Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 908 3... pah! 3 people in one

Madara's current situation is precarious. Not only is he surrounded by many enemies, but he also lost a Sharingan in order to be immune to the Tailed Beast Jade's injury. His combat power is greatly damaged. What's more terrible is that the old wounds in his body are caused by the possession of Black Zetsu. As a result, the load is increasing and it may collapse at any time.

Now that the plan to control the two tails has completely failed, maybe even Madara's life will be involved. Before Obito is completely blackened, Black will never allow Madara to die early, so he has already decided to quit at this time. He hurriedly said to Master Madara through the spiritual link: "Madara's plan this time has failed. We will evacuate according to the previous plan."

Master Ban was silent after hearing this, his heart filled with unwillingness.This has been a failure several times. It seems that he has been running away since he met the rope tree. It would be fine if it was that freak or the Hashirama brothers. They are masters at the same level after all, but now why can these few be mediocre? The younger generation can force him into desperate situations

Madara wanted to tell Black Zetsu that he didn't want to run away anymore. He would rather die in battle with honor than endure this humiliation anymore.

"Madara, don't hesitate any longer." Hei Ze was keenly aware of the emotional changes in Madara's heart, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Don't forget your belief that only the Eye of the Moon Project can achieve true peace. If something happens to you now, everything will be over." All previous efforts were wasted.”

After Black Zetsu's persuasion, Madara finally remembered his persistence. In order to realize this plan, he almost gave up everything. All the bonds between the Uchiha clan, Konoha Village, and Hashirama were cruelly severed by him. Now, Seeing that the cultivation of successors is about to reach the most critical moment, how could he fall so easily? Compared to the great belief in realizing peace in the ninja world, personal honor and disgrace are nothing.

Since I have nothing left, I might as well throw away my last glory.

After making up his mind, Madara immediately exploded with all his strength. His right eye was slightly opened, and the prison on the edge of the tomb that had cooled down silently descended again.

Due to the loss of one Sharingan, the number of "shadows" dropped from the original four to one, and their power was greatly reduced. However, this time the threat was greater than last time because no one present noticed it. There is no difference at all. If Madara wanted to make a sneak attack, he would probably succeed in one fell swoop.

However, Madara did not choose to use his "shadow" to attack anyone this time. Instead, he controlled the "shadow" to block in front of him, and then he and his clone activated the teleportation technique and ran quickly.

In the eyes of outsiders, Madara was just running alone to break out of the encirclement, but the direction he chose was beyond everyone's expectations. He was not rushing towards the sewer behind him as the only exit, but towards the dead end on the right, where there was only a thick rock wall. The only other person was Tsunade.

Everyone thought that Madara was preparing for a final counterattack.

"Tsunade, get out of the way," Jiraiya warned loudly as he attacked Madara in an attempt to stop him.

At the same time, other people present also took action. Jiraiya's white hair, Minato's kunai, and Yukito's chakra tail all blocked Madara's path.

However, Madara remained unmoved and rushed forward to face the attack. Looking at his indomitable attitude, he seemed to be desperate to die with Tsunade.

Seeing this situation, Tsunade immediately activated Shunpo to distance herself from Madara. Although she was not afraid of the opponent at all, the situation was determined and there was no need to take risks. Anyway, the opponent was surrounded and had no way to escape.

At the same time, all the attacks that were about to fall on Master Madara were suddenly bounced away as if they had hit some invisible shield.

"Ding ding ding" Master Ban followed "Shadow" and got through everyone's attacks without any damage, and then continued to rush towards the empty front without losing any strength. It was so difficult that he would hit the wall.

Just as he was about to hit the rock wall, Madara stretched his back hand towards a pothole in front with a smile, where a white figure was embedded.

It turns out that Madara's real target is Bai Jue Fei, who was punched into the stone wall by Tsunade's strange punch before.

"It's not good." Everyone present saw Master Ban's movements.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically after Zuo, but it was too late to stop them.

