Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 901 Assassination, Takeaway, Traffic Police

It took two days for most of the relevant personnel to evacuate safely. Now seeing that the Kumo ninja were about to invade Kirigakure Village, Yagura was thinking about how to deal with another group of special people.These people are the family members of the [-] ninja army led by Kiden Zangetsu, as well as members of the family lineage.

The best way is of course to evacuate with these people, so that he still holds the important bargaining chip to control the two ninja armies.However, the total number of these hostages reaches hundreds of thousands, accounting for less than half of the population of Kirigakure Village. If they are taken with them, they will seriously slow down the marching speed of the ninja army.

But Yagura wouldn't be able to feel at ease if he just left these people alone.Now his direct army is surrounded by Konoha, and although the situation of the family's ninja army is unknown, judging from Skywalker's marching speed, it is probably down.Once these hostages fall into the hands of Konoha and are used as bargaining chips, these two ninja armies are likely to completely surrender to Konoha. By then, Kirigakure Village will suffer a big loss. These two ninja armies account for most of Kirigakure's ninjas.

Therefore, the only way to avoid the above results is to let all these people die. This is hundreds of thousands of people. If Yagura orders these people to be executed without reason, not only the two ninja armies will be forced to rebel, but also the entire Water Kingdom. If you break away from him, guerrilla tactics will no longer be able to continue without the support of civilians.

So Yagura thought about it for the past two days, plus discussions with Zetsu, and finally came up with a way to get the best of both worlds.He planned to take advantage of the Kumo ninja's attack on Kirigakure to send the Kirigakure Anbu disguised as enemy troops to create chaos in the village and kill all the hostages in the chaos. He would then issue an announcement to blame everything on the Kumo ninja mercenaries and Mu. leaf.In this way, both the direct line of ninja troops being surrounded and the unknown family line will hate Konoha to the core and fight to the death, with no possibility of surrendering.

Yagura is very satisfied with this plan. Apart from him, no one in the entire ninja world can come up with such a way to break the situation. This time, Skywalker is becoming more and more frustrated.What surprised him even more was that after learning about the plan, Jue actually offered to personally help him complete the plan, which made it even more foolproof.

In fact, Yagura's so-called perfect plan is simply ordinary in the eyes of a time traveler like Nezuki.Because this kind of thing where a large army goes to war and leaves family members as hostages in the country has become a practice in the ancient feudal period of the country where the rope tree was in the previous life.If the army dies in battle, the family can still receive appeasement and rewards from the court, but once they surrender to the enemy, they will surely be slaughtered. When a country like Yagura is defeated, it is a so-called strategy to send dead soldiers to disguise themselves as enemies to kill hostages and blame the enemy country. , has long been a plot that has been overused in various film and television novels.How could Roeshu, who was an old bookworm in his previous life, be completely defenseless?

After Yukito led the Kumo ninja to break through the defenses of Kirigakure Village, the Kirito ninja ANBU left behind by Yagura followed the plan and disguised themselves as Kumo ninjas and began to assassinate the hostages.

Due to the large number of targets and their relatively scattered locations, the limited number of Kirigakure ANBU broke with the previous form of team combat and carried out tasks separately as individual units. They divided the entire Kirigakure Village into several areas and assigned each ANBU A "territory" is designated. No matter what method is used, as long as the targets in the area are cleared, the task can be evacuated.


I have to admit that this assassination plan was perfectly designed in all aspects and fully utilized the various advantages of the ninja.Nowadays, the entire Kirigakure Village is in chaos. For psychological reasons, everyone will hide at home and not go out because home is the safest place for normal people. In this way, the ANBU of the Kirigakure can come and assassinate people one by one in their respective areas based on their addresses. Target, with the ninja's mobility, they can quickly and efficiently eliminate the target.Because most of the targets are ordinary people without fighting ability, any ninjutsu or taijutsu throwing technique or even simply setting a fire can easily destroy a family. For ANBU who perform assassination missions all year round, it is like eating and drinking. Simple.They can even design a reasonable route based on the address in advance to achieve the goal of cleaning the target in the area as quickly as possible.

This mode of action is very similar to the popular takeaway boy in Naoki's previous life, but the ANBU of the Mist Ninja delivered death instead of takeout.

Moreover, since the Mist Ninja Anbu acted alone by disguising themselves as Cloud Ninjas, they could easily confuse the public and blame everything on the enemy. Sometimes, they could even escape perfectly through disguise.

The assassination operation of the Mist Ninja Anbu was perfect in every detail. Unfortunately, it was destined to fail because they encountered the Konoha Anbu who had been well prepared.

That's right, in addition to the Kumo ninja on the surface, the back-up force of the rope tree to rescue the hostages is the Konoha ANBU station. Now that Kirigakure Village is about to be breached, there is no need for the ANBU station that has been operating for many years to continue to hide. Soon they will be able to turn from darkness to light and become an official department on the surface like the headquarters, and they can carry out the privileges of the ANBU in the Kingdom of Water openly. Before that, the last task the rope tree gave them was to ensure the safety of the hostages.

After nearly 20 years of development, the number of personnel in Kirigakure's Anbu station has now expanded to nearly ten thousand people. They are lurking in all levels of Kirigakure, and there are even members of Kirigakure's Anbu.

Therefore, they had already known about the ANBU's plan of the Mist Ninja in advance and made a response plan. They arranged ANBU teams on the key roads in various areas to intercept. If the Mist Ninja ANBU was a delivery boy, then it would be impossible for them to do so. Ye Anbu is the traffic police brigade and is simply the opponent's nemesis.

"Whoosh whoosh!" A ninja wearing a Kumogakure forehead protector was running fast in Kirigakure Village, but he was soon surrounded by four silhouettes that suddenly appeared.

"Stop, who is coming?"

The Mist Ninja Anbu, who was intercepted and surrounded, had to stop. He looked at the four familiar people around him wearing cloaks and masks. He had the illusion that he was on the wrong set, but he quickly reacted and said with a kind face. He said with a smile: "You are the ANBU of Konoha, right? I am the Kumo ninja under Lord Yukito, and I am on a mission. Haha, we are all our own people."

"That's it." The ANBU team leader wearing a beige windbreaker nodded and said, "You go ahead." The team leader who was blocking the front stepped aside to get out of the way with another ANBU.

"Thank you, thank you." Seeing this, the Mist Ninja ANBU thanked him and walked towards the gap with relief.

But when he passed by two ANBU, four ANBU suddenly took action at the same time, attacking his sides and back.

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