Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 974 1 On the verge of breaking out and uninvited guests

Sarutobi recognized the identity of the figure in front of the operating table at a glance, and he couldn't help shouting: "Orochimaru"

After Orochimaru heard this cry, he finally stopped what he was doing, put down the tool in his hand, and turned around.

I saw an evil smile on his pale cheeks stained with blood, looking full of sickness.The ANBU present were all frightened when they saw his ferocious appearance, and goosebumps stood up all over their bodies.

"Sarutobi-sensei, you're here." Ogomaru's tone was very natural, just like an ordinary house owner greeting a visitor.After seeing the strange looks in everyone's eyes, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it's really rude for you to see this."

Orochimaru picked up a white towel from the operating table and slowly wiped the blood on his face.

Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru with very complicated eyes, ranging from anger and annoyance to guilt and pity. In the end, he only said one sentence: "Orochimaru, you let me down so much."

"Oh" Orochimaru hung the towel on the ground and asked with confusion on his face: "I wonder why the teacher said this?"

Upon hearing this, Sarutobi pointed to the various items in the laboratory with a gloomy face and said, "I still don't know where I went wrong, so why would I do such a thing?"

"Are you talking about these experimental products?" Orochimaru said casually: "Teacher, you should know what my pursuit is. I remember telling you a long time ago."

"Is it eternal life?" Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru with even more anger, "Just for such a illusory thing, you actually committed such a crime, Orochimaru, how could you have fallen to such an extent?"

"Haha" Orochimaru said with a smile, "My purpose has not changed since the beginning.

What I have done is not a fall, but a great sublimation. And eternal life is not illusory. In fact, I think success is only one step away."

"What kind of jutsu is about to be completed by you?" Sarutobi couldn't help but look surprised. Apparently he had also heard about the ninjutsu "Bumbushi Reincarnation", "No, this kind of evil ninjutsu cannot exist anymore."

Orochimaru, stop your evil research immediately and capture me without mercy. I can spare your life and let you repent in prison."

"This is not possible." Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and said with an evil smile: "This is the only way I believed in beforehand, and I must not give up."

"You bastard, this kind of desecration of life deserves to be called faith. This is the biggest insult to the word "faith"." Sarutobi scolded angrily: "Orochimaru, I will give you one last chance. If you continue to be stubborn, I will give you one last chance." I’m going to do it myself.”

"Sarutobi-sensei, are you so stubborn?" Orochimaru countered with a smile: "Besides the truth, what is more important than eternal life in this world? If I succeed, then everyone can live together forever. You know, even Naoki-kun is the same."

"Shut up!" Sarutobi heard the word "Najuki" and immediately spoke loudly, interrupting Orochimaru's words, "Do you still want to drag Nazoki to fall with you? He is the future Hokage and will never allow you to have any influence on him. Don't force it. I will kill you"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, he is really a partial old man." Orochi

Maru looked at Sarutobi with a complicated expression and shook his head: "It seems that among the four of us, the one you care about most is Naoki. But it's a pity that Naoki-kun is not what you imagined. He and I are truly like-minded." a type of person”

"Nonsense." Sarutobi shook his head firmly and said: "Orochimaru, I admit that you are very talented. In terms of talent, you are the ninja closest to the rope tree, but your beliefs are completely different. The rope tree is the will of fire. "Heir"

The Anbu behind Sarutobi also showed approval. In their opinion, Skywalker is the incarnation of perfection. How could he be the same kind as Orochimaru?

"Haha" Orochimaru said with a proud smile: "On the contrary, Naoki-kun and I are closer in belief, so we will live forever together and pursue the eternal truth together."

The ANBU present all looked at Orochimaru with strange eyes, feeling that he was trapped in his own imagination. Even now, they do not believe that immortality really exists. As for Lord Skywalker and Orochimaru pursuing the so-called "Truth" is even more nonsense.

Only Sarutobi was shaken in his heart. He knew his disciple's character so well that these words did not sound like nonsense.Thinking about Naoki's abnormal behavior during this period and the secret experiments conducted by the two of them, Sarutobi couldn't help but become suspicious.What if Rope Tree is really bewitched by eternal life?

Thinking of this, Sarutobi finally made up his mind. He said firmly: "It seems that you are hopeless. For the future of Konoha, I must eliminate you completely."

In Sarutobi's view, no matter whether the rope tree is bewitched or not, as long as the source of Orochimaru is eliminated, future troubles can be eliminated forever.For the future of Konoha, this soft-hearted old man finally made up his mind and prepared to kill Orochimaru.

Just like Sarutobi knows Orochimaru, Orochimaru also knows his teacher very well. He can see the determination to kill from the other person's eyes. He smiled coldly and said: "Do you want to kill me, Sarutobi-sensei?" Just give it a try”

"Buzz!" Orochimaru released his momentum. The surging chakra aura and fierce murderous aura instantly filled the entire laboratory, covering Sarutobi and the ANBU, and even set off a burst of air in the air.

Sarutobi and the ANBU seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, and a chill rose throughout their bodies.

"This chakra level is almost the same as mine. It seems that I underestimated you before, Orochimaru." Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru with a solemn expression, and then used his peripheral vision to scan the ANBU behind him, secretly thinking in his heart. Said: "Fortunately, I didn't make mistakes this time, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable."

At the same time, more than a dozen Anbu had already begun to take action: "Whoosh whoosh!" I saw them rushing towards the center of the laboratory at high speed. At the same time, they formed a tight formation in the air to block all attack angles, and firmly locked Sarutobi. The earth is protected behind you.

As members of the guard team that protects Naruto, these Anbu are all carefully selected and elite, at least with Jonin strength, and the captain is an elite Jonin. Therefore, although Orochimaru's murderous aura and chakra aura are amazing, they cannot restrict their actions.

Just when the ANBU was about to launch a siege on Orochimaru, there was a sound of dense footsteps in the corridor outside the laboratory.

The guards immediately stopped charging, and at the same time cautiously retreated and changed their formation to firmly protect Sarutobi in the middle, facing enemies from the front and back.

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