Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 959 Counting the harvest

Except for the major changes in the birth of Konoha's Twelve Xiaoqiang, several other important plot events in this war are basically the same as the original work due to the hard work of the rope tree.

For example, the series of side plots surrounding Obito and Akatsuki are not only basically consistent with the original work, but also incorporate the layout of the rope tree.

In addition, the fate of some important characters still follows the same trajectory as the original work.

For example, Kabuto Yakushi was captured by Konoha and became an orphan in an orphanage. Uchiha Fugaku opened the Mangekyo Sharingan due to the death of his companions during this war. Even Kirigakure's Ao also changed from one to another just like in the original work. Nahichi stole a Byakugan from the clan and successfully transplanted it into himself, becoming the only foreigner with a Byakugan blood inheritance.

These characters may seem inconspicuous, but in fact they are closely related to the main plot. Although Naoshu knows that the plot has changed more and more due to the influence of the butterfly effect, he still does his best to maintain the general direction.

He knew that what he was doing seemed a bit ridiculous or even stupid, because the root of all these changes was himself. Every action he took would cause a butterfly effect. The best way to maintain the plot was to die in World War II like the original. .

However, as a time traveler, it has become his instinct to control the plot, because the plot is the general trend of the ninja world. If a person grasps the general trend, then no matter how weak his strength is, he can take advantage of the trend and be unfavorable, just like the child of destiny.

If only in terms of IQ and ability, the rope tree is not necessarily stronger than the high-level elites of various countries in the ninja world. Some people are even smarter and stronger than him, but he defeated everyone and became an invincible Skywalker. He can be as good as he is now. This kind of achievement depends largely on this kind of control of the general trend.

Therefore, for him, the advantage of foreknowledge of the plot is even more important than the golden finger of the willing system, so Shengshu has been using all his abilities and power to maintain the plot.

Although he knows that he cannot eliminate all influences and some details will inevitably change, he can at least try to maintain the general trend.Just like the sentence often mentioned in ancient novels: "Small trends can be changed, but big trends remain unchanged."

Neng Shu doesn’t know if he is qualified to serve as the “Way of Heaven”, but at least all the results of his efforts so far have been pretty good. While changing the tragic fate of many people, the general trend of the plot has basically remained unchanged. Of course, except for the change in the birth time of Twelve Xiaoqiang.

But no matter what the outcome is, Roeshu will continue to do his best to maintain the plot.Although he can't be a real god, he can at least be a copycat version of Hongjun because he has mastered the wish system transformed from the jade disk of creation, and coupled with his understanding of the original plot.

Shengshu already has some ideas on how to protect the fate of the Twelve Little Strong, but these are things for later. Now he has another more important thing.

In addition to these adverse effects on the plot, this war also brought many benefits to the rope tree. Now is the time for him to count the harvest.

First of all, the most intuitive gain is the large amount of territory Konoha gained through this war.

The Kingdom of Wind ceded a large area of ​​territory in the west adjacent to the Western Forest District. In addition to the one-third of the western territory ceded by the original Kingdom of Oni, the Kingdom of Birds, and the Kingdom of Earth, Konoha has occupied the entire western part of the continent. half

In addition, to the east, Konoha obtained the original Yu Country and the western third of the Thunder Country.

If you include the Kingdom of Water, which was almost completely occupied in the end, the current territory of Konoha

It has doubled on the original basis

Today, the Land of Fire has become a behemoth spanning the east, west, north, south, and oceans of the Ninja World. Its total area has reached almost half of the entire Ninja World, which is equal to the area of ​​all other countries combined.

In addition to the huge increase in area, the Fire Country also occupies a huge strategic advantage. From the map, all the countries in the ninja world are isolated by the borders of the Fire Country. They are separated from the Wind Country in the far west and the Earth Country in the northwest corner. The country, the northern countries in the north, and the country of thunder in the northeast corner, these countries are completely unable to communicate with each other.

In this way, the disadvantages of the Fire Nation in the center of the continent have all turned into advantages.Once a war breaks out, even if the countries successfully form an alliance, they will not be able to gather their forces together and can only attack from their own directions.Konoha can only rely on the branch ninja villages on the borders of all parties for defense, while concentrating its superior forces to choose one direction for the main attack, and slowly defeat each country.

At the same time, the economically prosperous country also has an absolute advantage and can even impose an economic blockade on all countries at any time, because Konoha, which occupies the essence of the mainland, has controlled most of the resources in the ninja world and can use its abundant capital to to crush all countries

Since then, the situation in the ninja world has changed from the original confrontation between great powers to one with multiple powers. Konoha has completely surpassed all the major powers and stood at the top of the pyramid, while the four major powers that were originally at the top have dropped to the second rung.

These interests seem to belong to the entire country, with everyone benefiting, and have little to do with individuals.But for Naoki, who is about to become Hokage and also serve as a general, he himself is the biggest beneficiary because he is about to control the greatest power of the Fire Nation. The stronger the Fire Nation and Konoha become, the more powerful he will be. The greater the power

Of course, the increase in power is still only part of the gains from this war.

In addition to these normal benefits, for rope trees with golden fingers, there are also some additional benefits from the wish system.

During this war, due to being active on various battlefields, Shengshu's willpower and reputation value alone experienced a huge increase, and his other attributes also changed a lot through the tempering of the war.

The specific numbers can be seen intuitively from the system's attribute table:

Host: Senju Rope Tree

Blood Successor: S-level Blood Successor: Perfect Ashura Wood Release, Melting Release, and Boiling Release can be elementalized, S-level Blood Successor: Sharingan Eternal Kaleidoscope, SS-level Blood Successor: Samsara Eye, one S-level Blood Successor: Corpse Bone Vein Mastery

Forbearance: 158120

Body: 160587

Magic: 191289

Fine: 145689

Print: 113589

Force: 156563

Speed: 155964

Yin: 118563

Skills: The highest level of peacock magic, unicorn transformation, Yin seal, flying thunder god, pupil technique.

Title: Skywalker, God of Ninja, God of War

Reputation: 78956

Willpower: 355632896

Compared with before the war, Rope Tree's various attributes have made great progress, and it has fully entered the ranks of super shadow level.The value of willing power has increased to more than [-] million, and the value of reputation has also increased exponentially.

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