Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 531 Danzo who doesn’t know how to negotiate

On the border of Earth Kingdom, Iwagakure's 12 ninja army gathered, plus Kumogakure's [-] ninja army, a total of [-] ninjas were fighting here.

12 ninjas may sound like a lot, but they are nothing compared to the vast area of ​​Earth Country.

Both sides adopt traditional fighting methods. Regional attack and defense can not only ensure the safety of the rear, but also reduce battle losses.

Iwagakure Village has the advantage of two jinchuriki, which can barely close the gap of [-] troops, but it is still at a disadvantage in terms of attrition.

In fact, in this case, the best choice for Iwagakure is to use guerrilla tactics to fight. Not only can it minimize the casualties of ninjas, but it can also counterattack Kumogakure, and it is not impossible to even win the war in one fell swoop. , but in order to prevent the Earth Kingdom from repeating the mistakes of the Rain Kingdom, Iwagakure Village conservatively adopted traditional fighting methods.

This is also in line with Konoha's wishes. The longer the battle between the two countries lasts, the better. Konoha does not want the two sides to decide the winner in a short time.

But for Iwagakure, if they continue to fight like this, their troops will become smaller and smaller, and the gap between them and Kumogakure will become wider and wider. When this gap reaches a certain limit, the advantage of human strength alone will There is no way to make up for it. They will still have to use guerrilla tactics, and the civilians of the Earth Kingdom will not escape the fate of war.It would be better to use guerrilla tactics from the beginning to preserve the strength of the Ninja Army and still have the hope of turning defeat into victory. Unfortunately, the morale of Iwagakure Village has been lost. They just want to preserve their strength and wait for Konoha's mediation, so they chose to watch. A strategy that seems right but is actually wrong.

But these are all things for later. Now the entire ninja world has been attracted by the two treaties signed by the three countries, and no one will pay attention to Iwagakure's strategic issues.

After the news spread, among the countries, the Kingdom of Wind was the most affected. In their opinion, this alliance plan was a complete failure. Iwagakure and Kumogakure were really scared, and they actually bowed to Konoha at this time. This is a huge embarrassment to the Kingdom of Wind. It is simply a naked betrayal.

While the Kingdom of Wind was full of resentment towards the two major countries, it did not realize that its image in the eyes of the two countries was not much better.

There were already many conflicts between the three major countries, and there was no trust at all. After this incident, the conflicts became even greater, and it became even more impossible for them to reunite again.At this point, the crisis against Konoha has been completely resolved.

Danzo, who arrived at the Land of Water that night, felt happy after receiving the news, but also felt a burst of pressure. His mission hadn't even started yet, but the other two routes had already succeeded. It seemed that he had to do it as soon as possible. Started to act according to the plan.

Kirigakure's colleagues who also received the news were also speculating on the purpose of Konoha's mission. Although they didn't know how Konoha made the two major ninja villages bow their heads at the same time, through the analysis of the situation, the Kingdom of Water can determine that Konoha's mission Ye's next strategic focus should be on the Kingdom of Wind.Therefore, they speculated that the purpose of the Konoha mission was to reach a similar trade treaty with Kirigakure to prevent them from interfering with Konoha's next war plan.

The senior management of Kirigakure met with Danzo's delegation overnight. After a short and stiff conversation, the senior management of Kirigakure thought they had figured out Konoha's purpose and temporarily ended the negotiations on the grounds that it was too late and they needed to rest. .

Danzo came straight to the point in this meeting.

The purpose of his mission was that during Konoha's expedition to the Kingdom of Wind, Kirigakure must strictly maintain neutrality and must not interfere in any form with the war between the two sides.Otherwise, Konoha's ally Hoshi Ninja Village will dispatch its air force to completely block the waters around the Kingdom of Water and attack all ships going out to sea from the Kingdom of Water.If the Kirigakure Village agrees to Konoha's conditions, then both parties can sign a trade treaty, and the Konoha Consortium will export large quantities of various minerals to the Country of Water at market prices.

In the opinion of the senior management of Kirigakure Village, Danzo is not suitable for diplomatic work at all. His face is just like a dead person who should not be approached by strangers, and his manner of speaking is also very blunt. It does not look like he is here for peace talks at all, but rather like Come to declare war.How can anyone lay out all their conditions straight away at the beginning of the negotiation, without any room for turning, as if I will give up if you don't agree?

However, considering Danzo's consistent style and the conflict between him and the Third Hokage, Kirigakure's senior management felt somewhat relieved: Maybe this guy really came to declare war.

It seems that Konoha really has no other candidates, so this guy is sent as the chief envoy.

The senior management of Kirigakure secretly laughed in their hearts, and at the same time, they did not have the slightest doubt about the identity of the Konoha mission. This was completely consistent with the results they had speculated before.

And Konoha's conditions also hit the critical point of the Kingdom of Water.

The Country of Water is a typical island country with very developed fisheries and shipping. If it is completely blocked, the economy will definitely be affected.The most critical thing is that the Kingdom of Water lacks various minerals, and the raw materials used to make ninja tools are basically imported. However, the environment of the Kingdom of Water is humid, and the ninja tools are easy to rust, and the consumption rate is much faster than that of other countries.This dilemma prompted the Kingdom of Water to study casting technology in the hope of obtaining ninja tools that would not corrode or rust, leading to the emergence of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.Unfortunately, the materials used for the Seven Ninja Swords are very special and cannot be popularized, so Kirigakure is very dependent on the import of minerals.

If Konoha really blocks the waters of the Kingdom of Water, within a few years, the ninjas of Kirigakure Village will be in trouble without any blades to use.

On the contrary, if the Fire Country is willing to export minerals to them at market prices, the Water Country can earn a lot of profits from it.Because the price of weapons will rise sharply during the war, the price of minerals will drop. With enough raw materials using the casting technology of the Water Country, ninja tools can be manufactured in large quantities. Whether they are sold to other countries or used by oneself, they can be obtained. Lots of benefits.

Therefore, the senior management of Kirigakure were very excited about the conditions offered by Konoha.Judging from the current situation in the ninja world, Kumogakure and Iwagakure are at each other's throats, and Sunagakure Village is shrinking to the mainland. If Kirigakure emerges at this time, it will definitely become Konoha's primary target, so they might as well remain neutral and wait and see what happens. .

After the war, the strength of all countries will be damaged. Only the Kingdom of Water retains its strength and develops with peace of mind. Comparing the two, isn't Kirigakure's victory equivalent to another kind of victory in this war?

But they did not think of an important issue, or they ignored it intentionally or unintentionally. Since the Star Ninja Village has the ability to block the waters around the Kingdom of Water, it means that Konoha does not have to worry about the Kirigakure Village sending troops to intervene in the war on the mainland. , why bother negotiating terms with them?

In the night, Danzo, who was following Kirigakure towards the State Guesthouse, sneered. His mission was not to negotiate. Kirigakure wanted to sit back and watch the melee between mainland countries. It would not be so easy to win without fighting.

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