Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 521 Konoha Diplomatic Action

The next morning, Konoha's three delegations set off for their respective destinations under the leadership of their respective chief envoys.

Since almost all the top leaders of Yunyin Village are away on military expeditions, the destination of Koharu's trip is not Yunyin Village, but the military camp at the border of Earth Kingdom.

The rope tree's destination, Iwagakure Village, was not far away from it, so the two missions happened to be traveling together on the same road, heading to the Earth Country in the northeast of the mainland.

The envoy led by Danzo went in the completely opposite direction to theirs. After he went all the way south to the border, he still needed to cross the sea by boat to reach Kirigakure Village, so their arrival time is expected to be much later than the first two teams.

That afternoon, after trekking all the way, the two missions led by Naoshu and Xiaochun finally crossed the Kingdom of Grass and entered the Kingdom of Earth.

After that, the two missions said goodbye and separated, heading to their respective places.

Not to mention Koharu and his party who went to Kumogakure's military camp, just say that Naoki led a dozen envoys composed of jounin and elite chuunin into the territory of Earth Kingdom, and met the ninjas of Iwagakure.

After confirming the identity of the mission members, Iwa Ninja quickly led them to Iwagakure Village.

The rope tree and his party did not encounter any accidents along the way. They arrived at Iwagakure Village very smoothly and received a welcome ceremony at the entrance of the village. Although the scale was small and the receptionist's smile was fake, it was still etiquette.

It may be that during the whole process of filming Skywalker's Fame, nothing happened in Yanyin Village.

Soon Nasuki and his party had their first meeting with Iwagakure's senior management.

In the large conference hall, the envoys from Konoha and the senior officials of Iwagakure sat opposite each other on both sides of a long square table.

Naoki didn't know much about the higher-ups at Iwagakure. Apart from Tsuchikage, Han, and Lao Zi, he could only barely recognize Akatsuki and Loess from his memory.Of these two people, one is a close guard of the Tsuchikage, and the other is only the son of the Tsuchikage. They will both have quasi-kage strength at their peak in the future, but now they are at best jounin, or even special jounin. It seems that the third generation of Tsuchikage let The two of them attended this meeting because they wanted to focus on supporting them.

In addition to the above five people, Nao Shu didn't know any of the other senior officials in Iwagakure. They were all nameless sidekicks.

Compared to Konoha, which has a lot of talents, the other major ninja villages are really pitiful. Take Iwagakure in front of you as an example. If it weren't for the support of the third generation of Tsuchikage, there wouldn't even be a Kage-level strongman in the next few decades. , Deidara, the only one who could be considered a Kage, defected when he was nine years old. Even the role of the wise man seems to have been filled by the third Tsuchikage alone.

Thinking of this, Naoki looked at Ohnoki with a hint of sympathy.

But after Onoki, who was sitting opposite, caught the change in Nasuki's eyes, he thought that the other party was sympathizing with the Earth Country's experience, and couldn't help but secretly rejoiced in his heart. This meant that Konoha had not noticed Iwagakure's plan, otherwise the other party would never That would be the reaction.

Onoki had a formulaic smile on his face, and his red nose was particularly conspicuous, "I didn't expect that the chief envoy of Konoha this time would be His Excellency Skywalker. The economy of the Earth Kingdom is in depression, and now it is invaded by Kumogakure, so the conditions are simple. Please forgive me if there is any lack of hospitality.”

"We ninjas should learn to adapt to any environment, eat and sleep in the open and do nothing but leisurely activities.

Besides, the hospitality in Iwagakure Village is completely up to standard, and the living conditions here are much better than those of the suffering civilians in your country," Naoki replied with a smile.

Nasuki knew that the cunning Tsuchikage was just crying out to him for being poor. Through his observations along the way, he discovered that the economic crisis in the Earth Kingdom was already serious. Although the food traded from the Konoha Consortium saved the Earth Kingdom from famine, life was still in decline. It's not just about having enough to eat. Under the economic crisis, the lives of ordinary people in the Earth Kingdom are very difficult.Relatively speaking, although the material conditions of the upper class such as Iwa Ninja are not as good as before, they are countless times better than those of ordinary people.

And in fact, the more difficult the environment of the Earth Kingdom, the more beneficial it is to him.As for sympathizing with him, he is not the Holy Mother. He does not need to worry about the life and death of foreign civilians, let alone a white-eyed wolf like the Earth Kingdom.There was no way the Tsuchikage could gain anything from the Rope Tree by gaining sympathy.

Ohnoki saw that Nasuki not only did not show any signs of aiding the Earth Country, but also contained sarcasm in his words. He secretly cursed the little fox in his heart, and then nodded with a fake smile on his face and said: "As long as the envoys are satisfied, just I don’t know what exactly Konoha’s mission to Iwagakure is about this time.”

The third Tsuchikage finally couldn't help but get down to the topic and asked about the purpose of the Konoha mission. At the same time, the senior Iwa ninja present became nervous. If their secret plan was noticed by Konoha, the situation would not be good.

At this time, Naoki was clearly aware of the emotional changes in the hearts of everyone present. He discovered that the secret of perception inherited from the Uzumaki clan really had a huge advantage in diplomatic negotiations.

Nasuki glanced meaningfully at the senior Iwagakure opposite, then raised his eyebrows and said: "The purpose of Konoha's mission this time is, of course, to maintain the stability of the entire ninja world, and to express the hope for peace to the major ninja villages. Goodwill was clearly stated in yesterday's diplomatic announcement. Why did Tsuchikage-sama bother to ask this question? Didn't he read the announcement carefully?"

After being glanced at by Naoki's sharp eyes, all the rock ninjas present felt their hearts tightening, as if the other party had seen through the secrets in their hearts.

Facing Naoki's teasing reply, Tsuchikage looked a little embarrassed and said, "Is that so? It seems that I was negligent. Please forgive me."

Naoki shook his head naturally and said: "Lord Tsuchikage is serious. Of course, these are just the general directions of Konoha's diplomatic actions. Each mission has different tasks. For example, when we come to Earth Country this time, we hope Iwagakure helped Konoha stabilize the situation on the mainland, jointly defeated the traitorous ninja Uchiha Madara and his comrades, the Wind Country, and further deepened the friendship between the two countries."

After hearing what the rope tree said, the Third Earth Shadow said with a smile on his face: "The country of Earth is currently facing internal and external troubles. It cannot protect itself. How can it affect the situation of the entire continent?

As for the friendship between the two countries, haven’t we already signed a trade treaty?”

Naoki shook his head with a smile and said: "Lord Tsuchikage, you are too humble. As one of the five major countries in the ninja world, and located in the north of the continent, even if the temporary situation is unfavorable, its influence cannot be ignored. Earth Kingdom only needs to express its attitude and respond to Konoha's crusade. That's it, there's no need to send out a single soldier.

As for the trade treaty, it only involves the economic aspect. Next, Konoha wants to cooperate with Iwagakure in all aspects, such as forming an offensive and defensive alliance in the military and becoming a true ally."

After all the Iwa ninja present heard Naoki's proposal, their first reaction was: "Absolutely not"

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