Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 416 The War of Behemoths

But it turned out that Wan She had already used her ability to shed her skin and escaped after being attacked.Wan She's ability to shed his skin is exactly the same as Orochimaru's Substitution Technique. Coupled with his huge size and extremely fast movement speed, he is basically immune to most attacks.

As soon as Lao Zi dropped the snake skin in his hand, the attacks from the slugs followed, and the green slime instantly covered his face.

It's the slug's only attack skill.

Not only is this acid extremely viscous and difficult to clean off, it is also extremely corrosive and can dissolve almost anything.

Unfortunately, the range of this move is short, and it is generally difficult to hit with the slug's moving speed. If Lao Zi was not entangled by ten thousand snakes just now, the slug would not be able to get close at all.

"Chi Chi Chi" The faces of the four tails made of chakra gradually melted under the corrosion of sticky acid and bursts of thick smoke came out.

"Roar" The fourth tail roared in pain. His whole body radiated huge heat and was instantly enveloped in red magma. The sticky acid on his face was quickly dried by the high temperature of the lava and turned into black ashes.

Four Tails turned around and hit the slug beside him with his fiery fist, but the moment he was attacked, his target suddenly decomposed into countless tiny individuals and fled in all directions.This is Slug's life-saving skill, Slug Split.

The fourth tail, which had been punched empty, let out an angry roar again.

"Chichichi" a more harsh sound sounded. It turned out that dense rain fell on the lava armor outside the four tails and turned into steam. The four tails were instantly wrapped in thick fog. At first glance, it was easy to turn him away. Mistaken for Gobi using steam.

The continuous rain turned into steam and also took away the heat of the lava, constantly consuming the chakra of the Four Tails.

Even the tailed beast couldn't continue to consume it like this, and the thick smoke would affect Lao Zi's sight, so he never used lava armor for defense.

After burning the acid stuck to his face, Lao Zi canceled the lava armor and returned to his original naked state.

"Bang" Wentai's iron gun jade flew towards Lao Zi again, forcing him to spit out lava balls to intercept.In this rain-rich environment, Toad Boss can use water escape attacks continuously, but his own consumption is minimal.

"Jiraiya's battle this time is really interesting. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to defeat the tailed beasts. The Land of Rain is simply the home of our toad clan." Bunta flexibly waved the short sword in his hand and looked at the distance without being covered by the smoke. The four-tailed beast with an angry face showed a rare happy expression.

Jiraiya condensed chakra with his feet and attached it to Bunta's forehead, and said loudly without hesitation: "Bunta, you have to thank me properly for this incident. If I return to Myoboku Mountain, I will publicize it well." Fan. You are the first psychic beast to kill a tailed beast without the ability to fight back. This can become a legend in Mt. Naegi and be passed down. You will become a legend among toads."

Although Wentai didn't answer, his wide grin betrayed his mood at this time.

"What made the tailed beast unable to fight back? If it weren't for me, this smelly toad would have been beaten to death by that red monkey." A cold and unruly voice sounded in Jiraiya's ears. It turned out that Wan She didn't know when he quietly Come to Wentai.


nbsp; "It hurts so much, Orochimaru. After this incident is over, you must offer a thousand sacrifices to me, or I will swallow you right now." Wan She opened her big, charred mouth and stuck out her tongue. Threatening.Although he had escaped the attack of the Four Tails by shedding his skin just now, he was still burned by the lava.

"It's not a good thing to be too greedy. Have you forgotten the lesson learned last time?" Orochimaru said with a sneer: "This is a task arranged by Mr. Nogeki personally. If you fail, you know the consequences."

"Are you such a perverted kid from the Thousand Hands Clan?" Wan She's cold and slender snake pupils shrank for a while, and there was deep jealousy in his eyes: "This time I am unlucky, so I will help you."

Bunta and Jiraiya on the side did not expect why the always unruly Wan She became so honest after hearing the name of Nao Shu. They were curious about what Nao Shu had done to this guy.

The thing is actually very simple. Orochimaru has been secretly conducting human experiments with the support of the rope tree in recent years. Some materials are not easy to destroy after failure, so he simply gave them as sacrifices to Wan She to devour. Anyway, Wan She is this guy. It can be said that he kills two birds with one stone even if he is not afraid of eating him to death.

One time when Naoki and Orochimaru were exchanging experiences, they happened to witness a material destruction process.

As soon as Wan Snake appeared, he took a fancy to the huge vitality in Shengshu's body and couldn't help but be tempted to launch a sneak attack on him.

As a result, the rope tree used the wood cutting technique to plant a sapling in Wan She's body. This ninjutsu that uses the body and vitality as nourishment just restrains Wan She, a life with strong resilience.The roots growing along the flesh and nerves caused the snake to die of pain. If Orochimaru hadn't interceded with the rope tree, it would probably have died of pain.

That hellish experience left a deep impression on Wan Snake, so as soon as Orochimaru moved the rope tree out, it immediately became honest. Although Wan Snake was unruly, it met a strong person who could completely crush it. He will definitely choose to compromise, especially when this strong man is even more evil and cruel than it is, otherwise he would have swallowed the White Snake Immortal of Earth Dragon Dong and become the boss.

The scattered slugs gathered together again, carrying Tsunade and joining the two of them.

"Tsunade, Wan She needs treatment." Orochimaru said to Tsunade beside him.

"It's okay to let the slug heal, but take care of your psychic beast and don't do anything dangerous." Tsunade frowned and looked at Wan She, whose mouth was full of burnt black, and warned.

"Hahaha, did you hear that? Tsunade Banshei is the sister of Naoki-kun. I think you should be able to keep your mouth shut." Orochimaru said with an evil smile.

Wan She said disdainfully: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in this disgusting creature at all. The toad next to me is pretty good."

"If you want to eat me, you can try it. Before that, I will definitely burst your belly." Bunta shook the short knife in his hand and replied unwillingly.

The slug interrupted the quarrel between the two beasts with a soft voice: "Okay, stop arguing, and leave the wounds of Wan Snake to me."

Then it split into a large number of clones and climbed onto Wan She's wound. Under the influence of the slug, Wan She's injury quickly returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Hiss!" Wan She breathed out a pleasant sound.

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