Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 559 The Rope Tree’s Response

On the morning of the second day of the coalition's crusade against the Kingdom of Wind, the [-]-strong army of Sunagakure Village finally assembled in a large city in the east.

This city is not only rich in resources, but also located in the transportation center of the east. Sunagakure senior officials concluded that this is the place where the coalition forces must pass, so they designated this place as the place for the decisive battle.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the shining metallic luster of Tianxing Fortress came riding on the rising sun.

Last night, the coalition forces did not stop for a moment, driving the fortress to take turns to sweep the east. Dozens of towns were destroyed overnight, and nearly half of the entire eastern part of the Kingdom of Wind was reduced to rubble.

In the main hall of Tianxing Fortress, the senior coalition forces who had rested for the night gathered again. Through the screen in the crystal pillar, everyone had a panoramic view of the [-] Sand Ninja lurking in the city.

"It seems that Sunagakure is finally going to have a decisive battle with us." Naoki said with a relaxed smile as he looked at the scene on the light screen.

Tsunade frowned and said: "They did not choose to go out of the city to fight, but instead ambush [-] troops in the city. Could it be that they wanted to make a sneak attack?"

Orochimaru said with a gloomy look: "I'm afraid it's more than that. They want to carry out street fighting in the city and use the geographical advantage to consume our strength."

Jiraiya said with some surprise: "Don't they care about the safety of civilians when they fight with us in the streets?"

"There are hundreds of thousands of people in this big city. If they mix among the civilians and launch a sneak attack, they will cause us a lot of trouble." The Uchiha clan leader said with a sneer: "The best solution is to massacre the city. Destroy the Sand Ninja and the civilians together."

"This" Some of the higher-ups present couldn't help but frown. Massacres of civilians rarely happened in ninja wars. Once this hole was opened, Konoha's enemies could use the same method to retaliate against the Land of Fire in the future.Moreover, the two countries will forge irreconcilable hatred.

However, some people present did not have the slightest scruples. Hanzo said firmly: "I, the Kingdom of Rain, have been fighting with the Kingdom of Wind for a long time. Please allow me to lead the Rain Ninja to fight to the death alone with the Sand Ninja. It won’t harm Konoha’s reputation.”

The high-level officials of Konoha who were present were very happy when they saw Hanzo taking the initiative to ask for help. It was great that Yu Ninja was willing to take the lead.

After Naoki took a deep look at Hanzo, he said with a smile: "Your Majesty Hanzo, your words are wrong. The Land of Rain and Konoha are both allies, and they should advance and retreat together. How can you be allowed to fight the Suna Ninja alone? reason

Besides, why do we have to engage in street fighting with the enemy? The fortress now has enough energy. With the power of the laser cannon, it only takes one salvo to destroy the city on the ground. There is no need to risk the soldiers. "

Hanzo actually didn't want Yu Ninja to be used as cannon fodder in vain. The initiative to ask for help just now was also a retreat and advance strategy. Now after hearing Naoki's answer, he breathed a sigh of relief. On the surface, he said with a moved face: "Sir, you are so considerate of your subordinates. Worthy of the name Skywalker."

Shen Shu waved his hand indifferently and said: "Your Majesty, you have already said it. However, destroying towns with laser cannons can win victory, but massacring civilians is really against humanity.

We are righteous fighters who fight against evil, and we must never do such a cruel thing."

The high-level officials of Konoha who were present felt uncomfortable in their hearts when they saw Nasuki's righteous appearance. The previous actions of destroying towns and capturing civilians had nothing to do with justice, right?

In fact, the reason why Rope Tree is unwilling to use

Laser cannons are used to achieve victory, of course not because of any justice.

It was satisfying to destroy the city together with Sunagakure's army under the volley of thousands of artillery fire, but the subsequent results were not very good for Konoha.

Konoha's main purpose in launching this war was to defeat the Wind Country and force them to surrender, not to really destroy the entire Wind Country.

If Suna Ninja is killed along with hundreds of thousands of civilians, then the country of Rectification will fall into chaos and will fight Konoha until death. In this way, Konoha will not only get no benefits, but will create another trouble. enemy.

Therefore, the Sand Ninja must have enough power to protect themselves, so as not to be taken advantage of by other countries after the war.

Of course, the senior leaders of the coalition forces present did not think as deeply as Shengshu. Most of them thought that victory was all that was needed, and the best opportunity was undoubtedly in front of them.

"Lord Nawaki, the Suna Ninja are willing to fight with us. This is a good opportunity to quickly win the war. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss it like this?" the Hyuga clan leader asked with a frown.

Other warring factions also nodded in agreement.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Naoki explained confidently: "What the Hyuga clan leader said is certainly reasonable, but have you ever thought about it, do we need to seize the time to end this war as soon as possible?

Now we have Tianxing Fortress as a mobile base, which has an overall advantage in mobility, defense, and logistics.

In one day and one night, they conquered dozens of cities and gained a large amount of food and people.

On the other hand, in the Country of Wind, the economy is in recession and there is a shortage of houses. The whole country is counting on the autumn harvest to tide over the food shortage.

Therefore, as long as we destroy towns and harvest food step by step as before, the fighting spirit of the Kingdom of Wind will gradually disintegrate, and sooner or later we will win.And a decisive battle with it will arouse the enemy's will to resist. "

The senior leaders of the coalition forces all nodded suddenly after being reminded by the rope tree. According to their past experience, it is best to fight quickly when fighting against the guest army. However, with the Tianxing Fortress, the enemy's home field advantage has turned into a disadvantage. This kind of Under such circumstances, there is no need to be confrontational with the other party.Using cannibalization to force the opponent to surrender is the most advantageous option.

"Master Neng Shu, what should we do next?" The Air Force leader who had not interrupted asked at this time.

Naoki said with a smile on his face: "Since Sunagakure wants to defend, then let them defend here.

Let’s skip this city and go to the next target. After the surrounding towns are destroyed, we can trap them in this isolated city.”

"I will obey your orders," the top leaders of the coalition forces replied in unison with sincerity.

Soon Tianxing Fortress started again and flew towards the next target in the southwest.

The sand ninjas and civilians in the ground city who were originally on full alert looked at each other in confusion when they saw the menacing terrifying fortress hovering in the air for a while and then moving away again.

Soon the civilians in the city cheered enthusiastically. They thought that the enemy was scared off by Sunagakure's army, and their homes would not be destroyed by the war. Of course, it was a happy thing.

However, the Sunagakure in the city knew that things were not that simple, especially the senior officials of Sunagakure. After seeing the fortress fly away, not only did they not feel happy at all, their faces became even more solemn.

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