Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 921 The collision of beliefs

When Kakashi's team was being chased by the Mist Ninja, there was a person not far from the battlefield who was thinking about them.

This is a huge cave, with the entrance sealed by an earth wall. The space inside the cave is huge and empty, with few other furnishings except a bed.

There was a young man lying on his back on the bed. He was only wearing a pair of shabby shorts and a layer of quilt covering his body. His limbs were exposed. His skin was rough and dark, and his hair was long and messy. He looked like a destitute beggar. .

The most eye-catching thing is the half-black and half-white face, as well as the tightly closed eyes. The whole person looks very similar to the possessed Madara.This person was Obito who was seriously injured in Kanna Kunqiao.

After Madara took Obito away from the pile of rocks that day, he used wood escape cells to repair Obito's broken body and brought him back from the edge of death.

After Obito regained consciousness, Madara revealed his identity and revealed part of the "Eye of the Moon" plan, and finally invited Obito to join this great "peace" plan and become his successor.

However, Obito, who survived the disaster, only wanted to return to his companions, and he was not very interested in Madara's so-called plan and even rejected it. Due to the constant publicity of the rope tree in recent years, Uchiha Madara has become a ninja. The world's largest terrorist, and his plan is a grand conspiracy to subvert the ninja world. Of course, Obito, who has extremely upright views, will not be easily deceived.So although he was very grateful to the ancestor who saved his life, Obito still rejected Madara's invitation and asked to return to Konoha, and promised not to reveal any information about Madara afterwards.

Master Madara knew that forceful melons were not sweet, and his plan could only succeed if Obito actively cooperated, so he did not force Obito.

At that time, in order to avoid Konoha's tracking and maintain their gradually collapsing bodies, he and Zetsu had to return to the base of the Kingdom of Water as soon as possible, so they placed Obito in a cave near Konoha Village and hurriedly separated before leaving. Before that, he deliberately left a Bai Zetsu to take care of Obito, whose body had not yet recovered, and told him to wait until the wood escape cells in his body were completely integrated before returning to Mu Mountain.

The simple-minded Obito was both grateful and guilty for Madara, a kind elder who "cared" for him. However, in order to reunite with his companions, he still did not agree to the other party's invitation. At the same time, he was determined not to reveal any information about Madara. But he never considered that if he returned to Konoha in his current state, he would be seriously suspected and even cause big trouble.

What he didn't expect even more was that Banye, who was regarded as a benefactor, had taken advantage of the previous treatment opportunity to plant a vicious curse in his heart, and planned a conspiracy to plunge him into the abyss.

At this time, Obito's heart was full of hope and longing, and he tried to exert strength on his limbs, bending and clenching his toes and fingers together. Feeling that the original numbness and discomfort subsided, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, while silently reciting in his heart: "Already The fusion is still a little far away. Lin, Kakashi, we will meet again soon."

At this moment, a noise interrupted Obito's thoughts. Bai Zetsu used the Mayfly Technique to drill out of the rock wall and screamed loudly: "No, no, no, no, no, Rin and the idiot Kakashi you mentioned. In danger”

Upon hearing this, Obito opened the quilt and sat up from the bed, and asked Bai Zetsu: "What's going on?"

Bai Jue said quickly: "I saw that they were chasing Kirigakure behind many jounin and ANBU elites."

After hearing this, Obito jumped up from the bed without saying a word, and the entire bed collapsed into a pile of fragments under the huge reaction force.


Obito rushed out of the cave, and in a blink of an eye he came to the entrance of the cave blocked by rocks. He kept punching the stone wall without stopping. "Boom!" The several-meter-high stone wall quickly shattered and collapsed. Obito ran out of the cave entrance unabated and ran towards the nearby forest. "Kakashi, I made an appointment. You must protect me well." Hello Lin, I'll be there soon."

At the same time, Lin, who was running quickly in the forest, said to her two companions with a worried expression: "I can feel that there seems to be another creature in my body."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi turned to look at Lin in surprise.

"I'm not sure either," Lin frowned and replied hesitantly.

"The Mist Ninja seemed to have performed some kind of ritual on me, some kind of special ritual, but I lost consciousness at that time." Lin frowned and tried to remember, but she could only think of a hideous black and white face, and she couldn't help but Let out an exclamation: "Ah"

Shisui on the side saw that his companion was acting so abnormally, and cautiously used his Sharingan to observe Lin's condition. Unexpectedly, he saw the aura of the three tails sealed in Lin's abdomen. He couldn't help but open his eyes and exclaimed: "It's so powerful. Chakra, and full of violent and ominous aura. I have only seen this in Kushina-sama."

"Kushina-sama?" Kakashi's eyes widened in surprise.

"So that's it," Lin said with a startled look on her face, "If this continues, I might attack Konoha Kakashi and kill me."

"What are you talking about Lin? How could I kill you? I promised Obito that I would protect you." Kakashi waved his hand firmly and interrupted Lin. "There must be other ways to solve the problem. Anyway, let's return to Konoha first and then talk about Lin." , you go first, Shisui and I are responsible for breaking up the rear."

"No, Kakashi," Lin said desperately.

At the same time, Shisui on the side also said seriously: "Kakashi, if there is really a tailed beast inside Rin, then this is probably Kirigakure's conspiracy. I think Rin is right."

"Why do you want to kill your comrades? You bastard, have you forgotten your beliefs?" Kakashi looked at Shisui with excitement and cursed.

"My belief is indeed protection, but for the sake of the entire Konoha, sacrifice should be made when necessary. Sacrifice is also a kind of protection." Shisui said calmly. Influenced by his grandfather Uchiha Mirror, Shisui's belief became more inclined. Self-sacrifice.

"If you can't even protect your own companions, how can you talk about faith?" Kakashi said with determination: "If it is self-sacrifice, it is indeed great, but if you sacrifice your companions, then it is no different from garbage. The importance of life is not measured by quantity. This is a measurable problem. The teacher has already explained that what your grandfather did back then was admirable, but it may not be the most correct choice. No matter what, I will never give up, even if my companions die together."

"This" Shisui's expression wavered. As Kakashi said, self-sacrifice and "sacrifice" companions are completely different concepts. Just like when Akimichi Tofu raised objections to the second generation's decision, no one can force his companions. To "sacrifice" even if Sandai and others come back alive in the end, it is because the rope tree's speech after the White Fang incident was controversial.Now Shisui asked Rin to sacrifice herself, which seemed to be in line with the "Will of Fire", but in fact it ran counter to the beliefs of his grandfather Uchiha Kagami.

After thinking about this, Shisui broke into a cold sweat, but considering the threat of the three-tailed attack to Konoha, he was caught in a dilemma for a while.

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