opened them, and nodded, "Bellatrix tortured her with the Cruciatus Curse before she died."

"How dare she?" Lily's tone was full of anger, but then turned weak, "How dare she do this..."

James held Lily's shoulders and gently stroked her arm to comfort her. Tears flowed from Lily's eyes. Marlene's death had hit her hard.

"James, there are still many people who know the location of your home." Sirius leaned his back weakly on the sofa, "If I die, everyone who knows the location of your home will automatically become the secret keeper."

He paused and continued: "So asking me to be the secret keeper may not be a perfect choice, but Peter is different. He is not noticeable, and his Animagus form makes him good at hiding. Let him serve as the secret keeper. The Secret Keeper would be an excellent choice.”

James and Lily sat down, "Sirius, what you said makes sense, but I still insist that you are the best candidate. This topic ends here."

Sirius was not angry because of James's rejection. He knew that his good friend trusted him completely, "Okay, James."

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