Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 362: The world view of the immortal warrior Hokage in the rope tree

"As expected of Orochimaru, he has analyzed my ninjutsu so thoroughly. But you are wrong about one thing. In fact, both my clones and my main body can change forms like tailed beasts."

After Naoki finished speaking, his whole body changed. The next second, he turned into a green image. His whole body was exuding chakra light. Apart from the color, it looked exactly the same as Naruto's complete nine-tails mode. This was what Naoki had never seen before. A wood escape form that has never been shown before.If it weren't for the purpose of convincing Orochimaru, he was not prepared to reveal this trump card to anyone.

Orochimaru looked at the tree-like body and green leaf-like hair in front of him. The snake pupils in his eyes shrank rapidly, almost standing in a straight line.

"This is elementalization or chakra transformation of the body. As far as I know, in the entire ninja world, apart from the tailed beasts, only the Oniden clan can transform the body into chakra. I didn't expect that wood escape can also do it."

With excitement on his face, Orochimaru raised the Kusanagi sword in his hand and slashed at the rope tree.

Faced with the oncoming slashes, Naoshu did not dodge and allowed the sharp sword edge to attack his body.

The grass pheasant sword turned into a flash of cold light and quickly passed by the body of the rope tree, but the rope tree did not change at all, and the body that was slashed by the sword was not damaged as if it were a shadow.

Looking at Naoki's unscathed body, Orochimaru stuck out his tongue excitedly: "This is indeed a chakra form. The hollow body is not affected by any physical attacks."

Naoki nodded and smiled: "This is the incarnation of my trump card element that I have never shown before. It is not harmed by any form of physical attacks, and due to the special ability of Wood Release to absorb chakra, it is not afraid of most Ninjutsu damage.

But the weakness is also obvious, that is, I am afraid of fire attack, and in this form, I can only use wood escape ninjutsu and non-attribute ninjutsu. "

Orochimaru looked at Naoki's body with blazing eyes, and said greedily: "It's such an enviable ability. If you can completely clone Naoki-kun's body, it will definitely be a perfect container.

However, although this state is special, it is still a tangible state and does not have soul characteristics.

Even if Mr. Shengshu successfully enters the container in this form, he cannot replace the other person's soul and completely merge with the container to become a complete life.

In addition, there is the problem of how to swallow the original spiritual soul of the container.

The most important thing is that this state also has a lifespan limit and cannot be immortal like the soul.

Although it looks very similar to the tailed beast, it is still a body of flesh and blood.

The tailed beast uses its soul and chakra to build a flesh-like body, so it can live forever.It is based on this principle that I want to use the highly similar structural characteristics of white snake cells and zero tail cells to transform the body.

The ultimate goal is to completely abandon the original flesh and blood cells in the body, transform the white snake cells into chakra cells like Zero Tails, and eventually evolve into a chakra life like Zero Tails, thus becoming immortal.

Once successful, my body will become a perfect life with soul and chakra completely integrated, and the container is just a tool to exert my strength.

The principle of elemental incarnation like you, Mr. Nogeki, is completely opposite to what I imagined. It is to use the blood inheritance ability to transform the flesh and blood cells in the whole body into a virtual form similar to chakra, but in essence, your body is still composed of flesh and blood cells. Composition, unable to escape the limitations of cell lifespan

Mr. Shengshu once said that matter cannot be truly immortal, only the soul exists omnipotently and eternally, which has benefited me a lot. How can you be immortal in your current state?"

"Pah, pah, pah."

"After listening to Orochimaru's analysis, Naoki couldn't help but applaud and admired: "Orochimaru, your understanding of matter, soul and chakra is no less than mine, and your analysis of the elementalization and Zero-Tail's essential form and structure is also very accurate. With your With your theoretical attainments, I am now certain that your white phosphorus snake transformation will be successful in the future."

Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth proudly when he heard this. These theories were originally proposed by Naoki. After several years of communication and research, he came to his current understanding. Now that he heard the praise of Naoki, the founder, he was naturally very happy. happy.

"It's just that your understanding of life forms is not comprehensive enough," Nao Shu said with a profound expression.

When Orochimaru heard Naoki's sudden turn of phrase, he was not unhappy at all. Instead, he asked eagerly: "In what specific aspects, I would like to ask Naoki-kun for advice."

Obviously Uncle Snake's desire for knowledge transcends everything and he doesn't care about vanity at all.

In contrast, Nao Shu is a layman who likes to teach others. He said with a showoff: "Any life form in this world is composed of three forms: soul, matter, and chakra. We can These three forms are simply called Jing, Qi, and Shen.

Among them, "god" was originally able to be immortal, but according to the inherent rules of the world, a separate soul cannot stay in the human world. The latitudes of "gods" and the world are not the same, so once the "gods" at a higher latitude leave the body, they will either reincarnate again or ascend to the pure land of high latitude space. This is the essence of death.

Therefore, if "god" wants to stay freely in the human world, he must have a tangible container as a support

Containers are usually made of "essence", and the combination of essence and spirit can form "qi", which is chakra.But the structure of "jing" is the most unstable, and it is difficult for it to exist forever.Therefore, most lives will continue to repeat the process of death and reincarnation.

There are also some special "gods" that can completely integrate with "qi" and even materialize "qi" to form a stable container. This kind of life is the tailed beast.

Since the chakra of tailed beasts comes from the endless natural energy in the world, their containers will never be damaged, and they can live forever if there is no accident. "

Although Orochimaru already understood what Naoki said, he didn't have any impatience. Instead, he listened carefully. Naoki's interpretation of life forms from another angle was also interesting.

Naoki quickly came to the key point: "But the zero-tailed beast in front of us is completely different from the other nine tailed beasts.

The Nine Tailed Beasts were formed by the Sage of Six Paths dividing a powerful chakra called the Ten-Tails into nine parts. Their essence is eternal chakra energy.

And the essence of Zero-Tail in front of us is indeed a mass of soul fragments.

Therefore, although the nine tailed beasts can absorb natural energy to replenish chakra, their chakra amount has its own upper limit, and the upper limit is determined by the number of tails.

Zero-Tail, on the other hand, can continuously absorb dark spiritual power and continuously produce dark chakra. There is no upper limit, and even "essence" and "qi" can be absorbed and assimilated by it.

Therefore, only Zero-Tail is a life form with "god" as its essence.Only in this form can one turn into a "god" and occupy other people's containers, and freely change between the three states of essence, qi, and spirit.

The nine tailed beasts are life forms with "qi" as their essence.Although they also possess gods, they have been completely integrated with chakra and cannot be turned into souls to occupy other people's containers. Instead, they can easily be sealed in the container and forcibly take away the control of part of chakra.This is why the jinchūriki is possible.

Therefore, it is most correct for Orochimaru to choose Zero-Tail's form as a template to transform himself. "

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