Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 396 Purple Thunder Kirin

In the sky in front of the two armies, a unicorn with a height of tens of meters suddenly appeared. It was lifelike, with every scale clearly visible as if it were real, and its whole body was flashing with intense thunder, like a thunderous monarch.

This is the form of the purple thunder unicorn developed by the rope tree by fusing the peacock magic method with the thunder chakra mode.

Everyone present was shocked by the sudden appearance of the giant beast.

"Is this the tailed beast form, but why does it seem a little different?" Jiraiya asked in a daze, looking at the purple unicorn in the sky.

"This chakra comes from Nogeki-kun himself. It is completely different from the tailed beast chakra. It should be a ninjutsu developed to imitate the tailed beast's chakra pattern." Orochimaru's eyes flashed with excitement as he expressed his inference. .

"This should be the peacock technique that Naoki learned from the Star Ninja, which can materialize chakra." Tsunade has a certain understanding of this ninjutsu, because there are certain risks in practicing this ninjutsu, and it is not fully practiced She couldn't use any ninjutsu until she succeeded, so she had no interest in learning.

Hanzo looked at the huge purple unicorn in mid-air and felt a throb in his heart. Skywalker's own chakra alone could reach this size. How powerful would it be with the help of nature's thunder and lightning?

"Ang" the purple thunder unicorn roared and flew towards the clouds flashing with thunder against the purple poisonous rain in the sky.

Under the cooperative control of Raikiri and Sharingan, the thunder and lightning in the clouds quickly gathered around the purple unicorn,

The purple thunder unicorn transformed from the rope tree wandered around in the clouds for a few seconds, absorbing all the violent thunder and lightning in the sky. At the same time, its size expanded rapidly, and finally transformed into a thunder behemoth hundreds of meters high.

This giant beast composed of thunder and lightning was larger than an ordinary tailed beast, giving Hanzo an unmatched sense of oppression.

By the time the Kirin was fully formed, the Sansho Fish, which was more afraid of thunder and lightning than humans, had already taken Hanzo underground without even needing to be reminded by its owner.

The moment Sanshouyu escaped underground, the rope tree followed the lock of its perception ability and controlled the thunder unicorn to shoot towards Hanzo underground.

The purple unicorn composed entirely of thunder and lightning shot down like a thunderbolt, hitting the ground in an instant.

After a loud "rumbling" sound, the solid earth shattered like porcelain under the violent thunder and lightning attack.

The Rope Tree followed the cracks in the earth and caught the figure of the Sansho Fish that was quickly shuttled underground, so he controlled the Thunder Kirin that had not dissipated to pursue the Sansho Fish in the direction in which it had escaped.

"Rumble" Because the power of Lei Dun completely defeated Earth Dun, the earth was as fragile as tofu in front of Lei Dun. In an instant, it was shattered by Lei Dun, forming a giant passage hundreds of meters long.

Hanzo, who was escaping underground, felt that the threat behind him was getting closer and closer. He suddenly controlled the Sansho Fish to change direction and fled directly deep underground towards the direction of Konoha's military formation.

The rope tree, which sensed Hanzo's movements, naturally controlled the thunder unicorn to pursue him.

As the two chased and escaped, the ground seemed to be torn apart by an invisible divine weapon. A huge crack dozens of meters wide and bottomless appeared on the ground, spreading rapidly towards the direction of Konoha's [-] ninja army. go.

Hanzo, who was driving the Sansho Fish to escape quickly underground, felt that his body had been hit by lightning that scattered along the ground. He felt paralyzed all over his body, and the speed of the Sansho Fish under his feet was also affected.

But he still urged Sanshouyu to move in the direction of the Konoha ninja army with all his strength. He did not believe that Naoki dared to charge towards his army with such dangerous ninjutsu.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the agreed boundary, but the rope tree was still chasing after him. Hanzo even felt the heat and sharpness of the thunder and lightning behind him. This sense of threat that was so close made the Sanshouyu under him turn around. They didn't dare, so they could only continue to escape forward as hard as they could.

The Konoha ninja army watched the purple thunder kirin, with most of its body sunk into the ground, quickly approaching itself with the sound of shattering the earth, but they stood still and stood motionless in compliance with the order of the rope tree.

The battlefield range of the battle between the two sides this time was bounded by the military formation. If the Konoha ninja army retreated, it would be equivalent to helping Hanzo avoid the failure outcome. Therefore, even in the face of the violent attack of the Thunder Kirin, they still remained firm and guarded. position.

The moment he stepped into the underground of Konoha's military formation, Hanzo Ninja couldn't help but think: "Are Skywalker and these Konoha Ninja Army crazy enough to risk their lives in order to win?"

The purple unicorn that was following Hanzo was moving faster than the speed of sound. Under the influence of inertia, it could not stop no matter how it changed direction.

Seeing that the giant beast flashing with purple thunder and lightning was about to rush into the military formation, causing huge casualties to Konoha, the violent energy that was so close at hand suddenly disappeared.Only a huge cliff-like gap was left in front of the military formation.

After a gust of wind blew by, Jiraiya slowly opened his closed eyes. After groping all over his body for a while, he said with a face of surprise: "It's really okay. That guy Noboru is so messy." As a commander of an army, he almost completely wiped out all the troops under his command. It really scared me to death."

Tsunade on the side looked at Jiraiya's exaggerated spit-spattered complaints, rolled his eyes and said, "If you were so afraid, why didn't you hide just now?"

Jiraiya smiled coquettishly and said, "Don't I want to be here with you? Tsunade, weren't you worried at all just now?"

"How could the humming tree hurt my sister? He promised grandma to take good care of me," Tsunade said with a proud look on her face.

Seeing the blind trust of Tsunade, his younger brother, Jiraiya curled his lips in boredom, and asked another companion with some curiosity: "Orochimaru, why don't you hide? Aren't you the most afraid of death? If the attack just now hits, Well, even if you use the Substitution Technique, you will be electrocuted to ashes."

"Hahaha, how could Mr. Nogeki's IQ make such a stupid mistake? Since he used this method to force Hanzo to cross the border, it means that he has already planned everything. Otherwise, do you really think that the speed of Sanjiaoyu's ground escape is faster than Thunder and lightning are faster." Orochimaru looked at the ravine in front of him with an evil smile: "It's really shocking power. If Mr. Naoki just chose to release all the lightning energy at once like he did a few years ago, plus you think the radius is How many people can survive in Riunouchi?”

The high-level officials of Konoha who were present couldn't help but shudder when they thought of the thunder beast that was as tall as a mountain. If it weren't for the rope tree that could control the power, I'm afraid not many people present could survive that kind of violent thunder escape.

"I have told you that if it were on a real battlefield, the enemy would have already evacuated after I used Fire Escape. How could they stay there obediently and wait for me to accumulate thunder and lightning to attack?" Roeshu didn't know when he reappeared next to everyone. .

"Hahaha, Mr. Nogeki is too modest. With your wisdom, you can naturally create the right opportunity for yourself. For example, on the next battlefield in the Kingdom of Rain, such clouds full of thunder and lightning can be seen everywhere." Orochimaru looked at the opposite person. The border of the Land of Rain said meaningfully.

Nao Shu just smiled casually and answered clearly.

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