Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 824 Uninvited Guests at Sea

A series of changes occurred in the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind in the western part of the mainland in one day and one night, dazzling the senior officials of various countries who had been paying attention.

Whether it was Skywalker's airborne reinforcements that were like a stroke of genius, or Kirigakure's unexpected turn to break through and lead to the afterlife, it was a surprise. The tactics and strategies of both sides were top-notch, and it would have been impossible for others to ask themselves. .

Although the response of both parties was admirable, everyone could see that Konoha had firmly gained the upper hand, and Kirigakure's choice was a gamble out of necessity, which had great uncertainty.

However, the battle of wits and courage between the two sides also made this war more complicated and confusing. Did Kirigakure defeat the Wind Country first and disrupt Konoha's rear, or did Konoha's reinforcements arrive in time and annihilate Kirigakure's expeditionary force? Woolen cloth

In the following days, although Sunagakure pursued and intercepted with all his strength, he was still unable to effectively stop the desperate Kirigakure ninja. The two sides were entangled and fought fiercely, leaving a large number of corpses along the way. However, the Kirigakure ninja army still firmly marched toward the Kingdom of Wind. The center advances.The civilians living in Sand Hidden Village and the capital were in fear every day. Many nobles and wealthy people were ready to evacuate, but they soon found that they had nowhere to go. There seems to be no safe place in the entire Kingdom of Wind.

After Sunagakure found that he could not stop the Kiri Ninja's offensive, he finally changed his strategy and decided that Hagakura would lead a small number of ninja troops to continue to entangle the main force of the Kiri Ninja and delay the opponent's movement, while Rasha and two advisors would lead the large army. The troops quickly returned to the center to set up a defense line in front of Kirigakure and prepare for the final decisive battle.

This plan seems feasible, but it is very dangerous for Ye Cang. If he uses a small number of troops to block the main force of the Mist Ninja, he will be swallowed by the opponent if he is not careful.

However, Ye Cang still adopted guerrilla tactics and used his wisdom and will to bite the Mist Ninja's back, causing them huge trouble.

Then Sunagakure's main force finally succeeded in overtaking the Mist Ninja from behind and went around to their front. By the time the Mist Ninja arrived at their destination, they had already established a tight defense line.

Everyone believed that the situation would not be completely clear until at least half a month, because even after the Mist Ninja arrived at the center of the Country of Wind under Ye Cang's constant harassment, they would have to fight another decisive battle to break through the opponent's defense line.

But on the fifth day after Kirigakure landed in the Land of Wind, a drastic change suddenly occurred in the ninja world, changing the war situation in the entire ninja world.

It was a sunny morning. In the waters of the archipelago in the northwest of the Kingdom of Water, a large number of fishermen were driving large and small boats to fish in the sea.

As the saying goes, you rely on mountains to eat and water to eat. The country of water is a typical island country. Although the land and climate are normal and the agriculture is relatively developed, due to the small land area, fishery accounts for a very important part of the entire country's economy. Due to the lack of meat products, seafood is the main source of food for the people of the Water Country.

Every day, a large number of fishermen go out to sea to fish before dawn. Since seafood is not easy to preserve, the fresher the better, so they must complete the fishing work before noon and transport the harvest to the market in time to sell it at a good price.

But today, the work of the fishermen in the Land of Water was interrupted by a group of uninvited guests who suddenly broke in.

I saw a huge shadow suddenly appeared on the distant sea level, shining like stars under the sunlight. At first, I saw a huge shadow.

The residents thought they had encountered a rare pod of whales.Some large fishing boats equipped with harpoons excitedly sailed towards the target as soon as possible.You must know that whales are a mobile treasure trove for fishermen. Whether it is whale meat, whale skin, or whale oil, they are all popular and in-demand commodities. And whales are huge. As long as you successfully hunt one, you can get tons of harvest.

Usually a whale can be sold for a high price of 10 taels, and a large group of whales is a gold mine for fishermen.

Just as the fishermen from the Kingdom of Water rushed forward to prepare for a wild hunting spree, they soon noticed something strange.

Because the "whale group" seems to be swimming too fast, and the figure is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although whales are known for their huge size and generally exceed most ships, their size this time is also It's so big that it's almost like a small island. Could it be that it's a mutated psychic beast? Although large monsters like this are rare in offshore waters, you can encounter them occasionally. They are not something ordinary people can deal with. You must ask a ninja to come. Thinking of this, all the fishermen retreated, but they couldn't help but want to find out what was going on.

At this time, no one was thinking about ships, because these fishermen were very experienced and could roughly estimate the true size of certain objects based on the distance and shadow size in their sight.

The largest warship these fishermen have ever seen is not that big, and ordinary ships have tall masts and white sails, so they can be recognized at a glance due to the high sea level.The shadow that suddenly appeared in the distance was not only huge in size, gray and black in color, but also flat in shape and shining with reflective spots. It looked like a group of large fish half-floating on the water, so these fishermen saw it at first sight. It feels like a group of whales taking a breath.

But as the distance between the two parties got closer and the outline of the opposite side became clearer and clearer, these experienced fishermen finally recognized the nature of the shadow.

That is definitely not a creature, but a human creation. To be more precise, it is a huge fleet.

Yes, even though the shape of the ship is very strange, it can sail quickly on the sea without any masts or sails.However, all the fishermen could tell at a glance that these huge metal structures like small islands were definitely man-made ships. And judging from the strong and dangerous sense of oppression, it was probably the war fleet that considered the most frequent Kirigakure village. With all the information for conducting a war, the identity of the other party is self-evident.

After guessing the identity of the enemy, all the fishing boats nodded and fled immediately. They had no desire to fight, not even the idea of ​​reporting, they just wanted to stay away.The gap between ordinary people and ninjas in this world is simply irreparable. Once encountering an enemy's army, there is absolutely no possibility of resistance, and the only option is to escape.

Unfortunately, these old fishing boats were too slow. They were as different from metal battleships as supercars and tractors. So after they completed the U-turn, the huge fleet on the opposite side had already rammed into them like a mad cow.

After a collision of different sizes, the result was obvious. Most of the fishing boats were knocked over and sank. Only a few were lucky enough to slip through the gaps in the fleet, and were pushed to both sides by the huge waves.

The huge fleet seemed to have trampled to death a group of ants blocking the road. It ignored the surviving fishing boats and continued to speed towards the island ahead.

The surviving fishing boats looked at the huge figure of Speedy Principle in shock. After forcing themselves to calm down, they quickly drove the boats to search and rescue the survivors who fell into the water.

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