Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 852: How to survive as a family ninja

Seeing that a larger number of Konoha ninja troops suddenly appeared on the coast, the family ninjas who were caught in the attack from two sides were panicked, especially after multiple investigators reported that the leader was Skywalker, even the clan leaders Even his prestige could not suppress the panic of his ninja troops.

Even the leader of the Kaguya clan, who was the commander-in-chief, was not surprised at this time. He couldn't figure out why Daywalker suddenly appeared here with his army.In order to prevent the Kirigakure Ninja Army from being disrupted when they were on an expedition, Yagura did not reveal to them the news that the Land of Water was being attacked on the mainland. Therefore, the ninjas in the family knew nothing about the changes in the outside world, let alone Yagura. Plans to cooperate with the Kazekage.

After Naoki led his army to land, he did not immediately launch an attack on the mist ninja in the forest. Instead, he sent people to contact Orochimaru's troops and ordered his subordinates to set up a temporary defense line on the coast.

The panicked senior management of the Mist Ninja ordered the deployment of a second line of defense in the rear while taking this opportunity to hold an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

In the command tent of the Mist Ninja, all the senior officials gathered together, and everyone looked panicked.

Chief Kaguya, who was sitting at the top, had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions. Although he was also worried, he knew that as a commander, he must not expose his negative emotions at this time, otherwise the entire army would collapse without a fight.

He tried his best to look calm on the surface and said: "Although Skywalker and his army appeared suddenly, everyone should not panic too much. The more critical the moment, the more we must calmly think about what Konoha will do before Didn’t we survive the ambush with twice as many troops?”

Although the leader of the Kaguya clan tried his best to boost morale, the effect was not good. The senior officials present did not respond at all and still looked worried.

Seeing that no one responded to him, Chief Kaguya's face flashed with a trace of embarrassment, and he used his eyes to signal the Chief Minazuki beside him to cooperate.

Although the leader of the Minazuki clan has always been the wise man of the family, he is very soft-hearted. Not only does he lack courage, but he is also hesitant to do things. After receiving the news that his retreat was cut off, he was also confused and at a loss. Just now I have been in a daze with everyone.

After receiving the suggestive look from the leader of the Kaguya clan, he reacted. At the same time, he felt a sense of admiration for the commander's calm performance, secretly thinking that the commander was more suitable to lead the family line than he was.Then he said with a stiff smile: "Master Kaguya is right, we are not hopeless as long as we all work together, we will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties."

At this time, the leader of the Steel Dun clan said with a decadent look: "This time, Skywalker is personally leading the troops, and the gap in strength between the enemy and ours is too big. Not only are they surrounded by two sides, there is no hope at all in this situation. .”

The surrounding senior officials all nodded in sympathy when they heard this. It wasn't that they were ineffective, but that the enemy was too strong.

"Bastard" the Kaguya clan leader angrily reprimanded: "No matter how strong Skywalker is, so what? Are you prepared to wait for death? Don't forget that there are 8 of us. Even if we die, we can drag down the same number of enemies to be buried with us." If Ye has twice the strength, he can't do anything to us. I don't believe that Skywalker can withstand such heavy casualties."

Chief Shui Wuyue echoed: "After Skywalker led his army to land, they did not attack immediately. This shows that they do not want to fight to the death or pay too many casualties."

"But we are now very short of logistical supplies. We can only last for more than ten days at most." The leader of the Xundun clan said with a sad face: "When the supplies are used up, we will also be defeated. We will go to the interior of Konoha." Break through and seize supplies.”


The leader of the Minazuki clan shook his head and objected without thinking: "No, the surrounding space has been sealed. Once we change the defense line, we will be attacked from both sides by the opponent."

Everyone knows the result at that time. Without the defense line to deal with, their 8 people will be defeated quickly.Despite what Kaguya clan leader said, he and Konoha really couldn't do it if they tried their best.

"How about we surrender? Konoha's style will not kill prisoners," the leader of the Mingdun clan said through gritted teeth.

Most people, including the leader of the Kaguya clan, their eyes lit up when they heard this, and they were obviously moved.

At this time, the leader of the Minazuki clan hurriedly said: "No, absolutely no, don't forget that the order Mizukage gave us is that once the main force holding Konoha chooses to surrender, we will all be sinners. At that time, not only will Mizukage not kill us Redemption will also involve the clan members in the village."

Everyone had ugly faces when they heard this. Based on their understanding of Yagura, if they really surrendered, the other party would most likely take the opportunity to drive out the entire family. This is the biggest reason why they have persisted until now.

"So, what does Chief Minazuki think we should do?" Chief Kaguya asked with an unkind expression. He hoped that the wise man he relied on could come up with a feasible solution instead of blindly denying it.

Clan Leader Shui Wuyue saw everyone staring at him, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he spoke quickly: "Although I don't know why Skywalker and the others can rush back from the Kingdom of Thunder so quickly, but they are in such a hurry There must be a reason for attacking us. Think about it, everyone, Orochimaru's 15 ninja army can trap us to death, why did Konoha invest such a large force to besiege us again?

According to Master Mizukage's plan, another army from the Kingdom of Wind should have been invading the Kingdom of Wind for many days now.

So the only explanation is that another army from the Wind Country has defeated Sunagakure and is attacking the western part of the Fire Country to rescue us as planned. Skywalker is afraid that our combined forces will pose a threat to the Fire Country, so He wants to defeat us as soon as possible, and then rush to the west to stop another army's offensive at the border."

The top management of Mist Ninja nodded after hearing this, feeling that this analysis was very logical.

After receiving everyone's approval, Chief Shui Wuyue's tone became more confident: "Now that we know this, things will be easy to handle next.

Since Skywalker did not launch an attack immediately, he must have wanted to surrender before us. We can use this to delay time.

If we can't delay, we must defend with all our strength, even if we build two lines of defense, reinforcements will come to rescue us in at most ten days.With our [-] troops relying on the narrow coastline to maneuver, and Konoha worrying about its own casualties, there is no problem in sustaining it for more than ten days."

"But this is all your guess. What if there are no reinforcements?" a senior officer asked.

"Even if there are no reinforcements, as long as we persist for more than ten days and use up all the supplies, we have fulfilled Mizukage's order, but he has not fulfilled his promise. If we surrender to Konoha at that time, Mizukage must redeem us. , and there is no excuse to punish the clansmen in the country." Clan leader Shui Wuyue said with a confident smile.

The surrounding senior officials also showed smiles. Although many people may be sacrificed, their family can continue no matter what. This is the way for family ninjas to survive.

At this time, the Kaguya clan leader said firmly: "Okay, just follow the Minazuki clan leader's plan and continue to defend at all costs."

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