Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 479: Action and Spore Technique

In the sky, Naoki's eyes flashed with disappointment after hearing Madara's harsh conditions, and then he looked directly into the opponent's eyes without hesitation and sneered: "Your Excellency seems not to understand your situation.

It is you and not me who is surrounded by 11 troops now.

The reason why I am willing to let you go is not because I am afraid of you, but because I do not want my subordinates to suffer unnecessary casualties.

It would be too arrogant to make such a condition.”

Master Ban said arrogantly: "That's because you don't know anything about my power.

The number of enemies is meaningless to me. Let alone one hundred thousand, I can advance and retreat freely even among an army of one million."

"Haha" Shengshu said with a smile on his face: "I think you are the one who is ignorant.

Since you are so powerful, why do you need to rely on Sunagakure's power?

Your current physical condition is absolutely incomparable to what you were in your prime. At most, it is only at the film level.

If we talk about the number of film levels, we have six here, and you only have five in total.Six versus five, our side still has the advantage

So I advise you to retreat quickly to avoid getting yourself trapped."

"Arrogant" Master Madara was angry when he heard about the Eye of the Rope Tree, his eyes flashed with scarlet light and he angrily said: "Originally, it was to avoid trouble, so I wanted to use Sunagakure's hand to weaken your subordinates before taking action.

But now I have changed my mind, I must find the answer from your mind today

Let me see how many levels of skills you, a junior, have inherited from Hashirama. "

Not to be outdone, Shengshu said: "In the final analysis, you are just a remnant of the times.

If you want to fight me, then fight, why should I be afraid?

hands on"

Following Naoki's order, more than 2000 ANBU who were originally confronting the Suna Ninja on the ground rushed towards the enemy again without hesitation.

The shadow-level experts on both sides also found their opponents to fight against each other again. The Sannin faced off against the two advisers of Sunagakure again, while Hanzo and White Fang took the initiative to rush towards Madara and Zetsu who were isolated in the center of the battlefield.

Naoki and the Third Kazekage also waved their wings and quickly rushed towards each other to continue the aerial duel.

Seeing that the two sides were about to engage in close combat, sudden changes occurred on the battlefield.

"Creak, creak, creak" a sound of growing and expanding vegetation echoed on the battlefield in vain.

Whether it was the Suna Ninja or the ANBU, mushroom-like white fungi suddenly appeared on their bodies.

As the fungus grew and expanded rapidly, the two thousand Anbu who were charging were wrapped in a layer of white fungus that was as sticky as glue. They had to stop their charge and stood there unable to move.

It turns out that Zetsu secretly used the spore technique during Madara's conversation with Naoki, blending the spores into the rain, and then followed the raindrops to parasitize into the bodies of all the surrounding ninjas.Since everyone had been attracted by the various secrets revealed by Madara and Naoki, and the rain was covering them, no one noticed anything strange.

On the battlefield, everyone was hit except for the Rope Tree in the sky, the Third Kazekage, and White Fang who was still using the Thunder Chakra mode.

The spore jutsu has a wide coverage area and is difficult to defend. It is an excellent ninjutsu for group battle control on the battlefield.

If it weren't for Ze's chakra limit, even the [-] coalition troops on the periphery of the battlefield would all be affected.

"What is this

Like it was born directly from the body.Even acupuncture Jizo has no effect," Jiraiya shouted loudly as he looked at the white substance spreading on his body.

"Damn, this looks like a plant spore." Tsunade struggled hard, but unfortunately she couldn't break free even with the explosive technique of the strange power fist.

"Hiss, I feel that chakra is disappearing, this is wood escape." Orochimaru lowered his head gloomily and took a large amount of the white spore layer on his body.

The changes on the battlefield attracted everyone's attention. The coalition forces guarding the perimeter did not dare to act rashly without Rope Tree's orders, so they did not approach rashly.

The rope tree and the third Kazekage who were fighting in the sky also distanced themselves tacitly when they saw the changes in the scene, and suspended the fighting.

"What do you two mean by including us Sand Ninjas within the attack range?" The Third Kazekage looked at the Sand Ninja troops wrapped in white spores on the ground below and asked with a gloomy look.

"Hehehe" Zetsu's Yin Yang said with a proud smile on his face, and said in a high-pitched voice: "Kazekage-sama, please don't misunderstand me.

In addition to restricting the enemy's movement and absorbing chakra, my spore technique also has a beneficial effect on my own personnel. In addition to accelerating the recovery of chakra, it also has a certain defensive and healing effect.

Although there is some inconvenience in movement, it has no impact at all on the puppet master who controls the puppet battle.

As long as everyone in Sunagakure cooperates with us in capturing Hanzo and Skywalker, everything will be fine."

After hearing Zetsu's explanation, the Third Kazekage's expression not only did not soften at all, but instead snorted even more gloomily.

He naturally heard the threat in the other party's words. It was up to the other party whether the effect of these spores was negative or positive. If they did not cooperate, except for himself, all Sand Ninjas, including the two consultants, would be left behind. Here, you can't even escape

Although it was very unpleasant to be threatened and used by such a person, the current situation was stronger than the person, so the Third Kazekage took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and said in a cold tone: "I hope you two will keep your word and help us after we achieve our goals." We evacuate safely”

"Don't worry, we still want Sunagakure Village to help weaken Konoha, so we won't let you collapse." Zetsu promised with a sinister smile on his face, which didn't seem sincere.

Master Ban said with an impatient expression: "Why don't you do it quickly?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Madara used the teleportation technique to disappear and quickly came to Hanzo, raised the sickle in his hand and struck it down hard.

A shadow-level master like Hanzo has a strong will. If Madara wants to use genjutsu to read his memory, it is best to beat him half to death first, and then activate the ninjutsu when he is mentally weak to ensure that it can be used.

At this time, Hanzo was restricted by the spores, unable to form seals with his hands, and the Sansho Fish was not summoned, so he could not use the escape or teleportation techniques. He could only watch Madara hit him with a scythe.


At the critical moment, a short sword shining with blue light firmly blocked the sharp sickle.

It turned out that White Fang used Shunpo to reach Hanzo, holding the knife in his backhand to block Madara's attack.

"Hum, your sword skills are good, but how many attacks can you block by yourself?" Madara looked at the blue moan standing in front of him with a sneer.

"What are you waiting for? Why don't you control the puppets and launch an attack?" Jue Gao shouted.

The Sunagakure puppet troops were controlled by others and could only control their own puppets to launch hidden weapon attacks against Ye Anbu.

There are many ANBU present who have not learned how to use iron blocks. If they are hit by hidden weapons that are tempered with poisonous substances, they will suffer heavy losses.

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