Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 525 Persuasion

After sensing the distrust of Iwagakure's senior officials, Naoki knew that if he wanted to convince them, he had to give a more sufficient reason.

He smiled helplessly and said: "Okay, let's not discuss whether Konoha can occupy the Kingdom of Wind.

To take a step back, even if the troops occupy the entire Kingdom of Wind without any damage, Konoha's strength will not increase but decrease for at least the next ten years. By then, let alone attacking the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder, it will You may not even be able to protect yourself.”

When the top management of Iwagakure heard Naoki's argument, they became even more disbelieving, with a look on their face like "You're kidding me."

Only the Third Tsuchikage said with a thoughtful look on his face: "I don't know why Mr. Nogeki made such a judgment."

The rope tree sensed the emotional changes in the other person's heart and had a secret way, so he continued: "The Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Fire are separated by the Kingdom of Sichuan and the Kingdom of Rain. The Kingdom of Sichuan has a harsh environment and inconvenient transportation, while the Kingdom of Rain is wooded. Ye's ally, so after the Kingdom of Wind was occupied, it became an enclave for the Kingdom of Fire.

As a result, Konoha must send a large number of ninja troops to garrison to ensure the safety of this enclave. Considering the size of the Kingdom of Wind, at least [-] ninja troops are needed.

This is equivalent to weakening about half of Konoha's military strength.

More importantly, occupying a country and governing it are completely different things.

Even if Konoha defeats the Sand Ninja Village, there is no guarantee that they will all be wiped out without a single fish slipping through the net.

The fact that the civilians of the Kingdom of Wind can live in the desert shows their perseverance.

Coupled with the hatred between Konoha and the Kingdom of Wind, the people of the Kingdom of Wind will definitely not surrender to Konoha easily, but will form a rebel army with the remaining Sand Ninja to continuously resist Konoha's rule. Ninja can train civilians into ninjas and pass on the ninjutsu. Coupled with the vast area of ​​the Kingdom of Wind and the cover of civilians, the rebellious enemies cannot be killed at all. This is a longer guerrilla war.

Endless rebellions will only make Konoha's ninja army fewer and fewer and its rule more chaotic. To get rid of this predicament, all the civilians of the Land of Wind must be tamed or slaughtered.

Massacre is of course impossible. The environment of the Country of Wind is harsh, and the civilians of the Country of Fire will not be willing to immigrate here. If there is no population, then the territory of the Country of Wind has no meaning to Konoha.

As for taming, even with the full help of the Fire Country daimyo, sending officials to the Wind Country to cooperate with Konoha's rule and education will take at least ten years. It will only be possible to succeed after a new generation of Wind Country civilians grow up.

And how much bloodshed and sacrifices did Konoha have to make in these ten years?

Moreover, Konoha Village is only a military institution of the Fire Country. To govern the country, we need to rely on the daimyo government. The Wind Country, which is constantly in rebellion, will not be able to bring any benefits to the Fire Country for at least the next ten years. Instead, it will need to invest a lot of manpower and physics. To maintain rule, Konoha not only will not receive more financial assistance, but may actually shrink as a result.

Therefore, for Konoha, if it captures the Kingdom of Wind, it will suffer huge military and economic losses.

On the contrary, if we just defeat the Wind Country without occupying it, Konoha will not only be able to obtain a large amount of war compensation, but also earn a large amount of gold from the Wind Country through trade. The financial assistance to Sunagakure Village is only a lot more.

In contrast, Konoha wants to give up more lucrative trade profits

, going to occupy the Kingdom of Wind without much effort.

In the same way, Konoha will not occupy the territorial country or the country of thunder, or even launch a war to defeat any country. Everyone should know the treaty we signed with Amegakure Village. To be honest, with the current situation of the countries in the ninja world Due to the economic situation, Konoha's profit from defeating you is even greater than the commission paid to Amegakure Village, a loss-making business, and we will not do it at all.Since there is no profit to be gained from war, why should we let the soldiers shed their blood and die?"

What Naoki said was basically the truth, and there was no deception. However, there was another important reason that he did not state clearly, that is, even if he succeeded in ruling the common people of the entire Kingdom of Wind, the one who ultimately benefited the most was the government of the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire. Instead of Konoha Village

The daimyo government has always been the imaginary enemy of Nao Shu, and of course he will not make wedding clothes for the enemy.

Therefore, it is not that the rope tree does not want to expand its territory, but it wants to ensure that Konoha can swallow up all the territory and profits it has acquired, just like the Sky Country that has become an air force base.And a big country like the Kingdom of Wind is obviously not something that Konoha can afford now.

And as he said, even if Konoha beats the enemy, they won't be able to get much benefit from the Kingdom of Wind, because the Kingdom of Wind purchases food from various countries, and their gold reserves are running out.

However, the rope tree never does business at a loss. The reason why he must attack the Wind Country is because he already has a comprehensive plan. As long as he succeeds, he can guarantee that Konoha will gain huge benefits.

After hearing what Shengshu said, the people present felt refreshed and felt that it made sense.

The cultures and ideas of major countries are different. It is impossible to rule them like conquering small countries. If you swallow it in one gulp, you may suffer from indigestion.If Konoha greedily occupies the Kingdom of Wind and its strength declines, then the three major countries will definitely take the opportunity to besiege the Kingdom of Fire, weaken Konoha's strength, and help the Kingdom of Wind recover.At that time, Konoha and Sunagakure Village will only suffer losses.

If Konoha's goal is only to defeat Sunagakure Village, even if Sun Bingzhi doesn't suffer a huge loss in strength, he still won't be able to gain greater benefits. It's completely outweighing the gains.

What's even better is that if the Kingdom of Wind is defeated, it will inevitably suffer heavy losses. In this way, the neighboring Kingdom of Earth not only does not have to worry about the threat of the Kingdom of Wind, but may also take advantage of the opportunity to gain benefits, such as the Kingdom of Birds and the Kingdom of Ghosts. of fertile land

Moreover, the top management of Iwagakure also held the idea of ​​​​lucky that if Konoha and Sunagakure died together or suffered heavy losses, it would be a lose-lose situation.

The senior management of Sunagakure were thinking a lot, thinking over the words of the rope tree again and again, and the more they thought about it, the more reasonable they became. Thinking about it in this way, the conditions for coming to Konoha are not unacceptable. Even if they and Kumogakure both lose in the fight, the surrounding area will not be there after this battle. There is too much threat.

If they do not agree to the other party's conditions, then faced with the siege of Konoha and Kumogakure, the Earth Kingdom will surely be destroyed.

At this moment, even the Third Tsuchikage's heart was shaken. Although Konoha's conditions were extremely excessive, it was still much better than destroying the country.

However, he must not be the only one to make the final decision on such an insulting treaty. Everyone must be brought in to take the blame.

Onoki looked hesitant and said: "This matter is important and cannot be decided by me alone. Can Mr. Naoki give us a few days of grace and let us discuss it before making a decision?"

Naoki had already sensed the changes in the mood of Iwagakure's senior management, and knew that the matter was already certain, so he simply nodded and said: "You can discuss it, I will wait for good news in the future."

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