Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 473 The New Era and the Big Oolong

After listening to the rope tree's explanation of world change, the people present once again had new hope.

Madara's eyes gleamed, and he asked urgently: "Then, how should we resolve the fundamental contradiction and enter a new era?"

Naoki replied confidently: "I call the world with extraordinary power like the ninja world a cultivation civilization.

Generally speaking, cultivating civilizations have only two options when encountering this situation.

The first is to completely cut off contact between the cultivators and ordinary people and establish a social relationship that belongs exclusively to the cultivators. From then on, the cultivators will no longer interfere in worldly affairs, or even hide among ordinary people, and will no longer show their extraordinary power.

In this way, the conflicts between classes will naturally be completely resolved, and when science and technology develop to a certain level, the world will naturally achieve peace.

However, this approach is very passive. Over time, the entire ninja class will gradually decline or even disappear due to lack of vitality."

When the ninjas present heard this method, most of them, except for Madara, shook their heads. The ninjas in the world have become accustomed to the wealthy people who are superior to others, allowing them to live a miserable life in isolation from the world. Of course I don’t want to anymore.

But Madara didn't care. In order to realize his plan, he stayed in a sterile place like Kawakuni for more than ten years. It was good that the ninja disappeared, but he also knew that this kind of thing was not something he could control alone.

If you want the entire ninja world to cooperate with this plan, it is not as reliable as the "Eye of the Moon Plan".

Of course Naoki also understood this truth, so he continued to tell his real plan: "The second method is to completely integrate the entire ninja class with the entire civilization, making ninjas an indispensable cornerstone of the entire human society.

And if you want to do this, you must learn to use power to create

Add the ninja's chakra system to social production to create a new civilization where chakra and technology are integrated

Using chakra technology, human productivity will increase by leaps and bounds, with endless resources, allowing everyone to become ninjas, and class conflicts will be naturally eliminated."

Madara's eyes flashed, he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said calmly: "Using chakra technology is indeed a novel idea, but can it really be done?

As far as I know, except for Yin Yang Escape Technique, chakra of any attribute from ancient times to the present can only be used for combat, not for creation and production. Even the Sage of Six Paths cannot do this."

Naoki smiled confidently and said: "In fact, chakra technology has appeared in the ninja world. You should know about the Sky Country flying device, right?"

That is the budding product of chakra technology. Unfortunately, the Kingdom of Kong does not understand the true meaning of this technology at all. It has been committed to creating powerful technological weapons. It is simply putting the cart before the horse.

I can tell you clearly that Konoha has perfectly inherited all the technological heritage of Kong no Kuni and has begun to study how to use these technologies to increase productivity.

In fact, as long as you open your mind, in addition to technology, ninjutsu can also be used in production.

For example, earth escape can be used to build houses, fire escape and wind escape can be used to provide power, water escape can be used for agriculture, and thunder escape can be converted into electrical energy.

If these are just assumptions, then I will give you an example that is most likely to be realized. Everyone knows that the forest around Konoha was made by my grandfather using wood escape.

Since Wood Release can be used to make trees, why can't it be used to make or spawn a large number of food crops, or even more precious medicines?

If we can develop a wooden escape specifically for production based on this idea, then my grandfather alone can survive a large number of people.

Even further deciphering the ultimate secret of Mu Dun

dense, is it possible to achieve large-scale mass production?

With the aid of endless food and medicine, it is only a matter of time before ordinary people in the world practice chakra and become ninjas.

This is just an application of Mudun, other attribute blood successors have their own application methods."

All the high-level officials of Konoha who knew that Nao Shu had awakened the Wood Release were excited at this time, and they felt that Nao Shu would not be aimless.

And he quickly thought that with his talents, he might have developed the wood escape used to produce food and medicine. In this way, wouldn't Konoha be able to cultivate civilian ninjas and rapidly expand the number of ninjas? If there were hundreds of thousands or millions of ninjas, even if they are all genin, who in the entire ninja world can be Konoha's opponent?

The ninjas of Sunagakure and Amegakure have kept Naoki's description of chakra technology in mind word for word. They know that this technology will bring huge changes to the ninja world, and if their ninja village cannot follow suit, If you keep up the pace, you will become a loser who will be eliminated.

It's a pity that imagination is just imagination. In order to realize it, you must have enough talent. The ninja culture of Sunagakure and Amegakure is generally low. There is no scientist like Orochimaru, and they have not inherited the scientific and technological achievements of Kong no Kuni. Even the talent in ninjutsu research and development is far inferior to the rope tree with system.Even if you have a clear idea, it is extremely difficult to realize chakra technology, which is why Roeshu doesn't shy away from it in front of everyone.

Banye's reaction was more exciting than theirs. He repeated excitedly: "It is definitely possible to use wood to produce food and medicine. All plants can be produced. As long as you study carefully, you can definitely produce it. Plus that, isn't it?" Is it ready for mass production?

With endless resources, all conflicts will be resolved and there will be no more wars.

What a genius idea, why didn’t I think of it?”

Madara's eyes were full of this white Zetsu with burning eyes, as if he was going to set him on fire.

But Hei Jue secretly thought something bad at this time, and reminded with a gloomy face: "This is all just an assumption. No one can guarantee the outcome. Don't forget the history recorded on that stone tablet. That person is a god-like existence. But it still failed in the end

Human desires can never be satisfied. Even if they really have unlimited resources, who can guarantee that they will not start a war for other reasons?

The human heart is too complex and changeable, relatively speaking, illusion is safer."

After hearing Black Zetsu's words, Madara's eyes flickered and hesitated again.

At this time, Naoshu said with a smile on his face: "But if you don't give it a try, how will you know that you can't succeed?

If I guess correctly, the person you are talking about is the legendary goddess Mao, right?

That stone tablet should have been left by the Immortal of Six Paths

In fact, with the strength of the Sage of Six Paths, he could control the entire world with illusions, but why didn't he do that?

I think it's because the Sage of Six Paths believes that humans can be saved by themselves.

And now, a new perfect era or a lifeless illusion world with no future, which one is better before us?"

"How do you know this?" Madara and Jue both asked in shock. Only they two should know the contents of that stone tablet.

"Who knows? Maybe some dead souls are still watching us secretly," Shengshu said with a mysterious face.

Of course the dead souls he refers to are the souls of brothers in the Six Paths.

But it fell into the ears of Madara and Zetsu, who had already suspected it, and it was misunderstood to mean something else.

"Sure enough, it turns out that Brother Hashirama has really been resurrected," Madara exclaimed with determination in his eyes.

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