The country of Sichuan is covered with thousands of meters of high mountains and ridges, which are like a huge screen that firmly blocks the airflow and water vapor of the continent and ocean, causing itself and the surrounding wind and rain to be in a weird and harsh environment. , these are not secrets in the ninja world, and the principles have long been studied based on the technological level of various countries.

But no one can do anything about this phenomenon, because the power of the Great Self is too majestic, and the continuous peaks of the Kingdom of Sichuan are intimidating to humans. Even the shadow-level experts are helpless, and the technology of ordinary people has no effect at all. .

However, the rope tree has already thought of a way to completely change the environment of the Three Kingdoms, which is to crack the mountains and crack the rocks, open the barrier of the Sichuan Country, and allow the airflow between the continent and the ocean to flow freely.

This method sounds very simple, but in reality it is extremely difficult to do. To open a channel between thousands of meters high mountains to connect the airflow of the entire continent requires a huge channel, and the power required is unimaginable.However, for the Tianxing Fortress, which has hundreds of laser cannons and zero-tails as energy sources, it only takes a certain amount of effort. In terms of destructive power, the Tianxing Fortress is no less powerful than the Tailed Beast Cannon, and it is even more powerful in terms of cracking mountains and cracking rocks. Give birth to many.

The mountains in the Kawa Country are roughly distributed in an "L" shape, so the cold and warm airflows from the east and west sides of the continent, blocked by the mountains, will bring all the water vapor to the Rain Country in the north, and then pile up to form dark clouds that never dissipate.The country of Sichuan itself is also under the influence of air currents.

Therefore, the Rope Tree does not need to level all the peaks of the entire Kawa Country. It only needs to open a large enough channel on the east and west and the north and south mountain ranges. Then the environment between the Three Kingdoms can be completely changed.

After being formally appointed by the general, Shengshu, who had completed all the layout, quickly started his own mountain-building business without any care.

On this day, Tianxing Fortress was flying smoothly at a height of several thousand meters, among the endless mountains. Although the size of Tianxing Fortress was already huge for humans, compared to the majestic mountains on the ground, It is very small.

But inside the main hall of the fortress, Nashu and other Konoha high-level officials looked towards Yun Wei'an's peak with excitement and desire to conquer.

Since Shengshu announced his transformation plan to them, the dissatisfied senior executives immediately dissipated their resentment and fully supported Shengshu's plan.

Everyone understands that once this plan succeeds, the benefits will be immeasurable, and they only need to follow the rope tree closely to get their own share.What's more, they have all seen that Naoki is not really prepared to split from Konoha. Once his plan is completed, it is inevitable that he will serve as Hokage in the future based on his achievements. At this time, the team will win without losing.

Shengshu looked at the fiery eyes of the senior executives and said with high spirits: "Operation Changing Heaven has officially begun."

Following Roeshu's order, the fortress's pilots followed the established procedures one after another.

Outside, the Tianxing Fortress, which stayed as stable as a mountain peak in the strong wind, suddenly experienced a strong wave of energy, and then hundreds of turrets began to shine brightly, lighting up the country of Sichuan for many years like a small sun. Dark sky.


Hundreds of thick laser beams penetrated the mountain several hundred meters behind, making waves of roaring noises.


bsp;The incandescent light beam was as small as a toothpick compared to the huge mountain. Even if it left dense holes on the mountain, it could not bring down the mountain in front of it.

However, the light beam did not disappear after the blow. With the gentle rotation of the turret, hundreds of light beams slid easily inside the mountain, and the bright light beams left a network of motion trajectories in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the huge mountain made an even greater roar, and was evenly cut into countless parts by hundreds of laser beams. The heavy mountain finally couldn't hold on and collapsed, and the soil and rocks fell on the ground, causing a huge explosion. shock.

In the blink of an eye, a peak thousands of meters high disappeared and turned into a huge piece of loess and gravel scattered haphazardly on the ground, covering the green vegetation.

This high mountain is just a section of a huge mountain range, and it is also the first target in this sky-changing plan. Tianxing Fortress quickly adjusted its direction and flew towards the second target.

In the next month, the roaring sound after the mountain collapsed could be heard every day in the country of Kawakawa.

Of course, such a big movement could not be hidden from the intelligence systems of various countries. After learning the information, the senior officials of various countries were not only shocked by the power of Tianxing Fortress, but also vaguely guessed the rope tree's plan, but the plan to change the sky was too much. Surprisingly, they didn't dare or didn't want to believe that the rope tree could succeed. They just paid attention silently and waited for the final result.

Although Zero-Tail gained a lot of negative energy during the war in the Kingdom of Wind, and the amount of chakra increased significantly, and the Rope Tree and the 24 Ninja Army chakras input chakra to recharge, they still could not sustain the energy for a long time. The astonishing consumption of hundreds of laser cannons, so after every period of time, it is necessary to take a break to absorb natural energy and restore chakra, and cannot work [-] hours a day.

This caused the process of opening the mountain to be a bit slow. However, as the zero-tailed clone absorbed and digested the negative energy, his chakra amount gradually increased, so the transition became faster in the later stages. After four months, Tianxing Fortress finally succeeded in Two huge passages thousands of miles wide were opened in the mountains of Kawa Country.

After the two channels were formed, the airflow between the ocean and the continent finally began to circulate freely. It was already winter, and the cold current from the north and the monsoon from the ocean crossed the mountains of Kawa no Kuni on a large scale for the first time.

The year-round strong wind in the Land of Sichuan finally found an outlet. The clouds accumulated in the Land of Rain poured into the dry sky of the Land of Wind under the action of air currents.

After the cold and warm air currents met, it rained rarely in the Country of Winds, which had been dry for many years. The desert that had been dry for a long time finally received the moisture of rain.

The civilians of the Kingdom of Wind were running and dancing crazily in the heavy rain. They were crying and laughing as if they were crazy.

This heavy rain lasted for half a month. For the first time, people in the Kingdom of Wind saw what disasters caused by rain were, but they were happy with it.

Half a month later, the Rain Country finally ushered in the sun that had not been seen for ten thousand years, and people walked out of their houses to enjoy the sunshine.On this day, the most common thing that all the citizens of the Kingdom of Rain did was to look up at the sky. They watched the warm winter sun slowly set from the horizon, the moon rising from the west, and the bright stars shining with silver light in the night.Almost everyone didn't sleep that day, and they greedily looked at the never-before-seen scene until the sun rose again from the east, and at the same time, a light called hope rose in everyone's hearts.

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