Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 912 The split of Yuyin Village

The top leaders of the major ninja villages realized that the ninja world had reached a turning point. Just as they were worried about the future, what happened next further verified their speculations.

After the rope tree announced the establishment of the Konoha Alliance, Konoha's old allies Amegakure Village and Hoshi Ninja Village also announced in high profile that they would join the Konoha Alliance and become Konoha's affiliated ninja villages.

In just one day, the power of the Konoha Alliance has rapidly expanded. The combined strength of the four ninja villages has exceeded that of all other ninja villages in the ninja world combined.

After receiving this news, all the countries in the ninja world could not understand why Amegakure Village and Hoshi Ninja Village made such a choice.

The situation of these two ninja villages is completely different from the Feng ninja village established by Ye Cang. It is understandable that the latter took refuge because of internal circumstances and the war situation. However, the politics of these two ninja villages The environment is very stable and there is no external crisis as Konoha's allies can quickly enjoy the fruits of victory in this war.Especially the Amegakure Village, after the expansion of this war, its strength has increased significantly and it can now enter the ranks of large-scale ninja villages.How could one be willing to accept the rule of Konoha and become a subordinate at this time? You must know that even the smallest ninja village has the mentality of being the head of a chicken rather than the tail of a phoenix. Being the master of one's own family and obeying the orders of others are completely different things.

In the eyes of most people, the so-called "affiliated Ninja Village" is the same as the Ninja Village branch previously opened by Konoha. annex

However, those who have actually joined the Konoha Alliance know that the two are completely different in nature.

According to the rules of the rope tree, although the affiliated Ninja Village must obey the Hokage's orders in the general direction, it still has independent financial and personnel rights.The leaders of each village have the power to recruit and recruit personnel independently. Usually Konoha will not interfere in the internal affairs of the village and will only issue orders to the leaders.

The obligation of the affiliated villages is to respond to Konoha's call during wartime, and at the same time integrate the mission system of the entire ninja village into Konoha, and pay taxes in accordance with Konoha's regulations.

In addition to these general regulations, there are also some detailed requirements. The leader of each village cannot call himself a "shadow", but becomes a certain leader. For example, Thousand Hands Galaxy can no longer call himself a star shadow in the future, but is called a ninja. The forehead protectors of the leader and other village ninjas can be retained, but the clothing must be consistent with Konoha. In addition to the green vest, the Konoha logo must be printed on the surface of the uniform.

This kind of management system is completely different from the branches of each Ninja Village. The branch Ninja Village is a branch base established by Konoha. All large and small affairs are controlled by the headquarters, which is equivalent to local departments under centralized control.The affiliated ninja villages are equivalent to independent territories.

In fact, these rules were set up by Naoki based on the feudal system in the history of previous lives. Each affiliated ninja village is equivalent to a lord with a territory, and Konoha is the king of the entire alliance.

However, the difference is that in addition to the two control methods of force and taxation, Konoha can also use the task system to supervise the affiliated ninja villages.

In fact, establishing a unified mission system is the most important means to control the affiliated ninja villages. Most ninjas spend their careers on missions one by one. Missions are not only the source of income for ninjas, but also an important way to establish meritorious services and increase their strength.

Konoha's control of the mission system of each village is equivalent to controlling their future. Through the control of missions, all ninjas in the alliance can be screened.

For example, assign relatively safe tasks with generous rewards and easy to establish meritorious service to ninjas who have a good impression of Konoha, and assign dangerous, high-return, low-return tasks to people who are dissatisfied with the alliance. Over time, it will be easy to

Cultivate a large number of ninjas who are close to and even loyal to Konoha, and eliminate all those with dissident intentions.

In this way, the entire alliance will eventually be integrated into one. According to the plan of the rope tree, when the ninja village and the country are integrated in the future, the ninjas in the alliance can directly transform into lower-level departments of the country through the mission system, making it easier to regain independent power.

Of course, all this needs to be done slowly and subtly, and nothing should be exposed until it is truly successful.

The reason why the rope tree sets such loose rules for the affiliated ninja villages in the alliance, allowing them to maintain their independent status on the surface, is to attract other ninja villages to join, and also to appease the top leaders of each village and satisfy their desire for power.

In fact, regarding the Konoha Alliance plan, he had already notified several trusted younger brothers in Konoha in advance. However, except for the Amegakure Village and the Star Ninja Village who responded proactively, the other Grass Ninja Villages and Snow Ninja Villages have not yet responded. no respond.It can be seen that the entire ninja world is still very wary of this.

In fact, the reason why Amegakure Village and Hoshi Ninja Village were able to join the alliance was because the leaders of the two villages had absolute trust in Skywalker. In addition, Konoha has been continuously infiltrating the two villages through curse seals for more than ten years, and secretly attracted a large number of people. Because of the ninja.Even so, many people within Amegakure Village were opposed to Yahiko's decision to join the alliance, including many backbones of the Akatsuki organization.The Feng Ninja Village had no choice but to agree to this plan half-heartedly because they were desperate.

Therefore, Shengshu was not prepared to reveal his thoughts to anyone until the alliance's unified mission system was fully functional.

It is also worth mentioning that after Amegakure Village was announced as a ninja village affiliated with Konoha, a fierce conflict broke out among the three young leaders in the village because of this matter.For the first time, Nagato and Konan, two shadow-level powerhouses, uncharacteristically and resolutely opposed Yahiko's decision. The conflict between the two sides gradually escalated, and then an armed conflict broke out.

In the end, Nagato and Konan were defeated by Yahiko, who had the support of most of the Rain ninjas. With a small number of their men, they finally withdrew from the Hidden Rain Village and re-established the Akatsuki organization in the Land of Rain.

After this internal strife, the strength of Yuyin Village was greatly damaged, and even the war in the Kingdom of Earth was affected and had to stop attacking and take a defensive position.

After the separatist incident in Yuyin Village broke out, the senior officials of various countries who were originally worried about it suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and gloated in their hearts.In their view, although Konoha's so-called alliance plan is very threatening, the conditions are also very harsh. Until they are truly desperate, who is willing to become a so-called affiliated ninja village, not even a die-hard ally like the Amegakure Village? Therefore, civil strife broke out. The two identified Kage-level experts were the nephews of Skywalker. The relationship between the two parties was once very close. Didn't they fall out because of this incident? Moreover, the two small ninja villages, Grass Ninja and Snow Ninja, have been together to this day. There was no response from Konoha, which in itself showed a big problem.

Therefore, the senior officials of the major ninja villages believe that as long as they do not persecute the senior officials of their own village like the Kazekage and the other three, and then get caught and the evidence is exposed, then Konoha will have no chance to take advantage of the loopholes to establish so-called affiliated ninja villages.

The storm caused by the rope tree finally began to subside, and the major ninja villages decided to wait for the development of the situation while guarding against Konoha.

It's a pity that only a few people in the entire ninja world know that the so-called betrayal of Nagato and Konan was all just acting in accordance with Nogeki's plan.

The rope tree had already prepared for the two of them to leave Yuyin Village for a deeper layout. This alliance incident was just an opportunity, and it could also "pacify" the emotions of various countries. It could be said to kill two birds with one stone.

If all countries knew the truth, they would immediately become chaotic and uneasy.

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