Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 455: Accident and Rope Tree’s Doubts

The day after the top brass of Sunagakure held a military meeting, the Sunagakure camp located in the hinterland of the Land of Rain suddenly made big moves, attracting the attention of senior leaders from various countries.

It turns out that the Sunagakure Ninja Army suddenly sent a large number of patrolling manpower to the wild areas, expanding the warning range to a hundred miles around the camp. At the same time, a large number of Sunagakure teams radiated out to the wild areas around the camp, covering most of the Rain Country. They can be seen in the west and even in the northern ruins destroyed by Iwagakure.

After receiving the intelligence, the senior officials of various countries shook their heads and laughed, thinking that the Sand Hidden Village had been emboldened by Skywalker's previous sneak attacks and had actually expanded the warning range to this point.

Haven't they realized that Skywalker wanted to use their logistical advantages to drag them to death this time? What's the point of strengthening defense now? If they have the time and energy, it would be more realistic to think about how to retreat.

At the same time, Nao Shu, who was in Yuyin Village, also received information from the Anbu.

"Sunagakure has expanded the patrol range to a hundred miles." Naoki closed the information scroll in his hand, frowned, looked at the ANBU standing quietly in front of him and said in a deep voice: "This is the information from the ANBU branch.

Your military intelligence brigade should also be tasked with monitoring enemy camps. Have you discovered anything else?"

"Sir, the information sent back by the ANBU team of our Military Intelligence Brigade is exactly the same as the results from the station. Sunagakure simply expanded the scope of the investigation." The masked ANBU replied in a deep voice.

Naoki crossed his hands under his nose and said with a playful expression: "This is strange. Although Sunagakure has always been very guarded against us, they will not expand the patrol scope to this point. Could it be that at this time, they still I want to expand my territory but I can’t

The environment of the Land of Rain must be very difficult for Sand Ninja to adapt to. If a large number of people are put in the rain in the wild, aren't they afraid of contracting diseases?

Barang, as the captain of the Military Intelligence Brigade, what do you think Sunagakure’s purpose is?”

Barang pondered for a while and then said: "Sir, my subordinates think that Sunagakure may not be able to hold on any longer, so he wants to launch a tentative attack, or to lure us to take the initiative."

Naoki heard the words and said with a smile: "Sunagakure's current logistics supplies can only last for a month at most. If they want to counterattack, they can't extend the front line again to engage in low-heat local battles with us. Instead, they should directly concentrate their forces to launch A decisive battle is the right one. As for luring us into attacking," Shengshu shook his head and said, "This is completely meaningless. At this time, everyone knows that I will not take the initiative to attack and waste my troops. Since I know that I will not be fooled, it is better to take the initiative to fight with us. Why bother taking such a big detour?"

"This subordinate is so stupid that he really can't figure out what Sunagakure's purpose is." Barang lowered his head in shame and said.

Naoki waved his hand indifferently, and then continued: "Compared to counterattack, I am more worried about Sunagakure escaping.

If these [-] ninjas are allowed to escape back to the Kingdom of Wind and then use the vast desert to fight guerrillas with us, then it will be difficult for us to complete our plan to completely defeat or even occupy the Kingdom of Wind.

So what I'm most worried about is that the Sand Ninja are taking advantage of the opportunity to break into pieces and evacuate to the Kingdom of Wind.

Have the military intelligence brigade and the ANBU at the sub-station noticed a decrease in the number of Suna ninjas or any signs of retreating to the Kingdom of Wind?"

Barang puffed out his chest and spoke affirmatively.

He said: "According to your instructions, all patrol teams outside the Sunagakure camp are under the tracking and surveillance of our sensory ninjas and will not be out of sight for more than 5 minutes.

Moreover, there are ANBU members who take turns monitoring the border between Feng and Yu 24 hours a day, and anyone who passes by will be reported immediately.

In addition, the team that Sunagakure went out would change shifts regularly every day, and then return to the camp. According to the statistics of our eyeliners who followed along the way, the number of people entering and leaving every day was exactly the same.

Finally, there will be ANBU elites who are proficient in stealth and moonwalking in the sky above the Sunagakure camp to regularly observe and count the approximate number of people, and check with the number of people outside. If there is a significant decrease in the number of people, they will report to you immediately.

Therefore, with these four layers of insurance, I am sure that not a single sand ninja has escaped from the Kingdom of Rain."

After Naoki heard Barang's assurance, he nodded with satisfaction, "Under such strict surveillance, it is indeed difficult for Sunagakure to slip away under our noses.

It's just that they must have a purpose for making such a big change suddenly.

Since it's not a counterattack or an escape, are they looking for something?

What are the places where Suna ninjas often hang out? Do they do anything else besides patrolling and guarding?"

After Balang pondered for a while, he replied with a puzzled tone: "According to the reports from our people, Suna Ninja people have appeared in a wide range of areas, almost the entire western part of the Rain Kingdom and even the northern part that was previously conquered by Iwagakure.

But there is nothing in these places except the ruins of urban-filled villages that were looted and destroyed by the two major ninja villages. The living survivors have long since moved away.

However, people who go out from Sunagakure will stay in these ruins for a while. They originally thought they were hiding from the rain, but now it seems that they are indeed searching for something.

Barang suddenly raised his head and said in an excited tone: "Sir, do you think Sunagakure wants to search for remaining supplies in the ruins?"

Naoki raised his eyebrows and said, "This is strange. All these places were looted by the two major ninja villages, and all the usable supplies were taken away before the refugees moved.

What else can Sunagakure find from these ruins? It would be better to go hunting for game in the wild."

But Barang became more and more sure of his inference, and said in an even more excited tone: "This just shows that they have reached the end of their rope, so they set their sights on the ruins. Sir, it seems that Sunagakure can't hold on any longer." "

However, Shengshu was not affected by Balang's emotions at all. He nodded and shook his head calmly and said: "I hope your inference is correct. But this matter is too strange. Before sufficient evidence is obtained, Still can’t draw conclusions easily

But no matter what Sunagakure is doing, one thing we can be sure of is that their supplies will be completely exhausted in a month at most.

In this last month, we only need to pin [-] sand ninjas to the Kingdom of Rain, which is the greatest victory.

So in the next month, the ANBU station and the military intelligence team must keep an eye on every move of Sunagakure's ninja army and never let any Sunagakure go."

After Balang heard Shengshu's order, he bowed and accepted it: "I obey my orders."

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