Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 887 The unexpected army

According to Chiyo's plan, Rasa led his ninja army to act as bait and lead the Six-Tails to the southeast of the Fire Country Forest Territory.However, after being held back by Vulpix, it was obvious that he could no longer pursue the Mist Ninja.Therefore, he issued several military orders to the [-] ninja troops under Ye Cang, ordering them to continue to pursue and harass the Mist ninja army while guarding the towns of the Kingdom of Wind. He could not give them a chance to breathe in their mission until they were close to the border of the Kingdom of Fire. After completely getting rid of the Vulpix, the two armies reunited to completely annihilate the Mist Ninja army.

The three of Luo Sha were determined to kill people and silence them this time. As for the losses that the battle between the two armies would bring to the Fire Country, they did not consider it.They are even prepared to take this opportunity to add fuel to the flames and expand the damage. Anyway, when the time comes, they will enter the Land of Fire in the name of allies to "aid" and throw all the blame on the Kirigakure Village. Not only can Konoha not blame them, but they should be grateful to them.

When Skywalker returns with the main force, he will definitely hate the Kiri Ninja deeply, and he can use their power to destroy Oniden Zangetsu and his ninja army.

It has to be said that Luo Sha and the other three are very good at calculating. They can both destroy the Fire Country and kill people and silence them. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

After receiving the Kazekage's order, the [-] ninja troops under Ye Cang "reluctantly" agreed, and then they clung to the Kiri ninja's back and continued to attack and harass them without giving the other side any chance to correct themselves.

Without Ye Cang as the commander-in-chief, the [-] Sunagakure Ninja Army could still flexibly use various tactics to carry out long-term and effective attacks on the enemy without making any mistakes. At the same time, they also protected the cities around the Kingdom of Wind from being affected by the fog. He endured the harassment and completed the mission goal perfectly.This performance surprised the three of Luo Sha and almost suspected that Ye Cang was personally commanding the army. However, they quickly discarded this ridiculous idea and only thought that it was the tacit cooperation of the top brass of the [-] ninja army. reason.

Contrary to the Suna ninja who had no commander in chief, the Kirito ninja led by Kiden Zangetsu performed very poorly during the pursuit. Not only were they slow to react, but they also frequently made mistakes in tactical orders, which resulted in the Kirito ninja paying many unnecessary casualties during the pursuit. However, because Yu Gao held back the Sunagakure army, Kito Zangetsu successfully gathered all the ninja troops together and barely stabilized the morale of the army, preventing the army from completely collapsing.This is already very impressive, and everyone knows that it is human nature for him to worry about the safety of his disciples, so there are no complaints in the army.In fact, it is a good thing for Sunagakure that the Mist Ninja did not completely collapse. If they were defeated, the scattered army would be a disaster for the civilians of the Kingdom of Wind, and Sunagakure would not be able to complete the elimination in a short time.It is easier to annihilate and surrender when they are gathered together in this way.

In this way, the two sides chased and fought all the way, fighting and fighting. It took three days to cover the distance that could have been covered in a day and a night at the speed of ninjas.

At this time, the original 5000 ninja troops on both sides suffered a large number of casualties. After a rout and breakout, plus three days of harassment and pursuit, the Mist ninjas lost a total of [-] people. In order to ensure the speed of evacuation, the seriously injured ones were Everyone was abandoned or even executed on the spot, and countless people were slightly injured.This battle loss has reached a quarter of the total force. If the Mist Ninjas had not been brainwashed by the high-pressure policy rule in the Blood Mist for a long time, they would have collapsed by this time. They could barely maintain themselves by relying on their status as the leader of the famous clan of Kiden Zanzuki.

The casualties on Sunagakure's side were much smaller. The 8000 ninja troops under Rasa's command lost a total of [-] people after three days of pursuit by the Six-Tails. The [-] ninja troops who had been chasing the main force of the Kiri ninja only lost a few hundred. People can be ignored.This result is not good news for the three people of Feng Ying. The strength gap between the two sides has widened again. Fortunately for them, the biggest threat, Ye Cang, has died. After the war is over, these people will be leaderless. With their The means can quickly disintegrate.

Kirigakure's current strength is [-], and Sunagakure's strength is just over [-]. Generally speaking, Sunagakure has the advantage, but it is not overwhelming. The outcome is still uncertain.

When the Mist Ninja army approached the border of the Land of Fire, the 40-strong army under Nasuki had just crossed the Nishikawa area and was still three full days away.

And three days is enough to change the entire situation of the war.

At this time, Rasa has successfully introduced the Six-Tails into the forest of the Land of Fire. Just as Chiyo expected, the Six-Tails is very fond of the environment here. When Rasa leads the army repeatedly in and out of the forest many times, the Six-Tails He finally gave up the pursuit and walked alone into the dark depths of the forest.

After Rasa successfully got rid of the Six-Tails, he led his army to join the [-] ninja army under Ye Cang's command.After the rendezvous, Luo Sha did not immediately launch a general attack, but followed the Mist Ninja army, preparing to enter the Kingdom of Fire for another battle. By then, the Mist Ninja who needed to replenish supplies through looting would no longer be able to march quickly. And they, Sunagakure, can also take advantage of the troubled waters to make a fortune.

For the Mist Ninjas who are trekking all the way, the Land of Fire is not only a strategic target, but also a hope for survival. The three armies will soon gather here, and coupled with the proximity to the battlefield of the Earth Kingdom, it is likely to change the war in the entire ninja world. The situation The entire ninja world didn't know that the [-]-strong army of the Kirigakure family had surrendered.

Both sides have their own wishful thinking, and it seems that the Fire Country has become the most disadvantaged party.But what happened next was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

When the Mist Ninja army arrived at the border of the Land of Fire, the first thing that greeted them was the Tianxing Fortress. They had expected this. However, although the Tianxing Fortress was very strong, without the cooperation of the army, it would be nothing more than a special one. It's just a tailed beast. It's very offensive but cannot be used for defense, especially on the homeland.But unexpectedly, in addition to Tianxing Fortress, a ninja army numbering up to [-] appeared on the border of the Kingdom of Fire, firmly blocking the front of the Mist Ninjas.

A ninja army of unknown origin suddenly appeared in the western part of the Land of Fire, which should have been empty of troops, surprising everyone.Could it be Konoha's so-called liberal arts ninja? But this area has just been ceded to Konoha for a year. How can so many ninjas be trained so quickly?

Puzzled, both sides hurriedly sent elites to investigate, and soon discovered that this ninja army was not the Konoha ninja they suspected, but a group of strange ninjas wearing a five-pointed star symbol to protect their foreheads.The leader is a strange and powerful man named Xinghe

If it were other ninja villages, they might not be able to recognize the origins of these ninja armies based on these characteristics, but three signs immediately flashed in the minds of Kiri Ninja and Sand Ninja: "Star Ninja Village"

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