Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 807 The Path of Frost

In the forest outside Jianmen Pass, the battle is still going on.Wan Snake has the strength advantage brought by its huge size and has the agility of snakes plus super recovery and shedding abilities. It is simply the most terrifying biological weapon. The corpse veins of the Kaguya clan are not only both offensive and defensive, but also powerful. He is a master of physical skills, and he has an advantage in fighting by relying on the special terrain of Hayafern Dance, so the two attacks were inseparable for a while, and no one could do anything about the other.

Although the Ten Thousand Snakes were unable to cause effective casualties to the Kaguya clan before the Bone Forest was demolished, the longer the battle drags on in this situation, the better for Orochimaru. However, the main force of Konoha arrived much later than expected. Orochimaru is cooperating with the battle of ten thousand snakes while controlling the snakes in the forest to block the way out of the fog ninja.

When the Kaguya clan leader led his tribe to fight Orochimaru, the other Mist ninjas were unable to intervene but were not idle. The Minazuki clan leader was leading them to try to break through the snake formation.

To the east of the forest, at the edge of the Mist Ninja Army Formation, Chief Minazuki was directing his ninja troops to use ninjutsu to attack the outer snake formation.

At this time, thousands of fog ninjas were standing in the frost-covered safe area, preparing ninjutsu against the endless snake array to the east.After they completed the seal movements in unison, everyone's chakra condensed together to form a large-scale ninjutsu "Water Release Great Waterfall Jutsu."

"Crash!" The chakra of thousands of ninjas turned into a large amount of clear and transparent water. In an instant, a huge wave of more than ten meters high and hundreds of meters wide was formed in the forest. It rushed towards the forest ahead with the momentum of crushing everything. Rushing away.The dense group of snakes had no time to react before they were submerged together with the forest by the huge waves.

About a minute later, the huge waves gradually subsided. The mist ninjas looked hopefully at the forest after the water attack, but they were disappointed.

It turned out that there were still densely packed snakes tangled and circling on the wet trees. Although the huge waves washed out an open space on the ground, they did not penetrate the bottom line of the snake formation, and the snakes from behind were quickly filled up.There was no damage to the snakes except that their scales became smoother. The ninjutsu formed by thousands of people was like giving them a bath.

The reason for this result is not because the Mist Ninja's Water Bending is weak. If the environment and objects were changed, such a huge Water Bending would be enough to drown many people. However, most snakes can swim and are not afraid of flooding, and the many trees in the forest are The blocking offsets the impact of Water Release, so the Mist Ninja's Water Release cannot achieve its purpose of scattering the snakes.

Faced with this situation, the leader of the Shuiwuyue clan ordered without changing his expression: "Change a group of people and continue."

Although the other mist ninjas wondered why he would make such a useless attempt, they still followed the order faithfully.

Just like this, the sound of water flow continued to sound in the forest and disappeared. After repeated several times, water bodies with nowhere to drain gradually accumulated in the forest. Almost all the trees and snakes were soaked with water, and the ground was covered with water. There are muddy puddles everywhere, and the forest to the east has almost turned into a marsh.But even this will not have much impact on snakes that can swim and climb trees.They still leisurely formed a tight snake formation under the impact of water escape, like a section of a dam that would never collapse.

Ten minutes later, the Minazuki clan leader finally called a halt. At this time, they could already hear the huge footsteps of the Konoha army charging. If it took more than 5 minutes, the Kiri ninja would be surrounded.

All the Kirist ninjas had deep despair and panic in their eyes. At this time, the Minazuki clan leader said calmly: "Don't panic, we will be able to break through the siege of snakes soon. Konoha can't stop us."

After he finished speaking, he walked alone to the forefront of the military formation amidst the expectant eyes of everyone, and Hou Yilian calmly began to form the seal, "Ice Road Black Dragon Storm Kill"

A strong blizzard swept out, cutting a straight path through the wet forest, and all the water in the path turned into ice in an instant. "Kakaka" The snakes, whether on the ground or on several branches, were covered by the frost that gradually solidified and cooled down their bodies, turning into ice sculptures.Wherever the blizzard passed, a channel of ice and snow hundreds of meters long was formed, and it continued to radiate low temperatures to the surroundings. The wet snakes on both sides moved away uncomfortably.

"The Minazuki clan and I will take the lead and take turns to cast ice escape in the direction. It doesn't need to be very wide. It just needs to be able to leave. The others will follow and evacuate together. We must move quickly."

After hearing the clan leader's order, everyone in the Minazuki clan understood what he was thinking.No wonder the mist ninjas who had been ordering water escape to use water escape on the eastern Sensen were originally to create an environment for them to use ice escape more conveniently. Ice escape is made from the fusion of the two chakra attributes of water and wind, of which the water attribute is responsible. The entity that creates ice escape, and the wind attribute is used to create low temperature.Therefore, there are two types of environments that are most suitable for ice escape. One of them is the icy environment like the Kingdom of Frost. In such an environment, even snow ninjas who do not have ice escape blood inheritance can still rely on water escape and a small amount of wind escape. The copycat produced a large-scale ice escape ninjutsu, but the control was terrible.The other environment is a humid and watery environment like the forest in front of everyone. In this environment, the Mizutsuki clan does not need to spend excess water attribute chakra to create ice-escape entities. They only need to pay attention to using wind attribute to create it. Low temperatures can easily create an icy environment.

By using Ice Release in this environment, the Chakra consumption required by the Minazuki clan was at least doubled.Any Sui Wuyue can use ice escape to open up a road within a hundred meters, and the Shui Wuyue clan leader has no requirements on width. When thousands of clan members take turns to use ice escape, they can easily open up a road that can The path of frost that penetrates the snake array.With the speed of a ninja, he can completely break out of the snake formation through a passage before the frost melts.

After understanding the methods of the Minazuki clan leader, the morale of the mist ninja was greatly boosted. Driven by the desire to survive, the Minazuki clan members quickly opened up survival passages. The frost path moved towards the forest at a speed visible to the naked eye. The east side extended rapidly and soon penetrated the edge of the snake array.

Under the leadership of Clan Chief Minazuki, the Mist Ninja quickly evacuated to the east, and more and more people rushed out of the snake formation.

At this time, Konoha's main force had just made contact with the Mist Ninja in the west of the forest and had not completed the encirclement.

"Not good." Orochimaru learned about the movements of the Mist Ninja through the snakes and wanted to stop them, but was stopped by the Kaguya clan.

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