Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 787: What to talk about?

"Do you understand, kid?" Snoopy said with a look of disdain: "If you don't want to be treason, just obey orders and surrender. If you want to fight guerrillas, the entire Kingdom of Thunder will be against us. Without the support of civilians and the government, we are just rats crossing the street. Let’s negotiate with Konoha quickly and maybe we can recover some losses.”

"Damn it!" before Kirabi could retort, Ai said with a livid face: "What happened? How could the Daimyo government suddenly make such a decision and put us in such an unfavorable situation?"

Kirabi said angrily: "Those guys must have been broken by Konoha like some weaklings. In addition, the Raikage-sama was in danger, so they took the opportunity to have sex with Konoha."

Ai's face became even more ugly: "If this is the case, I'm afraid the daimyo has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, and we will be even more unable to recognize this treaty. When will it be the turn of these guys to make the decision in the Kingdom of Thunder?"

The political situation in the Kingdom of Thunder is quite special. Since the entire Kumogakure Village is a martial arts sect and unlike other ninja villages that restrain each other, the Raikage has very great power and can decide almost everything with just one word.This resulted in Kumogakure being very powerful and implicitly superior to the daimyo government. Generally, daimyo would make compromises when encountering disagreements.

Why do you say that daimyo can be restricted through economic means? Believe it or not? These barbarians who are full of "kill, kill, kill" can directly go to the capital and talk to you face to face.

The style of the Kingdom of Thunder is very similar to that of the Mao Xiong Kingdom in the previous life of the rope tree. He prefers to use physics to solve conflicts rather than reason.

Of course, the daimyo government, which is responsible for the country's internal affairs, cannot be a militant faction that likes war. They are naturally conservative, but they have big fists and powerful abilities, so they have been living a miserable life.

Ai suspected that the daimyo wanted to take the opportunity to suppress Kumogakure's fight for sovereignty, and even made a deal with Konoha.

"No." Tutai shook his head with a pale face at this time: "Ever since the rebellion of the Golden Horn Troops, the daimyo has lost its sovereignty. Moreover, this kind of treaty is obviously a loss of power and humiliation to the country. The daimyo took the initiative to sign it personally, and it has no influence on his own rights. The impact on his prestige will be even greater. If he really wants to seize power, he should sit back and watch Kumogakure defeated and then let us sign a treaty."

Ai thought about it and felt that Tutai's analysis was very reasonable. This kind of treaty is not a glorious thing. As long as the daimyo is not stupid, he should not take the initiative to take the blame.

Thinking of this, Ai seemed to realize something, and his face changed greatly and he said: "Advisor Tudai means that the daimyo is being held hostage by Konoha. Doesn't it mean that he has already come to the capital?"

Dodai nodded with melancholy eyes and said: "I'm afraid what we were most worried about happened before. Konoha may use some kind of method to quickly cross half of the Kingdom of Thunder and directly raid our hinterland. What worries me more is the village, where the defenses are It’s weak and very close to the country, I’m afraid.”

When the senior officials who were silent at the scene heard Tutai's words, they immediately became a mess and started arguing. Their relatives and friends were all in the village. Now that they heard that their old nest might be taken away, how could they stay calm.

"Maybe things haven't reached this point yet. The village is in the high mountains and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Maybe the people who stayed behind can make use of the geographical location to make a deal." Ai turned his brain crazily, looking for a chance of survival. "Now we are rushing back as quickly as possible." The village may still have time.”

Tutai said with a bitter look on his face: "I have ordered people to contact the ninjas in the country to inquire about the situation.

, I believe there will be results soon.”

At this moment, a cloud ninja entered the camp with a panicked expression: "Report to the advisor, the domestic intelligence has been discovered."

At this time, all the senior executives were staring at him eagerly, eager to know the news:

"Show me the information quickly"

"Tell me what's going on in the village."

The Yun Ren who reported the news became even more flustered when faced with so many high-level questions. For a moment, he was not only thinking about what to do, but also looked at Tudai for help.

"Oh, let's just say it. At this time, there is no need to keep it secret." Tutai sighed, he had already guessed the result from the expression on the visitor's face.

The Kumo ninja who reported the news looked at the high-level officials who were watching eagerly around him, swallowed his saliva and said: "According to the news from domestic ninjas, the country was captured six hours ago, and the daimyo and the family members of the high-level officials were captured by Konoha. Five hours ago, the village was attacked, and the people left behind were attacked. Undefeated, they resorted to guerrilla tactics, and then the village was covered by forest. An hour ago, the village had been occupied by Skywalker's army. The exact casualties are unknown."

"how so"

After hearing the bad news, all the senior executives of Yun Nin showed expressions of disbelief, and Ai himself felt dizzy and almost fell down.

Immediately afterwards, everyone sat there with dull expressions, digesting this shocking news. The camp became silent, and everyone did not lose their interest in talking. Even the ninja who reported the news secretly left the camp without noticing.

"Ahem!" After a long time, Snoopy broke the silence first: "If we continue like this, we have no choice but to fight or make peace. We must make a decision as soon as possible."

Hearing his words, everyone present came to their senses. It was indeed time to make a decision. Everyone surrendered their eyes to Ai in the main seat, hoping that the young heir could make a rational choice, otherwise they could only Tough measures have been taken.

Ai looked at the eyes of everyone with expectations and threats, and said with a depressed look: "Now the entire Kumoyin Village is under the control of Konoha. If I still fight, I'm afraid all the soldiers will object. Besides, my father also Also in the hands of Konoha, with the current situation, if Konoha is angered, it may bring danger to the captives, so peace talks are the only option."

The higher-ups present were relieved to see that he was so rational.

"But" Ai said softly, and continued: "Have you ever thought about a question? We are now unable to protect ourselves. What can we use to negotiate with Konoha?"

When the senior officials present heard this, they suddenly realized: Yes, it seems that the initiative is completely in Konoha's hands now, and it is not up to them to decide whether to fight or make peace.

"Skywalker will agree to negotiate with us," Todai said with erratic eyes: "I think Skywalker has planned all this since Lord Raikage was captured.

He held [-] prisoners of the Kingdom of Thunder, captured Kumogakure Village, and controlled the life and death of the Raikage-sama and the daimyo. In this case, although we have an army of [-] and the strategic location of the Angel Mountains, our military morale has been lost. If we fight, we will definitely On the verge of collapse, he can take the opportunity to defeat us and then the entire Kingdom of Thunder may be destroyed.Why did he give up this opportunity and choose to sign a treaty with the daimyo?"

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