Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 439 Persuasion

After Ohnoki took a deep breath, he said to the rope tree with a trembling voice: "You mean, Konoha can lift the economic blockade and resume trade with the Earth Country."

When Naoki heard Onoki's trembling voice, he didn't know whether it was because of his excitement or the erosion of Sanshou fish toxin. He only saw him slowly nodding and shaking his head and said: "Now that Konoha has formed an alliance with Amegakure Village, we want to It is not impossible to restore trade between the three countries. However, the Kingdom of Rain is currently at war, and the three countries have hatred for each other, so it is temporarily impossible to restore the original neutral and friendly relations, let alone formally form an alliance, so Full restoration of cross-border trade may have to wait until after this war is over."

In fact, with Konoha's strong status as the employer and creditor of Hidden Rain Village, it can completely force the Country of Rain to resume trade relations with the Country of Rock, or even form an alliance with it.

But without reliable restraint, Naoki doesn't really believe in the so-called alliance. If the crisis in the Earth Kingdom is resolved and he stabs Konoha in the back, he will cry to death.

After hearing Naoki's ambiguous answer, Onoki frowned deeply and said in an impatient tone: "Since trade relations cannot be restored, then how can Konoha help the Earth Country overcome its difficulties? Don't tell me. The Country of Fire is willing to provide free assistance."

Ohnoki was not a naive child, so he naturally did not believe that there would be pie-in-the-sky things, especially the Skywalker opposite, who ate people without spitting out their bones, and was even less likely to do good deeds of self-sacrifice for others.

Naoki was not embarrassed at all when facing Ohnoki's sarcastic question, but said naturally: "Although the food in the Fire Country is still sufficient, food is the most precious resource during war, so it is impossible Even the ordinary people of the peace-loving Fire Country would not agree to provide free assistance to other countries, something that harms national interests, and I dare not risk the disapproval of the world to agree to such conditions.

However, as the chairman of the Konoha Consortium, I can sign a wartime trade treaty with Iwagakure on behalf of the consortium."

"Wartime Trade Treaty" Onoki repeated this unfamiliar term with some confusion.

"The so-called wartime trade treaty is a regular and quantitative exchange of resources between the Konoha Consortium and the Earth Country.

We can regularly provide Iwagakure with valuable resources such as food and ninja tools. In addition to using money to purchase them, Earth Country can also exchange mineral resources for them.

The transaction location is on the border between Tu and Yu, and the price of the items is calculated based on the current average market price.

However, due to limited war resources, we can only conduct multiple trades at fixed times and quotas. "Naoshu said the trade treaty he had thought about for a long time with a natural look on his face.

As a veteran politician, Onoki keenly understood the key point. He said with a gloomy face: "According to the market price, we must regularly ration it."

You want to take advantage of the situation and threaten the entire Yanyin Village with food to work for you."

"No, no, no," Naoki raised his eyebrows and shook his head in denial, "Sir Tsuchikage's words are too unpleasant.

I am making a deal with you out of goodwill towards the Kingdom of Earth.

Food and weapons are two kinds of goods that are currently hard currency in the entire ninja world. They are even valuable but have no market. The minerals stored in your country need to be processed many times before they can be produced.

The finished product can neither fill the stomach nor kill the enemy on the battlefield, so it is not very popular.

The Konoha Consortium is conducting trade at the average market price at this time. It is not taking advantage of the situation but providing help in times of need.

If your country feels that it is at a disadvantage, I can definitely find another buyer. I think either the Kingdom of Wind or the Kingdom of Thunder will be happy to do so.

As for timing and rationing, it is also a small means to ensure that Iwagakure Village is dedicated to fighting against Kumogakure.After all, your village has a history of betraying allies, and your reputation in the entire ninja world is not very good."

In fact, the rope tree is just trying to take advantage of the situation. Now that the ninja war has broken out, the prices of food and weapons have been extremely high. However, due to the economic crisis in the Earth Kingdom, the mineral resource market is sluggish and the prices are extremely low. The trade exchange between these two resources with huge price differences is no different from the price of cabbage.

Moreover, the minerals can be stored for a long time, and the price will naturally return to normal after the war is over. Even now, they can be transported to the Konoha Consortium's industrial base on Whirlpool Island to be produced into weapons and then sold at a high price. No matter how it is dealt with, the Konoha Consortium can take advantage of it. Earn at least a hundred times profit

As for the deliberate emphasis on timed and quantitative sales, the main purpose is to restrict the Earth Kingdom with food as a condition, forcing them to fully contain Kumogakure's military strength, and at the same time, it can also prevent Iwagakure from destroying Konoha's plan at a critical moment.

"Huh!" Onoki heard the threat in Naoki's words and couldn't help but let out an annoyed groan. However, the situation was stronger than the others. For the sake of the interests of Iwagakure and the Earth Country, he did not dare to refuse the other party's offer. condition.

Although it was unpleasant to be caught in Konoha's weak spot, it was Iwagakure's job to resist Kumogakure's attack, and with the materials provided by Konoha and the advantage of the two major jinchūriki, it might not be insurmountable. Yunyin Village even counterattacked the Kingdom of Thunder

Once Iwagakure obtains enough resources from the Kingdom of Thunder, it will naturally be able to get rid of Konoha's control. By then, it is still unclear who the final winner of this war will be.

After Ohnoki made up his mind, he finally nodded slowly and agreed to Nasuki's conditions, "As long as Konoha can provide enough trade resources to ensure the economic stability of the Earth Kingdom, Iwagakure Village can fight with all its strength in this war. Kumogakure's Ninja Army

But if Konoha doesn’t keep its word, even if we, the Iwagakure Village, try to die together, we will drag the Fire Nation into hell.”

Naoki sensed that Onoki seemed to have other plans, but he did not lie, so he was temporarily relieved. He assured with sincerity: "Don't worry, Lord Tsuchikage, this matter will be beneficial to both of us, and Konoha will also A country that doesn't want Yunyin to occupy territory.

Otherwise, we can completely keep all the Iwa ninjas present."

"What a shame," Onoki said disdainfully.

He also didn't think that the other party had the ability to keep all the Iwagakure Ninja Army. If the two main Jinchuuriki hadn't been captured and he himself was poisoned, he wouldn't have thought of using self-destruction as a threat just now. , there are still more than 4 Iwa ninja resisting in the center of the camp. If he can join them, there will be no problem in retreating with the vehicle even if he cannot turn defeat into victory.

"It seems that Tsuchikage-sama doesn't believe what I'm saying, but I never fight a battle I'm not sure of," Naoki said meaningfully, "calculating the time, they should be here."

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