Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 993 The Mudun Blood Successor that cannot be mass-produced

"You're still alive, you're still alive," Yamato repeated excitedly, his eyes filled with joy and his eye circles began to turn red.

"Nawaki, what's going on here? Didn't you just say that other transformation experiments failed? Why did you come back to life again?" Sarutobi asked with some confusion.

"I'm also very curious about what's going on, Naoki-kun. Those experimental subjects back then were unable to fuse the Wood Release Cells." Orochimaru also asked with a curious look on his face.

After hearing this, Yamato looked at the rope tree worriedly. Back then, he saw with his own eyes that his companions' petri dishes were extinguished one by one.

Faced with everyone's questions, Naoki said slowly and calmly: "In order for Orochimaru to win Danzo's trust, I acquiesced to this human experiment.

However, considering that these fifty orphans were innocently implicated, I decided to try my best to make amends, so I have been paying attention to this experiment.

I discovered that every time an orphan fails to fuse with Mudun and mutates, their body will be secretly buried by roots in order to keep it secret. At this time, these orphans who failed to fuse have not completely lost their lives.

After the first orphan is buried, I will secretly transfer him and try to treat him. You know, I have mastered a secret technique that can fuse blood, so I will try to use this ninjutsu to treat him.

What is surprising is that this secret technique is also useful for the fusion of wood escape cells.After the fusion was completed, the orphan's lumbered body gradually recovered and he began to speak again.

So I quietly took him away and used Wood Release to create an identical "corpse" and leave it at the burial site, successfully confusing the roots.

After that, I used the same method to rescue other orphans who failed to transform one by one.

I found that the last orphan had successfully integrated Mudun with his own will to survive, but to avoid being exposed, I did not take him away, but left him with Danzo.

In order to prevent similar experiments from happening again, I quietly arranged for the other 49 orphans who were rescued by me to live in the Senju Separation House and live a normal life anonymously. No one knows their childhood experiences.

After Danzo brought the only orphan who successfully integrated the Wood Release into his roots, he gave up the experiment of wood release transplantation because the success rate was too low.

This is exactly how the whole thing happened.In order to deceive Danzo and cause you to have such a painful experience as children, I am truly sorry."

"No, no, no," Yamato shook his head excitedly: "This matter is not Mr. Naoki's responsibility. You also made this decision to save more talents.

I want to thank you for everything you have done for my companions. Only you can do so much for us orphans.

Compared to life, those pains are nothing, as long as you live, it’s enough. As long as you live, that’s fine.”

At the end of the story, Yamato finally couldn't help but shed tears, but there was a happy smile on his face.

Although this crying and laughing expression looks strange, it is much better than the previous numbness.

The light of hope finally appeared in Yamato's eyes, and the emotions that had been suppressed finally returned, and his whole person seemed to be alive again.

Kakashi is most familiar with this kind of emotional change.

, after hearing the news that Yuan Yelin was not dead, wasn't he crying and laughing like this?

The joy brought by lost things is often more unforgettable than simple gains, and makes people know how to cherish them.

Kakashi couldn't help but feel happy for this boy who had a similar experience to himself, with a heartfelt smile on his face.

Sarutobi also showed a happy smile at this time. After learning that Naoki had rescued all fifty orphans, he felt relieved and felt less guilty.

After Naoki sensed the emotional changes in Yamato's heart, he felt certain in his heart. He knew that his goal had been achieved. After the knot in his heart was untied, as long as he was properly cultivated, Yamato's future achievements would be no less than Kakashi's, coupled with the kindness of saving his companions. , there is no need to worry about loyalty, he will definitely become his right-hand man like Kakashi.

Among everyone present, only Orochimaru didn't feel the slightest change in Yamato's mood at this time. His attention had been attracted by another thing.

I saw that he didn't care about ruining the atmosphere, and directly asked Shengshu with excitement: "Shengshu-kun, since you used secret techniques to help those experimental subjects fuse the wood escape cells, are they now also with this child?" They also mastered the Wood Release."

Hearing this question, everyone present hurriedly turned their attention to the rope tree. Wooden Release is of great significance to Konoha. If Orochimaru's speculation is true, what does it mean? It means that Wooden Release Blood Successor has been able to be mass-produced. Even Sarutobi couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster at the thought of this possibility.

Unfortunately, Rooshu shook his head and objected: "No, although my secret technique has reconciled the conflict between the Wood Release cells and their bodies, it has not changed anything in their bloodline. Currently, the only one who can use Wood Release is Youjia."

After Orochimaru heard this answer, he did not give up but continued to ask: "There is really no change at all. Are there any other characteristics such as changes in vitality and chakra properties?"

"There has been no change except for stronger mental and willpower. The physical constitution of these children is no different from ordinary people. This willpower is also tempered by enduring the pain of wood escape cell erosion for a long time," Shengshu said with determination. , "My secret technique only has a fusion effect on innate blood vessels. It only has a therapeutic effect on cells implanted later in life."

"It seems like this child is the only special case. No wonder you value him so much," Orochimaru said, staring at Yamato thoughtfully.

Yamato felt chilled and his face turned pale when he saw him.

At this time, Naoki reminded: "Orochimaru's experiment is over. If you want to continue, you can use clones to try. Don't try to hit these children again."

Hearing this, Orochi immediately moved his probing eyes away from Yamato, nodded with a smile on his face and said: "Now that I have the best research material like clones, I will certainly not use the primitive experimental methods before.

However, I am very curious about Mr. Shengshu’s secret technique of bloodline fusion, and I still haven’t figured out the principle. This kind of ability that involves the genetic level is so incredible.”

Shengshu shook his head with a mysterious look on his face and said: "The principles in this world are not easy to study clearly. Even I, the user, know it but don't know why."

Orochimaru always felt that Naoki had reservations, but he did not pursue the question. This was a tacit understanding cultivated through years of cooperation with Naoki. He believed that one day the question would be solved.

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