Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 995 Rope Tree Cultist Chasing a Girl

"You mean you regard Lin as your new spiritual support?" After listening to Yamato's narration, Kakashi asked with a strange expression: "So you care about her or you say you like her?"

Yamato hurriedly waved his hands with a blush on his face: "No, no, it's not what you think.

I don't have any bad thoughts about her, I just feel that she is very warm

In short, I treat her as a companion and hope to protect her."

"Is it warm? With Lin's personality and similar appearance, it's not surprising that you would like her." Kakashi said in a dazed tone: "No wonder you had such a murderous intention towards me just now. If it were different That guy will also want to kill me just like you."

"Who is that guy referring to?" Yamato asked, looking at Kakashi with some confusion.

Kakashi replied with a look of reminiscence: "A deceased teammate, his character was very similar to yours, and he also had a strong belief in protecting his teammates. I promised him that I would protect Lin, but unfortunately I didn't do enough. I'm afraid Izumi Youchi will be as angry with me as you are."

"I think the saddest person in this matter should be Brother Kakashi. After all, I can feel that you are the most important one in Lin's heart." Yamato said with some sadness: "Since Lin chose to sacrifice herself, then other people Who has anyone to blame you?

If Lin knew that I was attacking you, she would blame me for being nosy."

"Is that so?" Kakashi's eyes widened as if he understood something from Yamato's unintentional words, and whispered to himself: "No wonder she has been ignoring me since she woke up."

Yamato heard Kakashi talking to himself, thinking that he was too sad and obsessed, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Brother Kakashi, I understand the pain of losing a companion, but you must keep the basics Be sensible and don’t get too caught up in vain illusions.”

Kakashi woke up from his thoughts when he heard this, looked at Yamato with a puzzled expression and said: "Don't worry, Fantasy, I have the Sharingan, and no illusion can confuse me."

The worry on Yamato's face became even stronger: "This further shows that your problem is serious.

I know that you must be in too much pain, so you keep thinking about the memories of your companions in your mind, as if they are still alive with you. Back then, I was also in a daze like you, and sometimes I couldn't even distinguish between reality and fantasy. Things didn’t get better until I met Lin.”

"Right," Yamato said. After hesitating for a moment, he looked at Kakashi and gritted his teeth. "If you really can't control your thoughts about Lin, you can find a new spiritual support like me."

My companion back then is still alive and should be about the same age as Lin. You can try to use her as a replacement."

Kakashi finally understood what Yamato meant. He said with a bit of laughter and tears: "Junior brother Yamato, you have misunderstood Lin." Halfway through, Kakashi suddenly remembered that Lin's existence is a secret of Konoha and cannot be disclosed at will, so he Shut up.

Yamato ignored Kakashi's words, but warned with some worry: "But she and Lin are not the same person after all. Don't scare her by being too enthusiastic."

"What is this? You must have shocked Lin at first." Kakashi looked helpless.

Same here

The three people who had been watching the interaction between the two finally couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha" Sarutobi said with a hearty laugh: "Young people today are really precocious. They have already started falling in love at a young age. I think your disciples have inherited your romantic tradition."

"Hahaha, they are really two interesting boys." Even Orochimaru, who has always been very cold in relationships, laughed out loud looking at the two of them.

Naoshu also smiled and shook his head: "The personalities of these two boys are really similar, even the girls they like are almost the same.

But they are different from me. I will never pretend to be generous and push a girl away. If you like her, you must chase her.

I said Yamato, are you really willing to let Kakashi replace Lin with your sweetheart?

And Kakashi, why are you so slow? The relationship between you and Lin has not been finalized yet. Don’t talk about Obito all the time. Do you still want Lin to remain a widow?"

In fact, these two people are completely different from the flirtatious rope tree. They are both the seeds of infatuation. In the original novel, because they could not let go of their hidden feelings, the two remained singles for the rest of their lives.

Naoshu felt that the two of them were too coy and passive in their relationship, which would prevent them from making the same mistakes again, so he deliberately said these words to stimulate them.

Yamato and Kakashi both blushed at what the rope tree said.Kakashi said with a pun: "Teacher, there are some things you shouldn't say casually."

"It doesn't matter, your junior brother Yamato is not an outsider. Since he cares so much, there is no need to hide the news of Lin's life from him.

Those two girls are now taking orders from the ANBU. If they identify the wrong person then, it will be a big joke," Naoki said casually.

Yamato was surprised when he heard this and said: "Teacher Naoki, are you saying that Rin is still alive and in the ANBU with her?"

"Yes, Rin is now a three-tailed Jinchuuriki, so she faked her death and joined the ANBU to hide her identity in order to keep it secret." Naoki nodded and said, "Because your brother Kakashi always talks about someone, making Rin look like a widow, so I've been having trouble with him.

So now, do you still want to let that little girl comfort your senior brother instead of Lin? "

Yamato shook his head hurriedly: "Now that Senior Brother Kakashi has Lin, don't be half-hearted anymore."

"What do you mean I'm half-hearted because you've been talking to yourself, okay?" Kakashi said angrily.

"Yamato, you are much more honest than Kakashi," Naoki said with a smile on his face: "Remember what the teacher said, feelings are selfish. You must not give in and take the initiative to win over someone like Kakashi. Good girls will also leave him, and he will end up being a bachelor for the rest of his life."

Kakashi rolled his eyes and said helplessly: "Teacher Naoki, please stop talking. I will go and apologize to Lin right away."

Shengshu said unequivocally: "You have to take care of it yourself. Emotional matters need to be handled by yourself. I don't want to have to worry about it anymore."

Naoki knew that Kakashi didn't seem to care on the surface, but he was actually confused inside.He estimated that after his stimulation this time, Kakashi and Lin would soon pierce the last layer of window paper.

At this time, Yamato asked Naoki with some anxiety on his face: "Teacher, how is she doing these years?"

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