Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 819 The harem expands again

Naoshu and Yumu were spreading dog food as if no one was watching, but someone next to them finally couldn't help but make a sound.

"Hmm, shameless," Kushina cursed with blazing eyes. As a real fiancée, seeing Naoki's unlimited ability to please another woman, she couldn't control her emotions even if she knew her better.

Kushina's curse seemed to turn on a switch, and everyone around them who had been stunned reacted in an uproar.

"That's too much." Xia Xing beside her was so angry that her face turned red and her breasts became one size bigger.

"How could Mr. Shengshu be so humble?" Mazuo was more concerned about the two people's names.

"The Rope Tree guy is really good at playing. It's just role-playing. He's still a Catwoman. Doesn't Kushina feel so angry because she feels threatened? Tsk tsk tsk Catwoman and Fox Girl are really enviable."

Jiraiya looked between the three of them with a lewd expression, as if he had discovered some great secret.

"Teacher, don't talk nonsense." Minato beside him had a wry smile on his face, exuding a green aura.

Ai's expression on the opposite side was even uglier than Minato's. He understood that Yukito was completely siding with Konoha, and it was the worst outcome expected.

Now, who in the entire ninja world doesn't know that Naoki's support team is composed of outstanding female ninjas from various villages. They are not only beautiful, but also all Kage-level powerhouses. This is simply the strongest harem in the ninja world.Not only is he beautiful, but he is also a helpful assistant. Men in the entire ninja world are envious and jealous of Naoki.

Moreover, once these women join Konoha, they will become the mistresses of the Senju clan, so no one can question their identity.If the Yuki people join it, they won't even have to vote for a certificate, and they will soon be able to integrate into Konoha and transform into high-end combat power.

I have to say that the rope tree is really very smooth in this hand. While holding the girl in hand, it can also increase the top combat power of Konoha.This is also an important reason why no one in Konoha has ever criticized his private life. A simple sentence of youthful romance has revealed it.Kage-level strong men are an important strategic force in the ninja world, and Naoki has poached so many corners from abroad in his own way, which is more than the strong men trained by major ninja villages. Of course, Konoha's top management will be happy to see it. After all, no idiot would make a fuss about this.

If it were other people, such as the Third Hokage and Jiraiya, although they were usually very lustful, they would not dare to open a harem to find women, otherwise Danzo would definitely use this as an issue to criticize.Even so, the two's current reputation in Konoha has been affected.

However, Naoki's harem is all kage-level powerhouses, and they naturally have a special status in the ninja world. Even the kage of a village cannot point fingers at will, so no one can care about their feelings.In addition, the rope tree brought the harem into the direct lineage of the Senju clan by bestowing the Senju surname. With the ancient family system as a cover, there was no legal problem at all.

With the combination of the two, his harem had double protection of morality and law, and no loopholes could be found at all.Even Danzo, who has always wanted to find trouble, has nowhere to say anything, and enemies from other countries cannot launch a public opinion offensive on this point, and can only be envious and jealous.

Ai, who is now single, saw with his own eyes the winner of life, Shengshu, touching a girl in front of him. He suffered a series of critical blows in his heart, and he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

The expression on Tutai's side was also stern.Speaking of which, he had a share of credit for everything going well today. If Yun Ren hadn't pushed too hard, Yumu Ren would have let go of his heart and thrown himself into the arms of the tree.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison, Kumogakure will be replaced by Mu Ren

He abandoned her like an open shoe and even wanted to force her to death to squeeze out the last bit of value.However, Naoki has expressed his love for her more than once. In addition, he already has a good impression of Skywalker, who is famous in the ninja world, so it is not surprising at all to make this choice.Because what Yumu people lack most is the recognition and care of others, and the rope tree just meets all her needs.

Although Kirabi on the side remained silent, there was a trace of relief in his eyes. He was sincerely happy that this Jinchuuriki girl who had the same disease could find a good home.

"Nousuki, you have to pay attention to the occasion and don't be too unruly." Tsunade took out the eldest sister's majesty to remind.In fact, not only did she not have the slightest objection to her brother's behavior of opening a harem, but she was happy to see it happen. She also hoped that the Senju clan could spread and flourish, but she had to take care of the feelings of Kushina and other girls.

Naoki, who had a panoramic view of everyone's emotions, certainly understood what Tsunade meant. In fact, he also found that he had just had a great time. It would be bad if the high harmony evolved into a Shura field after being affected.

So he patted the back of Yukito who was hanging on him, put her down gently, and then forcefully explained in a serious manner: "Don't misunderstand that I just like to suck cats, and Yukito is a pure friendly relations, don’t get it wrong.”

Seeing him telling lies so shamelessly, everyone present rolled their eyes with contempt.Although the girls Kushina were still a little aggrieved, they didn't say anything more.

After the "communication" just now, Nao Shu now trusted Yumu Ren very much, so he personally unlocked the five elements seal for her on the spot and gave her the antidote to relieve the paralysis.

Seeing that Naoki trusted him so much and regained his strength, Yukito happily kissed him again.

Even under the glare of the three Kushina girls, they deliberately released the chakra of the second tail, transformed into cat ears and cat tails, and said with a seductive look: "Do you like meow shoveling shit?"

Naoki felt so itchy when he saw Yukito's change that he almost couldn't control it, but he glanced at Kushina who was wrapped in a red chakra coat next to him, and changed the subject rationally: "Okay, don't be ridiculous, this letter Do you want to read the surrender letter?"

When Naoki saw that Yukito didn't mess around anymore after taking the scroll, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The kitten was so enthusiastic that he couldn't bear it.

Yumu Ren's expression became a little complicated while holding the surrender letter in his hand. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "No, it's just some disgusting words with false feelings. From now on, I will no longer be Yunyin's tool. He's Skywalker's cat master."

As if to confirm his determination, a purple underworld fire suddenly emerged from the palm of Yumu Ren's hand and burned the scroll to ashes.Although his tone was firm, his trembling hands showed that he was not at peace in his heart. After all, the village where the member had raised her for more than ten years was not so easy to let go.

Kushina on the side looked at the girl with a somewhat complicated look. Finally, she shook her head and sighed. The hostility dissipated. After all, she was just a desperate girl, so why bother her? Anyway, the temper of that guy Nogeki was impossible. Changed.

Naoki noticed Kushina's psychological changes, and a glimmer of pride flashed in his eyes. Kushina was indeed soft-hearted, and it seemed that the harem turmoil this time would soon subside.

Ai and Dodai on the side saw that Yumu burned their carefully prepared surrender letter without even looking at it, and their faces became even more gloomy.

And Kirabi showed a hint of surprise when he saw Yuki Ren casually burning the scroll with Hell Fire. In the past, Yuki Ren could not do such fine control. It seems that this one is not far away from the perfect Jinchuriki. .

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