Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 917 Mizukage-sama, have a good sleep!

Regarding the bond between Yagura and the Three-Tails, Zetsu and Madara were not moved at all. Their eyes looked at the man and the beast with ice-cold eyes, as if they were looking at dead objects.

"Start quickly," Banye urged with a cold tone, then completed the seal with both hands and slapped one hand on the ground.

"Bang" After the white smoke of the spiritism dissipated, a ritual altar appeared in the center of the cave. The edges of the altar were filled with candles, and there was a white bed in the middle.

After seeing the altar, Sanwei remembered some bad past experiences and roared uneasily.

General Zetsu roughly picked up the unconscious Harano Lin, and then threw him on the bed in the center of the altar. He stepped back and said with a smile: "Master Mizukage, please control the three tails. According to the plan, Master Madara's seal needs Your cooperation"

Among the three people present, Yagura is not good at sealing arts, and Hei Zetsu has a heartfelt rejection of sealing arts due to his background, so he can only be used by someone who has extensive experience in sealing arts.

Yagura looked at the irritable three-tails, a hint of complexity flashed in his eyes, and said firmly: "Okay, Isobutsu Kirigakure needs your help. Believe me, the seal is temporary, and we will be reunited soon."

After receiving Yagura's assurance, Sanwei nodded honestly and his mood finally stabilized again.

After appeasing the three tails, Yagura turned to look at Master Madara in front of the altar and said: "Madara-sama, you can start now, we will fully cooperate with you."

Madara nodded with a cold expression when he heard this, and then quickly began to form seals with his hands, "Ninjutsu Four Symbols Sealing Technique"

"Buzz" As Ban Ye completed the seal, a burst of intense light suddenly burst out from the altar. The huge chakra formed a barrier to wrap Yuan Yelin, and then four white light pillars shot out from the altar.

Four beams of light quickly wrapped around the three-tailed body. Feeling the suppression of the sealing technique, the three-tailed body instinctively twisted its body and began to struggle, while letting out a painful roar.

Following the movements of the three tails, the four-elephant seals formed an illusion of light beams. Obviously, compared to the chakra chains of the Uzumaki clan, Madara's four-elephant seals were far inferior.

"Hmph," Madara let out a cold snort while increasing his chakra output.

"Isofu's patience will end soon," Yagura said in a hurry when he saw this situation.

"Roar" The three tails roared unwillingly, and then struggled to give up, letting the sealing ninjutsu bind themselves around the body.

With the cooperation of the three tails, the four light beams tied it up very smoothly, and then began to pull hard.

"Kakakaka" The solid light beam suddenly stretched straight, and then quickly pulled the three tails towards the altar.

Under the influence of the sealing ninjutsu, the three-tailed body continued to shrink and twist during the pulling process, and finally disappeared into Yuano Lin's body.

"Bah" a stream of white smoke rose in Yuanye Lin's abdomen, revealing a complex spell rune, and the seal of the Four Symbols was finally completed.

Yagura looked at Harano Lin in the center of the altar. He completely lost his sense of the three tails and felt weak all over his body. He knew it was a psychological effect, but his spirit was still a little weak. He sighed softly and said: "It's over. I need it." Take a rest tomorrow and start planning officially. Leave this girl to me, and I will arrange for the envoy to be sent to the Land of Fire."

"No, no, we have a very important thing to complete before that." Ze stared at the pale Yagura with a strange expression and smiled evilly.

Yagura frowned unhappily, and then said patiently: "If you have anything else, just tell me quickly. I'm very tired now."

The smile on Zetsu's face became even more evil: "Are you tired? Mizukage-sama, it's okay. You'll be back soon."

to have a long vacation”


At this time, Yagura finally realized that Zetsu's tone was wrong. Just as he was wary, something happened.

"Creak, creak, creak" Yagura's body suddenly felt strange, and then a large number of white mushrooms grew outside his body, and then expanded rapidly, connecting together in an instant and tightly binding his limbs.

Yagura immediately struggled with all his strength and found that the white substance around him was extremely sticky and tough, making it impossible to break free. At the same time, the chakra in his body was also rapidly draining.

"This is Wood Release" Yagura said with a surprised look on his face as he looked at the white substance that was rapidly growing and spreading around his body.

"To be precise, it's the Spore Technique." Zetsu said with a proud smile, "Mizukage-sama is quite satisfied with my gift."

"What do you mean by Zetsu?" Yagura asked with a look of shock and anger.

"It's nothing interesting. We just want Mizukage-sama to have a good sleep," Zetsu said with a malicious look on his face.

Yagura glanced at Uchiha Madara, who was silent and unmoved, and his mood instantly fell to the bottom. It was obviously a premeditated sneak attack. He still threatened unwillingly: "Are you crazy? Why are you doing this? If you don't use the cover of Kirigakure, your whereabouts will soon be discovered by Konoha."

"Haha" Jue said with a mocking look on his face: "What we can't stand the most is your endless threats, so we can only deal with you first.

As for the issue of Kirigakure and hidden whereabouts, I don’t have to worry about it. Didn’t I say before that Madara-sama and I will completely integrate into Kirigakure Village? It’s just not to surrender but as masters. Soon you will be controlled by genjutsu and become Control Kirigakure’s puppet for us.”

"Genjutsu" Yagura said with a look of surprise: "So the plan you designed to attack Konoha is a scam to separate the Three-Tails from me."

"Mizukage-sama is indeed a smart man." Black Zetsu explained with a proud look on his face: "As a perfect Jinchuuriki, with the help of the Three-Tails, you are immune to almost all illusions, so you must disconnect your spiritual connection. For this Opportunity, it took me a lot of effort to gain your trust.

But this is just one of the purposes. The Three-Tails' plan to attack Konoha will continue, but I'm afraid the result won't be as great as Mizukage's wish. We need this girl's life."

"Zetsu, you talk too much." Madara interrupted Black Zetsu's revelations in a cold voice at the critical moment.

"What does it matter? Anyway, his related memories will be cleared later. Such a wonderful strategy should be shared with someone to feel a sense of accomplishment," Hei said with a smile that was not taken seriously.

"There's no need for boring vanity. The most important thing now is to complete the plan and start quickly. I don't have much time," Madara urged expressionlessly.

"As you wish Madara-sama"

Black Zetsu detached from White Zetsu's body and quickly penetrated into Madara's body. Soon Madara turned into a black and white face again and opened the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Black Zetsu manipulated his black cheeks and smiled evilly at Yagura: "Then, Mizukage-sama, I hope you have a good dream." The kaleidoscope pattern slowly began to rotate.

At this time, Yagura's whole body was wrapped in white spores, leaving only his head outside, like a bloated giant cocoon. His head was fixed by the spores, and even his eyelids were forcibly opened, making it impossible to avoid it.

His vision was gradually occupied by the scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred, finally falling into darkness.

The three tails who were sealed in Lin's body saw what happened to Yagura through the seal, and began to struggle crazily, but could not break the seal.

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