Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 939: Sweeping Out of Loopholes

Having lost two strategic-level combat capabilities in a row, the strength of Iwagakure Village has declined significantly.Although their military strength is currently the largest among the ninja villages outside of Konoha, their real strength has fallen to the bottom of the major ninja villages, just a little stronger than Kirigakure, because only Iwagakure's shadow-level strong men are left. Tsuchikage Ohnoki Kato

In a war between ninjas, military strength is important, but top-level combat power is also important. A ninja army needs at least one shadow-level strongman to be in charge, otherwise morale and tactics will be greatly affected.In terms of high-end battles, Konoha is currently in the best situation. They have double-digit shadow-level experts leading the battle. This is why Konoha has the confidence to fight on multiple fronts with major ninja villages at the same time.

What's even more perverted is that the rope tree's flying thunder god technique and real clone can move the battlefield with multiple shadow-level experts at will. This makes the deployment of high-end combat power more flexible. Sometimes, even if one wave is separated, there is no one. The ninja army stationed at the Kage level is also completely fine.

And in a situation like Iwagakure's current situation where there is only one Kage-level combat force left, Tsuchikage Onoki can only sit in Iwagakure and cannot divide his troops to fight.

In this case, Iwagakure cannot pose a threat to neighboring countries. Not only Konoha but also the neighboring Amegakure and Kusagakure can safely absorb the land occupied from the Earth Country, and this situation will last for a long time in the future. All will last.

After Naoki led his army to join the ninja army in the original lake area, he simply ordered the undead army under Huangquan to enter the territory given up by Lao Zi, and then led his army back to the south again.

It seemed that the trip was in vain, but everyone knew that the main reason for Iwagakure's request for peace was the intimidation of Skywalker and his 50-strong army. Therefore, not only was no one laughing, but it also made Nogeki's reputation in the ninja world even higher. At the same level, this is the saying that "those who are good at fighting have no great achievements".

At this point, the war on the mainland has finally come to an end. Now the four major ninja villages have declared war on Kirigakure at the same time. Although it is only in name, it is impossible for the other three major ninja villages to actually send troops to fight, but Konoha can finally let go of its hands and feet to attack with all its strength. The land of water.

Fifteen days later, the 50-strong army under the command of Noge Tree finally crossed the entire continent and reached the southern coast again and took the aircraft carrier fleet to the Kingdom of Water.

The 50-strong army plus the 70 Konoha ninja troops originally stationed on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Water and the Jukumo ninja mercenaries under Bokuto's command bring the total number of troops to [-]. This number can already fully occupy all the towns in the Kingdom of Water. .

But Naoki knew that even if Konoha occupied the entire central island of the Water Kingdom, it would not be able to completely conquer the country, because with the support of the civilians of the Water Country, the Mist Ninja could continue to conduct guerrilla warfare to harass Konoha, and even Resist while cultivating and strengthening your own strength.

Under such circumstances, it would take at least ten years to completely wipe out Kirigakure. With the current strength of Konoha and the Fire Country, they could consume the entire Water Country to death.

However, Naoki doesn't want to adopt this kind of war that hurts people. The 60 troops under his command account for most of Konoha's troops, and consume astronomical amounts of resources every day. However, the current chaotic situation in the Water Kingdom is not Unable to meet the needs of the army, blood must be continuously transfused from the mainland. In this way, the progress of the reform of the Kingdom of Fire will be seriously slowed down or even stopped. Therefore, it is impossible for this 60-strong army to stay in the Kingdom of Water for a long time.

If we really want to fight a war of attrition, leave a hundred thousand clouds behind

Hidden mercenaries are more cost-effective. The reason why Rope Tree brought so many troops is to end this war as soon as possible.

Therefore, after Naoki led the army to the Kingdom of Water and joined the [-] Konoha ninja troops in the outer islands, he did not concentrate his forces to land on the central island, but unexpectedly divided the army in the outer islands.

Nowadays, there are many strong Kage-level warriors under Naoki's command, including the Sannin, Minato, Kato Dan, White Fang, and Kushina. Plus he himself makes up ten, so he divides the 60-strong army into ten evenly. The Ninja Army each commanded [-] troops.

After the distribution of the ten ninja armies was completed, they boarded the aircraft carrier fleet and landed on the central island from ten different directions.After landing, the ten Ninian forces cooperated with each other to form a sparse encirclement under their respective commanders, and then simultaneously advanced little by little toward the center.

It is obvious that the rope tree is preparing to use 60 troops to sweep the entire central island of the Water Kingdom from the periphery.

The high-level officials from various countries who were paying attention to this war were all baffled after learning about the actions of the Konoha Ninja Army. Not to mention them, even the Ninja Army under Nezuki's command could not understand why their commander gave such an order.

60 ninja troops may sound like a lot, but compared to the huge central continent of the Land of Water, it is really nothing. You must know that this place can accommodate at least hundreds of millions of people, and 60 ninjas spread out is simply a drop in the bucket.

According to common sense, if Konoha wants to occupy the Kingdom of Water, it can only divide its forces around large towns and control them and radiate to the surrounding territories. However, in this way, the Mist Ninja can hide in the wild and establish strongholds near small villages. In terms of guerrilla warfare, unless Konoha destroyed all the civilians and towns and villages of the entire Water Kingdom, it would take at least ten years to gradually and completely wipe out all the fog ninjas.

Although Konoha's current raids do not need to be scattered in every corner of the entire central island, the so-called encirclement composed of ten ninja armies is very sparse and is simply not enough to carry out a comprehensive blockade.

Although the rope tree divided the encirclement area into ten, these areas are still too large for 6 people. Even with the mobility of ninjas, it will take a long time to complete a sweep of each area, and There are large gaps and loopholes between various areas.

In addition, during the search process, Konoha's ninja troops must be concentrated together. If they are too scattered, it will be easy for the Mist ninja guerrillas to seize the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

Under this situation, Konoha's so-called "encirclement" can no longer be described as a "sieve". It is completely a huge defensive loophole.

The guerrillas of the Kiri Ninja are not immobile dead objects. By the time Kotoha's ninja army finds their base, the opponent has already moved, and can even pass through the gaps in Konoha's sweep area in advance and circle back to their rear.

Therefore, this large-scale raid by the Rope Tree Organization seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is not feasible.

However, Naoki seemed to know nothing about this. He insisted on ordering the ten ninja armies under his command to conduct all-round searches in their respective areas, regardless of cities or wilderness, and even forests, plains, hills, swamps and other terrains. Every inch of land cannot be spared.This is not like searching for Mist Ninja at all, but like searching for some dead object. Could it be that Skywalker is planning to dig for treasure in the Kingdom of Water?

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