Hogwarts Melting Ice Journey

Chapter 49 Rookies pecking each other (1)

Early on Tuesday morning, Stephen and Rowan set off from the common room to the restaurant for dinner.

They found that the bulletin board in front of the hall was crowded with people. There were so many people that they couldn't even squeeze through. Stephen and Rowan became very interested in what was written on the bulletin board. An announcement that could attract many students around must be important.

"I borrowed it, please forgive me, give me a moment..."

The two of them struggled to get to the bulletin board. The latest bulletin on it read in eye-catching colors, "Duel Club, everyone is welcome."

The people around were chatting enthusiastically about the Duel Club. This club was last opened several years ago. Stephen and Rowan spent another long time squeezing out, and then walked through the crowd towards the restaurant.

"Stephen, what is the Duel Club?" Rowan was curious about the students' reactions, "Are you interested in joining?"

"To be precise, I am already a member." Stephen looked back at the growing crowd, then turned to look at the road ahead, "The Duel Club is a club directed by Professor Flitwick to train students' combat abilities."

Rowan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"So, Rowan, are you interested in participating?" Stephen asked.

"I" Rowan shook his head, "I still want to do some research. Although joining this club is very useful to me, I don't have much interest."

Stephen understood this. Rowan really didn't like fighting. For him, reading and researching were the fun.

The two walked into the restaurant. Since most people had gone to read the notice on the bulletin board, there were very few people in the restaurant. They found their seats, sat down, and started eating today's breakfast.

"Rowan, are the classes this morning as usual?" Stephen asked while eating.

"Of course, History of Magic can be passed by just memorizing the things in the notes. Professor Binns's class is so boring, how many people can listen to it."

"But where do we have any notes?" Stephen felt that this might not be reliable. After all, their class didn't seem to have a study fanatic like Hermione.

"Oh, I've taken the time to finish it." Rowan put down his knife and fork, took out a thick notebook from his bag and handed it to Stephen.

Stephen opened it and took a look. It was filled with densely packed knowledge points about the history of magic. He looked at Rowan in surprise. He didn't know when Rowan finished taking the notes.

Rowan knew what Stephen wanted to ask, so he explained: "These are the notes I took after class. I also compared them with some past test questions. There shouldn't be any big problems."

Stephen handed the notebook back to Rowan, "I think I need to borrow your notes to review before the exam."

"Of course, we are good friends."

"Humph, what a scene of deep brotherhood, it almost made me cry." Stephen didn't even need to tell who the voice belonged to. Merula was the only one who could always be bored enough to pester them.

He turned back to look at Merula. This time she had one less follower, who was probably still being observed by Madam Pomfrey in the school hospital.

"So, Miss Snyder, what do you want to tell us this time?" Stephen glanced at Merula's face. The dark circles under her eyes seemed less thick. "It didn't blow up something again, did it?" You know, you blew up my book yesterday and I had to buy another one."

"You" Merula glared at Stephen. She tried her best to calm down her emotions and regained her original arrogance, "I'm here to make you agree to a wizard duel with me."

Stephen was speechless, "Oh, I understand, I refuse."

"Stephen, it's not up to you." Merula sneered and left the Ravenclaw table with her followers.

Stephen looked at Merula's back and felt that he really had nothing to say to her. His current view of Merula is that of an extremely naive child who wants to prove himself.

"Stephen, what do you think she is doing this time?" Rowan glanced at Merula, then turned to look at Stephen.

Stephen shrugged, "Who knows. But if she really wants to duel with me, I think I will have a chance to teach her a lesson and save us from causing trouble all day long."

Rowan smiled, he believed in Stephen's strength, "But where will she duel with you?"

"It's probably the Duel Club." Stephen felt that this was very possible, because only there would not violate the school rules that prohibit casting spells in the corridors and not attacking classmates.

After a while, the two finished breakfast. As soon as they walked out of the restaurant, they heard some students talking about the duel club selection in the afternoon, and Stephen heard them mention a classroom at the bottom of the school.

"Probably the same one last time." Stephen thought to himself.

In the History of Magic class, Stephen took out Jacob's notebook and started studying it as usual. He found that all his recent research time seemed to be allocated to the History of Magic class. But on the bright side, this can be called a wise use of time.

What I saw today was another prank curse, and Stephen was already used to it. Now he had to believe that his cheap brother was very good at this kind of magic. In addition to the research on magic power loss, a large part of the article was about the prank magic.

This time the prank spell is not something new, but a spell that Stephen is very familiar with, which is a spell that can make people laugh so hard that they can't stop laughing.

However, the grinning hula-la written in Jacob's notebook is a little different from the direction normally used. The description Stephen saw in his notebook was that this spell could not only make people laugh, but also make something explode.

"Isn't it because I burst out laughing?" Stephen complained softly while recording the techniques used in his notebook, "But according to this description, it is just a particularly weakened version of a thunderbolt explosion or falling apart."

Stephen felt that he should find an opportunity to try the explosion effect. Since this spell seemed to only make inflatable items such as balloons explode, he would have to find some balloons to try later.

"Maybe this kind of magic can be used to trick others in the future, such as making balloons explode and scare timid people." Stephen recorded the magic in his notebook, and then took out Rowan's magic. Start copying the history notes.

Although you can memorize these things with a little effort, you still need to do some review, or preview...

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