Naruto God Tree Arrives

Chapter 359 Orochimaru’s research

"Speaking of immortality, how is the progress of your cloning technology and research on immortal reincarnation?" Shengshu naturally understands that compared to establishing a chakra technology system, immortality is Uncle Snake's primary goal, so he does not force it, but Change the subject intelligently.

"My research has almost come to a standstill since the war began. The environment in the camp is too crude and I cannot conduct experiments. I can only conduct theoretical deductions." After hearing about the problem with the rope tree, Orochimaru frowned and said helplessly: "So The progress of research is still the same. In terms of cloning technology, some animals can be successfully cloned. However, the problem of telomere wear is still unclear. If this problem is not solved, all clones will be just unusable defective products. Want to Cloning the perfect container requires a lot of experimentation and time.

As for the art of reincarnation without corpse, Mr. Shengshu should also be very clear about it. It is still the old problem of soul materialization.After research on the rebirth of the dirty land, we have determined that it is completely feasible for the soul and chakra to switch containers together.

However, if you want to replace a living container with a living person, you must ensure that your soul can still exist in a physical form after leaving the body, otherwise the void soul body cannot escape the death rules of this world.

The only way to separate the soul from the body and materialize is to replace flesh and blood with chakra like a tailed beast.

But this thing sounds very simple, but it is really difficult to do it. There are only nine in the entire ninja world so far. Plus the one in front of us should be ten tailed beasts. These miraculous creatures are already immortal in themselves. exist.

Legend has it that tailed beasts were created by the Sage of Six Paths using celestial magic, but in my opinion the legend may not be true.If the Immortal of Six Paths really has this kind of creator-like ability, then he himself must be immortal, but he cannot escape the fate of death like mortals.

I guess that the nine tailed beasts are something that already exists like the zero tail in front of me, and the Sage of Six Paths just activated them with some kind of ninjutsu.

This means of creation is more difficult than immortality itself.

So we only need to use tricks to temporarily materialize the soul and complete the container replacement process.

But before, we didn’t even have a clue how to make the soul actively leave the body.Originally, I wanted to overcome this problem and had to obtain the spiritual transformation technique of the Kato clan as a reference.

But after this period of research on Zero Tail, I made an unexpected discovery. This discovery allowed me to find a new path. This is why I came to find you here today."

After Naoki listened to Orochimaru's tirade with excitement on his face, he had vaguely guessed part of his thoughts. After several years of constant communication, he had roughly understood the other person's way of thinking, but on the surface he asked curiously. Said: "What discovery makes you so excited?"

Orochimaru stuck out his long tongue and said: "Originally, I thought that the tailed beast's body was just highly condensed chakra, but after research, I found that Zero-tail's body is made of cells just like ordinary flesh and blood. entity."

Naoki nodded and said: "As far as I know, although tailed beasts are chakra beings, their bodies also exist in the form of flesh and blood. It is said that the golden horn and silver horn are obtained by swallowing the flesh and blood of the Nine Tails.

He had the ability to transform into a tailed beast, and the major ninja villages also conducted similar flesh and blood transplant experiments to create suitable jinchuriki candidates.Is there any problem with this?”

Orochimaru said excitedly: "This is not the point, more importantly, I discovered that Zero-Tail's cells are very special, possessing extraordinary vitality and cellular consciousness.

I tried to isolate part of its body tissue, but found that these cells did not die, but re-formed a new independent individual like this."

Orochimaru spit out a long sword from his mouth, which was his family's traditional weapon, the Kusanagi Sword.He quickly swung the long sword in his hand through the transparent fetal membrane and cut off a piece of flesh and blood from Zero Tail's body.

Zero-Tail's wound trembled for a while and then recovered quickly, while the flesh and blood that fell to the ground squirmed and transformed into a small snake-like individual. This was a small Zero-Tail.

Orochimaru picked up the unconscious Little Zero from the ground, stretched it out in front of Zetsu and continued: "Although it seems to have no will, it does have spiritual consciousness in its body, which is as full of spirit as its body. Negative emotions and chaos. You should be able to sense it, Mr. Shengshu."

Shengshu nodded and said: "That's true. This split body also has mental fluctuations that are no different from the main body."

"There are even more wonderful things." Orochimaru smiled and threw the small zero-tail in his hand towards the fetal membrane in front of him. After a moment of squirming of the fetal membrane, the small zero-tail actually perfectly merged with the body again, just like Orochimaru's sword strike just now seemed to have no change at all.

Naoshu clapped his hands: "It's a good ability, but it doesn't matter. The principle seems to be the same as my real clone technique."

But Orochimaru shook his head and said in denial: "No, no, no, although the effects look similar, the principles are completely different. Naoki-kun, although your real clone also uses Wooden Chakra to form body cells, the essence of the body has not changed at all. It is a material human body. If it is fatally attacked, your body will still die and can be physically destroyed.

Zero-Tail's body looks like a flesh-and-blood entity, but it is essentially composed of chakra and spiritual consciousness. No matter what kind of attack he suffers, even if his cell structure is destroyed, his core spirit will never be destroyed to some extent. All it says is that it is an immortal being.”

Shen Sheng couldn't help but nodded in admiration upon hearing this. Uncle Snake was indeed a man who mastered core technologies and analyzed the essence of physical objects very thoroughly.As a spiritual fragment of the Ten-Tails, isn't it an immortal existence?

Uncle Snake stuck out his tongue excitedly and continued: "According to the research scroll of the Kingdom of the Sky, the core of the Zero-Tail was originally a mass of materialized spirit, which is not like matter nor a soul, but the Kingdom of the Sky does use negative energy. Emotions, matter, and energy cultivated this pure spiritual fragment into the current tailed beast embryo.

And now Zero-Tail is a being that perfectly integrates body, soul and chakra.And it can be freely converted between virtual and real, and has both mental and physical properties.

This shows that the body, soul, and chakra can transform into each other, and even merge into one to form a whole.

The soul is inherently immortal, so isn’t this life form exactly the kind of immortality we seek?”

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