Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 986 Showdown

"Let's not mention Danzo's matter. He wants to plot against you. You can't fight back. But" Sarutobi looked around at the petri dishes around the laboratory, then looked at the rope tree with complicated eyes and asked again: " You really participated in these so-called experimental studies."

Naoki could sense Sarutobi's mood at this time and knew that he still had hope for himself, but he still nodded and admitted: "Yes, although I didn't do it myself, I provided Orochimaru with a lot of funds and theory. With help. So, these experiments were co-hosted by me and him."

When Sarutobi heard this, his eyes turned gray, his body swayed, and he almost lost his grip on the wish-fulfilling stick in his hand.


Naoki instinctively wanted to reach out to help, but Sarutobi blocked him roughly. He said with a sad face: "

OK, who would have thought that Skywalker, who is regarded as the embodiment of kindness and kindness, would do such cruel and evil things?

It seems that the entire ninja world has been deceived by you.

But why don't you continue to pretend?

You know, if you hadn't admitted it yourself, even if Orochimaru took the initiative to expose your relationship, I would never believe it."

The corner of Orochimaru's mouth twitched. The gap between people was really huge.

The other two spectators in the corridor still had expressions of disbelief on their faces.Yamato was fine, he was just too shocked to speak.And Kakashi even kept denying it in a low voice: "How could Mr. Naoki do such a thing if he doesn't know how? This must be Orochimaru's conspiracy."

Orochimaru was furious when he heard this.

In response to Sarutobi's question, Naoki's eyes flashed.In fact, he had hesitated before, whether he should abandon Orochimaru directly and let him defect from Konoha like in the original work.

In this way, not only can the plot be maintained, but the perfect image he has always created can also be maintained.

However, Danzo's timing for launching the plan was too good. The research on cloning technology has reached a critical moment. At this time, Orochimaru, the host, is inseparable. You must know that cloning technology is related to many plans of the rope tree, and there is absolutely no room for it. lose

On the other hand, the Scientific Research Department of Konoha is also the key to the establishment of ninja civilization by the rope tree, and Orochimaru, the Minister of Scientific Research, is the most talented researcher in Konoha. If the Scientific Research Department leaves him, all research progress will be infinitely slowed down. Relying on Rope Tree's system alone, he didn't know how much willpower it would take to realize his plan.

Orochimaru's value in scientific research far exceeds other talents. If he is driven out of Konoha just to maintain the plot, it is completely putting the cart before the horse.

Orochimaru is absolutely indispensable to Nogeki's plan.After weighing it again and again, Naoki made a decision: Orochimaru must be preserved at all costs.

So after understanding Danzo's plan, Naoki reminded Orochimaru in advance and asked him to take action at the critical moment to catch all the roots, and then use this opportunity to say a set of words he had prepared, and Akatsuki Li moved with emotion and finally reached a reconciliation with Sarutobi.

Based on Naoki's understanding of Sarutobi, as long as Orochimaru acted according to his script, this plan should have been a success.

It's a pity that the rope tree is overestimated in size

Shemaru's emotional intelligence clearly reminded him in advance that not only did he not clean up the laboratory in advance, but he was still obsessed with experiments at the critical moment, which left a deep bad impression on Sarutobi from the beginning, and the subsequent conversation was even more so. It was extremely blunt, completely out of touch with the script, and successfully aroused Sarutobi's murderous intention. The whole scene was ruined by Orochimaru, a protagonist with poor acting skills.

In the end, Orochimaru asked for help, and Naoki, who had been using the curse seal to observe the situation, had to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to the rescue. Originally, according to Naoki's plan, he didn't have to show up, but now he had to involve himself. , if Sarutobi cannot be convinced this time, it will definitely have a huge impact on his plan.

Fortunately, Naoki was very confident in his mouth escape ability, and he was very confident that he could successfully convince Sarutobi and resolve the crisis.

Even if he takes ten thousand steps back and fails in the end, there are other ways to be sure.

Of course, the above true thoughts cannot be expressed. Naoki said with a "sincere" look: "Because I am also responsible for this matter. If I can continue to hide it, that's it. Now that Sarutobi-sensei has discovered the truth , then I can’t hide in the dark and let Orochimaru face the teacher’s censure alone, let alone sit back and watch the tragedy of master and disciple fighting each other.”

"Heh." Sarutobi laughed angrily at Naoki. He looked at his former proud disciple with a mocking face and said, "You are very responsible, but that's right. Since you were a child, you have liked to take the lead in things and hide behind to let others It’s really not your character to take the blame.”

When Naoshu heard this, he felt ashamed. He really didn't want to take the blame if he could.

"Then how do you want to solve this matter next?

Are you going to join forces with Orochi to kill me, an old man, or even kill everyone to silence them, and then turn the blame on Danzo?" Sarutobi asked, staring into the eyes of the tree.

Kakashi and Yamato in the corridor froze. If Naoki was really planning to do this, then the two of them would probably be silenced.

When Naoki heard Sarutobi's question, he secretly thought that it was amazing. People who can become the shadow of a village are really not easy. Although Sarutobi's guess was not all right, it was not far away. Naoki's final insurance is to push everything away. But Danzo is not prepared to kill anyone and silence him. Instead, he has a safer way, which is to use the illusion of "Pure Land" to modify everyone's memory, and even forcefully brainwash them to fundamentally change their minds.

The ultimate illusion of "Pure Land of Bliss", like "God of Other Heavens", is a plug-in, which is why Shen Shu is confident in solving this crisis.The so-called cheats are so rogue and domineering. Even if a loser player like Danzo improves his skills, he will only be disappointed when encountering a cheating rope tree.

Of course, Naoki doesn't want to take this method unless he has to. After all, the "Pure Land" also requires certain restrictions. A strong-willed man like Sarutobi doesn't know how long it will take to successfully brainwash and force changes. There will definitely be sequelae after suppression. Both Kakashi and Yamato are the future helpers that the rope tree wants to focus on cultivating. It will not be beautiful if their potential is destroyed.

So Naoshu still wanted to use Mouth Escape to convince the three of them, which was easy and natural.

Naoki's heart was spinning a lot, but he didn't show any emotion on the surface. Facing Sarutobi's questioning eyes, he looked back with a magnanimous look: "Sarutobi-sensei is overthinking."

No matter what, this disciple would never do such a thing to deceive his master and destroy his ancestors, and he has never even thought about it."

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