"It's a pity that the strength of these troops is slightly inferior to that of Sunagakure and Iwagakure. No wonder Mr. Naoki said before that even a sneak attack can only severely damage one of them." Hanzo looked regretful. It seemed that he was very disappointed with himself for destroying the armies of the two countries in one night. The idea is still lingering in my mind.

However, he quickly put aside his unrealistic thoughts and asked another important question: "Since we can only choose one of the two, then our sneak attack target should be the Suna Ninja."

To everyone's surprise, Naoki shook his head again and gave an unexpected answer: "My thoughts are exactly the opposite of yours. I think Iwagakure is the most suitable target for a sneak attack."

Hanzo asked with some surprise and confusion: "Is this why Iwagakure now has two Tailed Beast Jinchūriki, plus the Tsuchikage who has mastered Dust Release, he is much stronger than Sunagakure, so he shouldn't choose the weaker one." Is one party conducting a sneak attack?"

"This is usually the case." After the rope tree nodded, he glanced at everyone present with a smile and said: "But don't forget, this is a world-wide war, so when we consider our strategy, we should take a broad view. Look at the overall situation and grasp all factors. You must not limit your sights to the battle situation in front of you, otherwise huge strategic mistakes will definitely occur."

"Look at the overall situation." Hanzo frowned and thought for a while before asking: "There seems to be no enemies around the Country of Rain. The Country of Grass and the Country of Taki are not qualified to intervene in this war."

"Hehehe" Orochimaru suddenly let out a low laugh: "I think Naoki-kun is referring to the Kingdom of Thunder in the northeast."

"Cloud Hidden Village of the Land of Thunder" The people present vaguely thought of something, but it was still a little unclear.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being Uncle Snake. His IQ is much better than that of ordinary people. Naoki looked at Orochimaru and nodded appreciatively: "Yes, the only ones in the entire ninja world who have not yet participated in the war are Kumogakure and Kirigakure. Among them, Kirigakure is due to the internal political situation. Chaos is unable to participate in the war, so the only thing left to consider is Kumogakure Village."

Glancing at the people who were still a little confused, Naoki patiently guided: "Everyone can imagine that if we successfully attack Sunagakure, we can only inflict heavy damage on it but cannot completely defeat it. After that, the two major ninja villages will How to react?”

"Sunagakure will definitely form a full alliance with Iwagakure. Even if they are in a weak position, they will continue the war. Because of the economic crisis, they have no way out." Naoki asked himself the answer before anyone could think about it. , all the senior executives at the long table suddenly nodded in agreement.

"In this way, we will still be trapped in a bitter battle. We have only weakened the enemy's strength by one point, and there is no huge strategic advantage.

So if we severely damage the stronger Iwagakure, how will the other ninja villages react, especially Kumogakure?"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard Naoki's question. Hanzo said in a hurried tone: "Kumogakure will definitely be eager to invade the country of earth because they believe that Iwagakure, who is at a disadvantage and is attacked from both sides, will not be their opponent."

Naoki nodded in agreement after hearing this: "What Hanzo-dono said is true. According to the intelligence analysis of our Konoha ANBU, Kumogakure has been gathering troops to prepare supplies in recent months, and has long been prepared for war once the Earth Kingdom is revealed. Would the disadvantaged Yunyin Village pass up such a good opportunity?"

Hanzo said excitedly: "Those war maniacs full of muscles will definitely stab Iwagakure in the back."

"But in this way, it is still possible for Sunagakure to form an alliance with Iwagakure." Jiraiya said his question: "If the two countries form an alliance, we will still be in a melee. The Kingdom of Earth will not collapse so easily. Moreover, the relationship between Yunyin Village and us is not very good, and when the time comes, it will just change from a two-party battle to a three-party melee."

Naoki didn't expect Jirai to ask such a high-level question. He smiled with admiration: "This is a good question. I remember that during the battle of Whirlpool Country three years ago, it seemed that the old man from Iwagakure Village Murasaki helped us deceive Sunagakure's advisor Ebizo, which caused Sunagakure's puppet army to suffer heavy losses, right?

You must know that Ebizo and his puppet troops have a special status in Sunagakure Village. Together with his sister, Advisor Chiyo, their power is no less than that of our Lord Danzo in Konoha.

Do you think Sunagakure Village, which has suffered no major losses, will let go of the grudge of being betrayed a few years ago and form an alliance with Iwagakure, which has two jinchūriki, once again? That would be considered an alliance, and who will lead the two parties?"

With a crisp sound of "pop", Tsunade slapped the table with her right hand hard, and then said in an excited tone: "If my brother almost died in battle because he was betrayed by his allies, and was later captured by the enemy, I would not care. I will never forgive you, let alone form an alliance again."

Jiraiya looked at the tabletop that was dented by Tsunade and said with a fearful expression: "Tsunade, your brother's control attribute is getting more and more serious. That incident was designed by your brother, right? What are you so excited about?" Ghost, please don’t bring yourself into irrelevant plots, okay?”

"Ahem" Naoki said with some embarrassment: "I think Tsunade is analyzing the mentality of Advisor Chiyo as a sister. In short, Sunagakure Village will probably not form an alliance with Iwagakure again until it is in desperate situation."

Everyone looked at the tigress-like Tsunade and nodded in agreement. They were so excited just by being involved. How intense would be the reaction of the siblings Chiyo and Ebizo as the parties involved?

Hanzo said with a smile on his face: "In this way, my opponents are the two villages of Sunagakure and Iwagakure who are still hostile to each other. Then after our plan is successful, should we pursue the victory and cooperate with Kumogakure to attack Iwagakure?" Attack from a flank, wait until Iwagakure is completely defeated and surrender, then turn around and concentrate on dealing with Sunagakure."

But Naoki shook his head and said: "No, no, no, we should let Iwagakure return to the country of earth, and even cooperate with them to support them in resisting Kumogakure's attack. In this way, both Iwagakure and Kumogakure will be trapped in the mud and have no time to care. We can then concentrate our forces to deal with Sunagakure's ninja army. This strategy is called killing with a borrowed knife."

"This" Hanzo opened his mouth in surprise and asked: "It's very common to borrow a knife to kill someone. I didn't expect it to be one of the 36 strategies. But I don't understand how to borrow this knife."

If our sneak attack severely damages Iwagakure's troops, the two sides will have a great feud.After Iwagakure blocks Kumogakure's attack, he will probably launch a sneak attack on us from behind. How can he cooperate with us to hold Kumogakure back and allow us to attack Sunagakure with all our strength?

And will the severely damaged Iwagakure be able to withstand the all-out attack of Kumogakure? If the opponent is defeated by Kumogakure, how can we withstand the increased strength of Kumogakure?"

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