Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 943: Locked siege and early finale?

Although Naoki failed to capture Yagura as he wished, he successfully repelled the Kirigakure guerrillas and solved the problems created by the opponent.

Since this confrontation, Kirigakure gave up his plan to concentrate his forces to harass and attack a certain ninja army in Konoha, and Yagura did not appear again.

Because mastering the Flying Thunder God's Rope Tree can easily break the balance of the battlefield, if such raids are repeated several times, not only will the Mist Ninja suffer a large number of casualties, but even Yagura will be in danger of falling, which will be even more serious for the Mist Ninja. Unfavorable so there is no need to continue.

After that, Madara finally changed his strategy again. They sent a large number of guerrillas to multiple areas at the same time to harass and attack various ninja armies in Konoha.

This tactic is almost as unsolvable as ordinary guerrilla warfare. However, due to the large gap in strength between the two sides, the Mist Ninja cannot have much impact on the Konoha Ninja Army, so the search speed in each area is only slowed down, at most. Delay the world for five days.

This progress was still within the acceptable range of the rope tree, so he did not make any adjustments.

In this way, the Konoha Ninja Army conducted a search despite the harassment of the Mist Ninja guerrillas.As time goes by, the Konoha Ninja Army gets closer and closer to the center of the island, and the scope of activity of the Kirigakure guerrillas becomes smaller and smaller. From the original harassment of all the people in turn, they gradually changed to only targeting the western Ninja Army. of constant harassment, and this number is constantly decreasing.

By the 14th day of the sweep plan, Konoha's search of the eastern area of ​​the island had basically ended, leaving only a larger area in the west that had not yet been searched.Moreover, at this time, almost all the main forces of the Kirigakure guerrillas had been concentrated in a certain area in the northwest, and they were trying their best to block the Konoha Ninja Army in that area, completely ignoring the Konoha Ninja Army in other directions.

By this time, the situation had become clearer, and Naoki didn't care whether this was Madara's last trick, because his real target was the Mist Ninja guerrillas, not Madara himself.

So Naoki directly ordered the ninja troops who had completed the search in the east to march northwest with all their strength. At the same time, he ordered the adjacent ninja troops in the west to cooperate and form an encirclement to encircle the fog ninja guerrillas.

As expected, the [-] Ninja Army of the Mist Ninja did not move again this time. Instead, according to the tradition of the Ninja World, a circular defense zone and heavy defense lines were deployed in place for regional defense.

On the second day, which was the No. 15 day of the mopping up plan, Konoha's 60-strong army finally completed the encirclement plan and surrounded the main force of the Mist Ninja in a forest.

That day, Naoki came to the front line in person. After seeing the dark forest surrounded by the Konoha ninja army, he was already sure that Madara must be hiding in this forest.

Because his reincarnation eye sensed a huge aura hidden in the forest collar. This aura was full of strong vitality and had a touch of immortality. At the same time, the seedlings of the sacred tree hidden in the soul were also released. A strong desire urged him to quickly find and absorb this power. Through these two senses, the rope tree was able to determine that this breath must come from the outer demon statue, which is the body of the Ten-Tails.

He even instinctively felt that he could use the Samsara Eye to control the outside demon through resonance. Thinking that the outside demon was the body of the sacred tree in the Naruto world, once absorbed by the sacred tree sapling in his body, he would definitely gain unimaginable huge benefits. He could hardly resist the temptation in his heart and immediately began to try to summon the heretic demon.

However, the rope tree still used his super strong willpower to suppress the desires in his heart and eliminate the interference of the seedlings of the sacred tree. He could not be controlled by desires and must

Think calmly and analyze the pros and cons

Yes, if he gets the Heretic Golem, he can be sure that the seedlings of the sacred tree will be greatly improved. In addition, without the Heretic Golem, the Ten-Tails cannot be resurrected, and the Infinite Tsukuyomi cannot be used. Madara's "Eye of the Moon" plan You can declare bankruptcy in advance, and Kaguya cannot be resurrected.

All this seems beautiful. The end of the world that Rope Tree has been most worried about seems to have been solved in advance. He can live a happy life from now on, and the book can also end successfully.

But if you think about it carefully, is it really that simple? Once Naoki exposed his samsara eye in public and took away the Heretic Golem, let alone whether he could withstand the rampage of Master Madara before his death, who wanted to resurrect Kaguya. Hei Jue will never let him go and will definitely target the rope tree from now on.

In addition, after the reincarnation eye is exposed, Nagato will definitely be suspicious of Uzumaki Yokota's death. Then he will probably get together with Black Zetsu and Obito. You must know that Nagato knows many secrets of the rope tree. Once he really His betrayal will definitely cause a series of troubles, and even involve many of the things Shengshu has done in the past.For example, the death of Hanzo, the real founder of the Akatsuki organization, the origin of the Samsara Eye, and the truth about the recent separatist incident in Amegakure Village, etc.

Although these things Rope Tree did are all layouts to deal with future crises, others have not read the original work. Once it is all publicized, then to the uninformed people, Rope Tree will be seen as a giant with such huge power. An ambitious terrorist conspirator, otherwise there would be no reasonable explanation for what he did.

The image that Rope Tree has created for himself is too perfect. Once people discover his dark side hidden in the light, the huge contrast will cause a greater impact and infinitely amplify the negative effects.

At that time, it will not only cause a devastating blow to his reputation, but if someone with some intentions makes a little more provocation, he is likely to become the target of public criticism in the entire ninja world, and even everyone in Konoha will be separated from each other.

You must know that he has many enemies. The four major ninja villages, Black Zetsu, and Obito all want him to die. Then he may be beaten as a boss by everyone like Kaguya.

The key is that the benefits of swallowing the heretic golem seem to be great, but the power of the rope tree does not gain any immediate increase. It is definitely impossible to challenge the entire ninja world alone.

So now if the Rope Tree exposes the Samsara Eye and seizes the heretic golem, it may seem fun, but in fact it will cause endless troubles, and he may become a villain and a devil to set off the heroes of all parties.On the contrary, if he waits until Princess Kaguya is resurrected and the entire ninja world is in crisis, and then he unites the entire ninja world as a savior and resolves the crisis, he will not only be able to obtain the entire sacred tree, but also be able to reach the top of his fame, which can be described as fame and fortune. Double harvest.

In addition, although the reincarnation eye of the rope tree can now sense the breath of the heretic golem, he always feels that there is a force interfering with the connection between the reincarnation eye and the heretic golem.

He guessed that it was either the interference of the psychic contract or some kind of backhand laid by the Black Absolute Heretic Golem.Otherwise, the Rope Tree wouldn't have sensed the outsider demon after getting so close. You know that Madara summoned the demon directly from the moon to the ground after opening the Samsara Eye.Although the rope tree only has one reincarnation eye, the gap is not that big.

As an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, Black Zetsu was transformed by Kaguya's will. Who knows how many tricks he has hidden.

So now even if the rope tree exposes the Samsara Eye, there is no [-]% certainty that he can successfully seize the heretic golem, and the consequences of the Samsara Eye being exposed are very serious, so after weighing it again and again, he decided to give up this tempting idea.

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