Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 88: Reincarnation of the Immortal Corpse

In a sense, the rope tree did save Orochimaru, so he nodded and accepted the thanks calmly, not to mention that knowledge is priceless, and accepting thanks is also a form of respect for knowledge.

"I have also thought about how to use the immortality of the soul to obtain immortality. I think that we only need to study a ninjutsu to transfer the soul and then find a suitable container to accommodate the soul." Orochimaru said. own ideas.

After hearing that Orochimaru said the principle of immortal reincarnation, Naoki naturally expressed his affirmation, "It's a very good idea. But there is no need to give up on research on the human body. After all, there are superior and inferior containers! And the soul and the container must match each other, so Just like wearing shoes, other people's shoes never fit your feet.

If you can clone a container using your own body as a prototype and continue to modify genes and cells, maybe you can make a perfect container?" Shengshu expressed his suggestion.

Orochimaru frowned, "But this will distract our energy and waste a lot of time. We only need to achieve the goal of immortality. As for the container... we just need to search more to find the right one. It seems that there is no need to waste energy and Time to devote to research?" Of course Orochimaru knew that Naoki's suggestion was the most perfect, but what he was pursuing now was just immortality. Since it was difficult to achieve the goal physically, there was no need to waste time on biotechnology.

Rooshu shook his head and said: "Eternal life is just the basis of everything. If there is no corresponding power to satisfy one's own wishes, then what is the meaning of eternal life? For example, if I use the corpse-sealing technique to kill a soul If it is sealed in the body of the God of Death, then this soul can exist forever in the belly of the God of Death. Is this kind of "eternal life" what you hope for?

If the soul cannot match the body, it will affect the performance and improvement of strength.Moreover, containers are not permanent and need to be replaced every once in a while. Finding a suitable container also requires energy and time. The original owners of excellent containers often have powerful souls, and there are always some risks in snatching the body from them. Too many times and accidents will inevitably happen!

Rather than spending time and energy to snatch other people's bodies at the risk of failure, it is better to clone one's own body.

In this way, not only can the body be modified and strengthened at will, but also a large number of spare containers can be replaced at any time, which is much higher than the former in terms of potential and safety! "

Orochimaru pondered for a long time before nodding: "What you said makes sense, but we can study biotechnology after completing the soul transfer ninjutsu. The most important thing is to gain the ability to live forever."

Naoki breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Orochimaru agreed to his suggestion. He planned to let the scientist help him conduct research on human cloning and blood transplantation in order to save a lot of willing points.If Orochimaru, under his influence, devotes himself to researching souls and spirits, and thus abandons the research of biotechnology, his plan will be completely in vain!

Think about it, if he could transplant the blood inheritance at will, he would only have to spend 1000 points of will power for blood fusion, and there would be no need for expensive blood inheritance exchanges in the system!But this can only be thought about, and the hope is very slim.In the original work, Orochimaru has never successfully transplanted any kind of blood successor, except for the special case of Yamato, otherwise he would

There will no longer be containers collected all over the world.

In the original work, he was not affected in any way. Instead, he was conducting biological research from the beginning to the end. The sound ninjas were all the results of his experiments, but until the end, he never successfully transplanted a blood inheritance to anyone!

So when it came to blood transplantation, Shengshu just tried it with the mentality of winning the lottery and didn't have high expectations.

His main purpose is to obtain Orochimaru cloning technology!The Rope Tree is also full of desire for eternal life!Of course he wouldn't mind using the immortal reincarnation if given the chance. In the face of immortality, human moral ethics are not worth mentioning at all!But he can't change his body at will, because his power is based on the blood in his body!

Although he can use the system to exchange for it, his body is very expensive. It has now reached more than 2 million willing power points. If the rope tree exchanges for more blood successors through the willing force system, this value will continue to rise!

If cloning technology can be obtained, a lot of effort can be saved!

And unlike blood transplantation, which has little hope, the rope tree can confirm that Orochimaru has completed the research on cloning technology in the original work!

In the extra chapter, there once appeared a villain who called himself Uchiha Nobu. When he was a minor, he volunteered to become one of Orochimaru's experimental subjects in order to learn cloning technology.

Xin's physique is very special, and he will not have the slightest rejection reaction to any tissue transplanted on his body.Therefore, Orochimaru transplanted many sharingan eyes collected by Shimura Danzo in the Uchiha genocide incident on the letter, and then sent the right arm of the letter with all kinds of sharingan eyes to Danzang as Danzo's New right arm.

Orochimaru also used Shin's cells to clone many Shin's clones.Later, Nobu betrayed Orochimaru with several of his clone "sons" and used them as his "props to obtain new flesh and blood" and "warehouse for spare organs."In the end, Xin died at the hands of a rebellious clone.

Although the cloned body cloned by Orochimaru has an independent will and soul and will betray the original body, these shortcomings are not a problem for the rope tree!

When the clone is just born, its soul and will are as weak as a baby, and it is completely a blank piece of paper. If you use the corpse at this time to turn around and seize the body and devour the opponent's blank soul, the success rate is [-]%!

But Orochimaru won't do that!In the original work, why didn't Orochimaru seize Sasuke's body when he was weak, but instead tried his best to teach him how to practice? The original work explains that there must be a gap of several years between the use of the Fuzhi Turn. This is the flaw of the Fu Zhi Turn. .But if it was just for this reason, there was no need for Orochimaru to increase Sasuke's power so carefully!He could imprison Sasuke and prevent his growth, and then seize the body after time has passed. Wouldn't it be much safer?

In addition to having absolute confidence in himself, there is another important reason why Orochimaru devoted himself to training Sasuke.

That is the problem of soul matching. After successfully seizing the body, Orochimaru will swallow Sasuke's soul and chakra!But from now on, the strength of this body will not increase. In the future, he can only use the chakra of himself and Sasuke, so before taking the body, he will train Sasuke with all his heart, hoping that he can fully develop the potential of the container for himself!

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