The next moment, Madara's right hand was pressed directly against the wall, and A Fei's white body squirmed like jelly and then quickly penetrated into Madara's body along his arm.

After a "creak, creak, creak" sound, Banye's body completely turned into half black and half white. The right half of his body, which was originally a normal skin color, turned into a pale white color like a spore body, and a large number of spiral ripples appeared.

It turns out that Ah Fei's body is different. Even if he was beaten into a pulp by a strange force and blasted into the rock wall, he did not die. However, he knew that he could not change the situation of the battle, so he simply stayed in the wall and pretended to be dead.

After Ahi and Black Zetsu were possessed at the same time, the Hashirama cells in Madara's body became more active than ever before, and the chakra aura throughout his body surged. In this state, he could not only use the Sharingan but also exert the power of the Wood Release Bloodsuccessor. This special three-in-one combination is his strongest state

The ninjas who felt the surge of aura on Madara's body had serious expressions on their faces. Even Noshu had not expected this change. Due to lack of intelligence, no one dared to attack rashly, fearing that the other party had some strange ability that would lead to heavy losses for themselves.

But once again, to everyone's surprise, after completing the integration, Madara did not launch any attacks, but looked at the people who were on full alert and said coldly: "Tell Senju Nawaki and Hashirama that our competition is far away. There is no end, the future "I" will realize the belief in a new way. If you want to stop it, let me see the so-called ninja civilization you call it as soon as possible."

As Madara spoke, his whole body slowly sank to the ground. Tsunade and Jiraiya recognized it at a glance as the Wood Release Technique. Although Madara's strength further increased after the three of them merged, the load on his body became even greater. , so he did not continue fighting but immediately activated Wood Escape to escape.

"No, he wants to escape. Stop him." Following Tsunade's order, the surrounding ninjas launched attacks on Madara. "Swish, swish, swish," all kinds of ninjutsu and ninja tools were overwhelmingly fired at Madara. .

Madara, whose lower body was already submerged underground, formed a seal with his hands. The giant tree that originally stood in the center of the underground space suddenly twisted and flew along the ground. At the same time, it coiled around the ground like a python. Master Ban was firmly in the middle.

After all the attacks were blocked by Mu Dun, Ban Ye smoothly sank into the ground and disappeared.

At the same time, after losing the support of Mu Dun, the underground space began to shake violently, and it was about to collapse, and a large amount of sand and gravel fell from above.


The ninjas in the underground space quickly withdrew from the hole and retreated into the sewer. When the last person left, the underground space finally collapsed, setting off a burst of air and smoke.

"Damn it" Tsunade looked at the hole filled with soil and punched a round hole on the rock wall. She now regretted why she didn't learn attribute ninjutsu. She was almost able to save Madara Uchiha. Got off.She looked at Jiraiya who was swallowing saliva and said angrily: "Don't you know how to escape? Why didn't you catch up just now?"

Jiraiya said with a wry smile: "Even sneaking in the soil only fluidizes the soil and cannot ignore gravity, so it can only move on the underground surface within a few meters. I would have been crushed to death if I had used soil escape just now, and that technique You know the speed of movement, ordinary Earth Escape can't keep up with it."

"Hmph" Tsunade said with disdain: "Forget it, even if you catch up anyway, you are just delivering food. I said you deal with those toads every day, can't you learn some useful ninjutsu?

And none of you know how to escape. You should learn more from Shengshu. I’ve never seen anyone who doesn’t know how to escape.”

The people on the side laughed sarcastically when they heard this, but they didn't agree in their hearts. Most ninjas in this world only know a few ninjutsus. It would be good if they could master ten types of ninjutsus. Those who are proficient in all-type ninjutsus like Skywalker and the Third Hokage are after all. There are very few, even Tsunade herself has not mastered any attribute ninjutsu. At the same time, they are not as upset as Tsunade about Madara's escape. In everyone's opinion, they can repel Uchiha Madara without any casualties. It's a victory

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