Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 400 Hanzo blushes

After Naoki and Hanzo put away their mission scrolls, the high-level officials of Konoha present calmed down with a relaxed expression.

Even though they all looked confident about killing Hanzo just now, everyone knows that the dignified ninja demigod is not a lamb to be slaughtered, but a dangerous tiger, especially when he is on the verge of despair. At that time, extraordinary combat power can be unleashed.

Once Konoha launches a siege against Hanzo, there will be a price to pay, and everyone here will be in danger of losing their lives.

Now that Hanzo has led the Amegakure Village to surrender to Konoha, they don't have to fight to the death. As for the tens of billions of compensation, if the Amegakure Village can really repay it in the form of war, the benefits to Konoha will be greater than pure money. Bigger so the current solution is a win-win situation for both villages.

This result made all the Konoha ninjas present respect and even worship the rope tree.Defeating the strongest man in the ninja world is already a great achievement, and being able to force the opponent to lead the entire ninja village to work for him without any effort like Naoki can be called a miracle.

Especially the senior Jonin in the Ninja Army, they know the whole process very well. Regarding the response plan for today's meeting, Naoki decided on no less than three plans during the discussion meeting.

When the rope tree's conquering plan was successful, the senior officials present were happy but not surprised at all, because they knew that Hanzo and Yuyin Village had already fallen into the rope tree's design. This situation had been established a few months ago. The layout had even started a few years earlier.Now this result is due to precise calculation rather than luck or chance.

Some thoughtful senior officials have even begun to vaguely suspect that the mysterious force that helped Yokota transfer funds was also the work of the rope tree.

In recent years, the Dark Branch of the Land of Rain seems to have developed very rapidly, with a staff size far exceeding that of other branches in other countries. It has also provided Konoha Shinobi with a large amount of accurate intelligence since the beginning of the war. In the previous immigration incident to the Land of Rain, Zhong also showed extraordinary energy.And all of this is inseparable from the support of large amounts of funds.

If Yokota's funds were really transferred by Anbu, wouldn't Naoki, who is now demanding compensation from Hanzo and forcing him to accept employment, be a real empty-handed white wolf? There was also the heavy-loss rebellion in Amegakure Village a few years ago. , Yokota’s strange defection, if connected

Hiss, we can no longer think about this matter. If Hanzo, Konoha's new ally, knows the speculation in their hearts, who knows what crazy revenge he will take. What's even more frightening is that if Master Naoki knows the news, If it is leaked from yourself, the consequences will be

These complicated conspiracy theorists couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts when they thought of this. They looked at the sunny-looking rope tree with strange expressions, as if they saw a sinister aura emanating from the inside out.At the same time, these people made up their minds to bury these thoughts in their hearts forever, even if they died, they would not reveal a word.

Using the secret technique of perception, Shen Shu saw the emotional changes of everyone present. He immediately knew that some high-level officials had guessed part of the truth, otherwise why would they suddenly become afraid of him? But he also believed that these smart people would definitely Make smart choices, so don't worry about what Hanzo can see at all.

At this time, the rope tree has been mostly attracted by the wish power system. When Hanzo signed the mission scroll, he successively received a large number of prompts to obtain the wish power.The [-] Konoha ninja troops present together provided him with nearly [-] million points of wish power.Therefore, war is indeed the best way to harvest the power of will.In just a few hours, the total harvest of the rope tree in a year has been exceeded.

After putting the mission scroll into the sacred tree cave, the rope tree looked at Hanzo and showed a heartfelt bright smile, "Then Sir Hanzo, we will be firm allies from now on. I see that your subordinates seem to be very concerned about your safety, please. Your Excellency, explain your situation to them as soon as possible to calm the emotions of the ninja troops under your command, and then we will discuss the next war issues together."

It turned out that the Five Thousand Rainy Ninja Army on the opposite side saw that Hanzo was surrounded by Konoha and had not returned, and they all panicked. Some wanted to go to support, and some felt that even Hanzo had failed and could no longer belong to Konoha. opponent, so he proposed to retreat.

Among the Amegakure Ninja Army, except for Hanzo, there is no powerful person who can control the situation. Due to the disagreement among the top leaders, the five thousand Ninja Army has become a mess. I am afraid that for some time, Konoha will not be able to use it. If they take action, they will kill each other and collapse without a fight.

Hanzo looked at the chaotic formation of the ninja under his command, and then recalled the Konoha ninja army's previous performance of staying calm and motionless in the face of danger, and a rare blush appeared on the face of the dignified ninja demigod.

"I am incompetent in leading the army. My subordinates are much weaker than the elites of Konoha. I am laughing at Lord Skywalker." After signing the mission scroll, Hanzo knew that he would have to accept the control and control of the young ninja in front of him for a long time in the future. It was an order, so he quickly changed his role, his words were respectful, and he no longer maintained his identity as before, speaking in an old-fashioned and condescending manner.

"Your Excellency, there is no need to belittle yourself. A ninja army with such discipline as mine is the only example in the entire ninja world. Even a few months ago, these subordinates of mine were no different from ordinary ninjas. This is all the result of recent military exercises and training. ." Shengshu's words appeared to be modest, but in fact they were boasting.

The [-] ninja troops behind him also looked proud. They had fully understood the purpose of Naoki's daily training. They could be regarded as the most disciplined regular ninja troops in the ninja world.

Hanzo's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile on his face: "I didn't expect Mr. Nogeki to have such a skill. I wonder if Amegakure Village, as a member of Konoha, would be lucky enough to receive your guidance."

"There is no problem at all. As an ally, I certainly hope that Amegakure Village will be as strong as possible." Naoki nodded in agreement: "But business is still important now. After Hanzo-dono calms down the ninja army under his command, we can discuss it slowly. Not too late”

"Yes, yes, I am too impatient. After I teach these useless guys a lesson, we will discuss the details of cooperation. Please wait a moment, I will come as soon as I can." As soon as Hanzo finished speaking, he used the teleportation technique to return. Yuyin entered the military formation.

Relying on Hanzo's personal prestige, the chaos of the 5000 Ame Hidden Ninja Army was quickly suppressed.

After learning that the Ame Hidden Village and Konoha had officially formed an alliance, the Ame Ninja's morale increased instead of falling. They had no hatred against Konoha in the first place, and now that they had a powerful ally, they were relieved and at the same time, their mentality became more stable.

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